Tuesday 27 January 2015

Quote: "YOU CAN DO IT"

Repost @tedashii 

#Heres A Lil Encouragement. When You're Faced With A Lil Scenario Or Circumstance And You Hit A Wall Or Block.. And It Looks Like "You Can't" Just Cut Out The Word "You Can't" And Rearrange It With "You Can" :)

Phil 4:13 'I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me #When The World Say "YOU CANT" Give Yourself Reasons Why "YOU CAN" The Sky's The Limit #You Can Exceed The Impossible By Believing #And Having Faith In Yourself :) #YOU CAN Do Anything That You Put Your Mind To :) #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Be HAPPY :) Words Of Encouragement Stay Blessed Trevsz

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