Friday 2 January 2015

Message: "You Are The Apple Of Gods Eye"

Good Morning :) Rise N Shine 
You Are The Apple Of Gods Eye

#Hes Proud Of You #Your fearfully & Wonderfully Made In His Image
Let Us Fix Our Eyes On Jesus
Man God Loves You! Despite Whatever You've Done Yesterday, Weeks Ago or Months Or Years He Still Loves You! Thats Unconditional Love at Its Finest. He Loves and Accepts You For Who You Are While Society May Look Down On You, He Loves Your Imperfections, and Knows We Make Mistakes He Loves You Wether You Feel Like a Successor or a Failure, He Can Turn Your Mess To A Message, Your Test To A Testimony. 
Over The Weekend. Dropping a Mate Home Our Car Was Rolled On And Jacked By 2 Carload of Mobs.. With Baseball Bats. Never seen these guys in our life, Got The Wrong Car Description (Stupid Fools) but any Way the Car Was Jacked, Baseball Bat Went right through the Glass Window. Some Glass shattered and pieces went in my eye. Had to go hospital was there early hours in morning.. Transferred from one hospital to another. Docts Predict Il Be Blind and Causing Damage to my Eye Permanent and theres Nothing They Can Do, Coz The Glass went Near My Pupil.But With all the Prayers Flowing Today.. Im Starting To see Out My Eye Again. That Docs Predicted of Blindness, long Story Short I STAND ON GODS DOCTRINE ALONE NOT MANS NOR DOCTORS DOCTRINE protect Your Eye. 
#I Have That Radical Faith #Even I Trip Out At Times of How much Faith In God I Have.. It Scared Me Sometimes lol #Someones Gotta Do It #The Eye Of God #Fearfully and Wonderfully Made #The Apple Of His Eye #A Eye For Detail #Protect Your Eye #From Anything Negative You See #Only Import The positive but blink Out The negative #The Eye Is The Window To The Soul #Have Eye For Beauty #Through The Eyes You Can See Right Through #The Eye Tells a Million Stories Of Someones life & Up Bringing #I Live With No Fear In My Eyes #Fear Of God Not Man #Fix Your Eyes On Jesus

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