Monday 19 January 2015

Message/Illustration: "A Sand Paper"

"A Sand-Paper Can Produce The Goods"

Herr We Are In 2K15 Nearly End Of Jan To Feb Heres A Illustration Placed On My Heart, And One Of My First God Given Messages For #2K15 Picture Yourself Like A Sand Paper.. "The Rougher The Patches The Smoother The End Result Is" Remember Like Is a Journey.. "We Are In These Pruning Stages, To Be Polished" The Tougher Your Life Is, The Chances Are Your Breakthrough Is Just Around The Corner, "When Gods Moving In Your Life, The Enemy Wants To Move Also, Move You Off Your Journey..move You Off Your Calling, But Then Again You Move Also! But One Step Ahead, Dont Let The Enemy Get In Front Of You! You Get In Front Of Him, He Tends To Put All These Thoughts in Your Mind, To Knock You Off Your Calling! Remember The Teacher Is Always Quiet During The Test, But When The Trial Is Done.. And You Finished On Top, The End Result Is Larger Then The Test. Can I Encourage You, I Dont Know What Your Going Through In Your Personal Life. (Losing Someone, World Comes Crashing Down, Broken Hearted, Lost Your Job, No Direction I Life, Lost Hope During Your Circumstance) Can I Encourage You, I Dont Know WhT Your Going Through, But I Do Know God Knows What Your Going Through. And He Will Get You Out. Dont Be Discouraged But Be Encouragef. He Has A Plan And Purpose For You And Your Life "Remember The Scratches, Aint Nothing Compared To The Final End Result) :) Let All These Scratches Come To The Surface, To Move You To Greater Things :) I Dont Know Who Im Speaking To, But I Do Pray This Touches someone. IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU, BE INSPIRED IM GONNA INSPIRE ONE PERSON THAT INSPIRE OTHERS IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME Peace Love & Respect 
Have a Great Day
Stay Blessed Always

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