Friday 2 January 2015

Message: "What Dark Valley Are You In"

What Dark Valley Are You In ? When It Seems No Where Out ? Psalm 23:4-5 
Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I Will Fear No Evil; For You Are With Me; Your Rod And Your Staff, They Comfort Me. You Prepare a Table Before Me In The Presence Of My Enemies; You Anoint My Head With Oil; My Cup Runs Over 
#When It Feels Like Your In A Dark Valley, In A Dark Mindset No One To Reach Out To, Feeling Like No One Understands or Hears You Out Or No Ones Listening. Just Know It Says In His Word 'Il Never Leave You, Nor Forsaken You. If Christ Is For Me Who Can Be Against Me' #Whatever Life Throws At You Dark Valleys, Mountains and Obstacles We Are All Over Comers And Mountain Climbers, Dust Of The 'Dark Valleys' and Enter His 'Peaceful Valley' #Here To Inspire #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Something To Think About #Words Of Encouragement #What Valley You In Today? #Thats Stopping You From Your Brighter Day? Stay Blessed Trevsz

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