Monday 21 May 2018


People be getting but hurt over my last status. Private mailing me. 

“If they don’t know you personally, don’t take their Sh*t personal Bro” πŸ’―

Pretty much self explanatory. We often take a lot of things personal from people we barely know.. we often think their words are soother for the heart. But that’s when/If you don’t know yourself.. when you standing in front of that mirror who do you see? People will see/say what they wanna say & other things.. but are they “GOD” ? 🧐 So WHAT/WHO do you see staring back at you in that reflection? πŸ€”

Often words from people who know us personally and people who really know us.. we often shrug off what they gotta say. πŸ’― 

But people we barely know We let them say something.. and let it offend you or brush it off your call. for instance “Facebook” people talking Ish all the time Brodeo. 😘 gotta roll on, and move forward. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion hear what they wanna say, up to you if you gonna take it personal. πŸ™πŸ½

I Speak from the heart.. so don’t mind me and my posts. This is real life if you on that BS fairy tale stuff then that’s on you.. scroll through. my posts are real, and deep sometimes or even funny. So stop being a serious dude and slap ya SILY WILLY Brodeo 🀦🏽‍♂️☺️

So Can I get back to what I was doing? Facebook you boring ass. Thank you. Over and out ✌🏽😘😘 

Words for the wise. 

Wise thinking basic sh*t Brodeo. C’mon click on get wit it. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜


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