Saturday 19 May 2018


(Don’t mind me I’m in a writing head space, but while ya read you might relate to..) πŸ’™

Wassup guys.. some thought I wanna lay off you guys tell me what ya think. 🧐

Some deep ish you may relate to.. 

A little scenario happened the other day.. (some of you guys saw my status previous couple days ago) 

When someone tells a person to “hang themselves” what if that person had a weak minded spirit and actually did it? Would you feel good about yourself? Would you feel so proud you took a life away? Who would you answer to? Not only that persons family, but to Christ himself. Muppet πŸ’―

But on a serious note before my son. What if I was the old me when I was younger, soul searching, loosing myself, had no control, trying to find myself going through clinical depression and someone said that to me.. weak minded, and I didn’t have the will power to pull through.. pull through and just chucked it all in.. 

open to thoughts and opinions on this subject.. or if you been through it? ⌛️⏳πŸ—žπŸ–Š

Over all my spirits to strong to go down like that.. I will be an ambassador for those who’s going through depression/suicidal thoughts.. reason I chose to release this status around this time.. coz when ya locked up in ya bed right now staring into darkness as ya rest your head who knows what’s going through your mind.. as you switch off whatever has happened in your life today or previous.. sometimes those thoughts trigger you at this time of the night.. but I stand here for you and say to you that’s not the way to go.. πŸ’―πŸ’”

So I tell you guys.. from the heart don’t listen to BS.. like that just do YOU. You can’t impress everyone you will kill yourself trying, I love my life couldn’t be any more happier love my son.. my mrs, My son Boston and the endless opportunities thrown/throwing at me right now... And if I chose to listen to the thoughts of the enemy or that person who said to me.. I wouldn’t have or know my purpose on this earth.. you my friend have a purpose on this earth! Keep going tiger. 🌎❤️

Thank you for listening. πŸ™πŸ½

Have a good night stay blessed

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