Friday 2 January 2015

Message: "The 4 Corners Of Life"

Heres a Lil Message I Just Got Placed On My Heart. Hope it Has The Power and Impact To Touch Someones Life.. While Taking This Shot. *The 4 Corners That We Trap Ourselves In.. 4Corners of Life.. what this Life Throws At Us. We Seemed Trapped, Confused No Way Out. Dont Mean Anything and Wanna Give Up! Just Know God Knows You. Knows your future and knows What You Gonna Be In Life 
#Hold Fast Unto His Calling 
#Block Out The Noises In Your Life The Thoughts 
#Jeremiah 29:11 For I Know The Plans That I Have For You Declares The Lord Plans To Prosper You And Not Harm You Plans To Give You Hope And A Brighter Future

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