Tuesday 27 January 2015

Message/Illustration: "Speed Bumps In Life"

Bit Of A Late Post But Man Im Feeling Urged And Really Inspired At The Moment.. So Be With Me :)

Message/Illustration: "Speed Bumps In Life"

Heres A Word Thats Been Placed On My Heart For Quiet A While But Now Released :) 'The Speed Bumps' In Our Lives, The Hurdles, Obstacles, Odds And Hard Times We Go through In Life. Just Know This.. Whatever Your Going Through In Your Personal Life I Encourage You To Hold On And Keep On Going Through It :) Just Know.. "Every SET BACK Is A SET UP For A COMEBACK That Will Be Your BOUNCE BACK" :) All The Hurdles/Distractions In Your Life.. That Try Take You Off Your Course . Be Vigilant Never Lose The Vision :) All Just Stepping Stones.. Dont Let What You Did In The Past, Dictate Your Future. Peps Who Never Gave You Time To Blossom And Gloss, All Your Mistakes And Shortcomings.. Are All God Just Testing You. Remember He Will Never Give You Something You Cant Handle.. All These Speed Bumps In Life Are Just Pruning And Testing You :) #2015 Is a Big Year #Harvest And Breakthroughs #You Have To Believe #Make A Stand #Never Lose The Vision #You Will Make It Out On The Other Side This Year #Words For The Thought #I Feel Someone Needed To Hear This :) #Words Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME IM GONNA INSPIRE ONE PERSON THAT WILL INSPIRE OTHERS #Peace Love & Respect #Have a Good Night Stay Blessed Always Trevsz 

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