Wednesday 28 January 2015

Quote: Be A Hero :)

Repost By @charginglife 

"A Hero Is An Ordinary Individual Who Finds The Strength To Persevere And Endure In Spite Of Overwhelming Obstacles" - Christopher Reeves 

Wow! How Powerful Is This Lil Piece? i Feel Someone Needs To Hear This :) Can I Encourage You Whatever Your facing Today, Whatever Your Situation And Solution Is..  Despite Your Circumstance Is.. Your Vision Might Seem Blur.. Can I Encourage You To Lift Your Head Up! And SMILE :) Life Is Far To Short To Be Dwelling.. #A Hero Is Just A Ordinary Person Who Goes The Extraordinary Mile #Says In His Word.. "When We Are Weak, Thats When We Are Strong" #At The Mercy Of The Fathers Feet #Surrender To Him :) #Who's A Hero In Your Life ?? #Mine Is My Parents.. Who Unconditionally Go Out Their Way To Provide.. And Make Ins Meet. #JESUS HAS A SOLUTION FOR EVERY SITUATION #You All Are HEROS :) #Continue To Leave a Legacy. #The Most Beautiful Eyes, Have Cried The Most Tears #Im Humble Enough To Know.. That Im Not Better Than Anyone Else, But Im Wise Enough To Know Im Different From The Rest #I Make That Stand Out From The Crowd #Called To Make A Difference #To Inspire Lives #We Cannot Direct The Winds In Life, Nor Predict The Waves.. But We Can Adjust Our Sails To Ride The Storms :) #Be a HERO :) #Leave a Legacy Behind #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME IM GONNA INSPIAR ONE PERSON THAT WILL INSPIRE OTHERS HERE TO INSPIRE Stay Blessed Trevsz 

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