Wednesday 28 January 2015

Quote: Be A Hero :)

Repost By @charginglife 

"A Hero Is An Ordinary Individual Who Finds The Strength To Persevere And Endure In Spite Of Overwhelming Obstacles" - Christopher Reeves 

Wow! How Powerful Is This Lil Piece? i Feel Someone Needs To Hear This :) Can I Encourage You Whatever Your facing Today, Whatever Your Situation And Solution Is..  Despite Your Circumstance Is.. Your Vision Might Seem Blur.. Can I Encourage You To Lift Your Head Up! And SMILE :) Life Is Far To Short To Be Dwelling.. #A Hero Is Just A Ordinary Person Who Goes The Extraordinary Mile #Says In His Word.. "When We Are Weak, Thats When We Are Strong" #At The Mercy Of The Fathers Feet #Surrender To Him :) #Who's A Hero In Your Life ?? #Mine Is My Parents.. Who Unconditionally Go Out Their Way To Provide.. And Make Ins Meet. #JESUS HAS A SOLUTION FOR EVERY SITUATION #You All Are HEROS :) #Continue To Leave a Legacy. #The Most Beautiful Eyes, Have Cried The Most Tears #Im Humble Enough To Know.. That Im Not Better Than Anyone Else, But Im Wise Enough To Know Im Different From The Rest #I Make That Stand Out From The Crowd #Called To Make A Difference #To Inspire Lives #We Cannot Direct The Winds In Life, Nor Predict The Waves.. But We Can Adjust Our Sails To Ride The Storms :) #Be a HERO :) #Leave a Legacy Behind #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME IM GONNA INSPIAR ONE PERSON THAT WILL INSPIRE OTHERS HERE TO INSPIRE Stay Blessed Trevsz 

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Quote: "YOU CAN DO IT"

Repost @tedashii 

#Heres A Lil Encouragement. When You're Faced With A Lil Scenario Or Circumstance And You Hit A Wall Or Block.. And It Looks Like "You Can't" Just Cut Out The Word "You Can't" And Rearrange It With "You Can" :)

Phil 4:13 'I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me #When The World Say "YOU CANT" Give Yourself Reasons Why "YOU CAN" The Sky's The Limit #You Can Exceed The Impossible By Believing #And Having Faith In Yourself :) #YOU CAN Do Anything That You Put Your Mind To :) #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Be HAPPY :) Words Of Encouragement Stay Blessed Trevsz

Message/Illustration: "What Baggage Are You Carrying"

"What Baggages Are You Carrying"

Heres A Word Thats Placed On My Heart. Hopefully This Has The Potential To Touch And Inspire Someone.. What Weight, Burden, Addiction Are You Carrying? And It Feels Like Their Is No Where Out. You Feel Like You Cant Bare The Baggage Anymore, In This Society That We Live In Today. Its All About 'Status' Peps Wanna Know What You Do, As A Occupation, Where You Live, How You Grew Up, What Kind Of Life Style You Live Etc. We Intend At Times To Put On A Font of Comparison Selling Out. What We Love And Do For The Sake Of Pleasing Others.. We intend to carry these heavy burden and unwanted Baggages Upon Our Shoulders.. To Impress at times, What You Gotta Do Is.. Stay Real To Yourselves, #The Only Person You Should Compare Yourself With Today, Is The Person You Were Yesterday #Life Is Far To Short To Be Comparing Yourself To Others Jesus Said 'Draw Close To Me, And Il Draw Near To You' He Also Said His 'Yoke Is Easy, And His Burden Is Light' I Encourage You Shrug Off Everything Thats Holding You Captive! Boxing You In. And Give It All To God.. Place It All In His Hands. Give Your Baggages To Christ :) LIFES TO SHORT TO BE UNHAPPY BE HAPPY YO! :)
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired  
Stay Blessed

Quote: MJ - Someone With A Vision

Repost By @iamdiddy "You Can't Stop Someone Who Knows Where They're Going" - Michael Jordan 
#Classic Shot Of The Great Michael Jordan #MJ #My All Time Fav B Ball Player #90s #You Cant Stop Someone Who Has A Vision In Mind #I Love Dream Chasers #I Love Watching Peps Make It !! From The Hood #I Love It When My People Tap Into Their Potential #I Love People Who Have a Plan & A Vision And Have Their Mind Set on Success :) #Thats What I Love :) #Im That Kind Of Person #Visionary Mindset #Explore Jump ODDS & OBSTACLES To Reach Their GOD GIVEN DREAMS AND MAKING IT :) #Im Attracted To Peps Who Carry That Visionary Mindset.. And Running With It #I Know A Few Peps Who God Places Visions In Them Like He Does For Me #Visionary Mindset #On That Mission #One Day Will Be Revealed :) #I Believe By Faith #That Radical FAITH I HAVE #Believe Things That Are Unseen #2 Cor 5:7 #Stopping Someone With A Dream & Vision #Unstoppable #The Enemy Try's To Blur The Vision In My Mind #But God Always Come Through With Clarity #Words Of Encouragement #Be Inspired #IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME INSPIRE ONE PERSON TO INSPIRE OTHERS :) NEVER STOP DREAMING!! IN LARGE YOUR TERRITORY ENLARGE YOUR VISION 
Have a Good Night 
Stay Blessed Trevsz

Message/Illustration: "Speed Bumps In Life"

Bit Of A Late Post But Man Im Feeling Urged And Really Inspired At The Moment.. So Be With Me :)

Message/Illustration: "Speed Bumps In Life"

Heres A Word Thats Been Placed On My Heart For Quiet A While But Now Released :) 'The Speed Bumps' In Our Lives, The Hurdles, Obstacles, Odds And Hard Times We Go through In Life. Just Know This.. Whatever Your Going Through In Your Personal Life I Encourage You To Hold On And Keep On Going Through It :) Just Know.. "Every SET BACK Is A SET UP For A COMEBACK That Will Be Your BOUNCE BACK" :) All The Hurdles/Distractions In Your Life.. That Try Take You Off Your Course . Be Vigilant Never Lose The Vision :) All Just Stepping Stones.. Dont Let What You Did In The Past, Dictate Your Future. Peps Who Never Gave You Time To Blossom And Gloss, All Your Mistakes And Shortcomings.. Are All God Just Testing You. Remember He Will Never Give You Something You Cant Handle.. All These Speed Bumps In Life Are Just Pruning And Testing You :) #2015 Is a Big Year #Harvest And Breakthroughs #You Have To Believe #Make A Stand #Never Lose The Vision #You Will Make It Out On The Other Side This Year #Words For The Thought #I Feel Someone Needed To Hear This :) #Words Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME IM GONNA INSPIRE ONE PERSON THAT WILL INSPIRE OTHERS #Peace Love & Respect #Have a Good Night Stay Blessed Always Trevsz 


"Circle Got SMALLER, Vision Got LARGER"

#Old Saying Goes 'You Are Who You Hang Out With' #You Hang With Negative People Who Speak Death You Will Be A Negative Person, You Hang With Positive People Who Speak Life Into You. You'll Be A Positive Influence #Surround Yourself With People on The Same Course And Mission As You #Surround Yourself With Peoples With A Vision Thats On A Mission #Without A Vision There Is No Mission #Have That Visionary Mindset #My Crowd Gets Smaller.. But My Vision Gets Larger #I Don t Hang With Peps That Are Negative And Try Bring Me Down #I Cut Peps Like That From My Life #I Hang With Peps Who I Can Learn And Grow. with #All About Developing And Expanding The Vision #One Day The Visions Placed In My Heart Will Be Revealed #That God Gifting's #Surround Yourself With Peps Who Urge You To Follow Your Dreams #Who Have The Same Dreams As You #I Declare 2015 Will Be a Breakthrough Year For Many Of Us !! #Feeling Like I Needed To Get Through To Someone :) #You Will Make It ! Stay Blessed Trevsz

Monday 19 January 2015

Message/Illustration: "A Sand Paper"

"A Sand-Paper Can Produce The Goods"

Herr We Are In 2K15 Nearly End Of Jan To Feb Heres A Illustration Placed On My Heart, And One Of My First God Given Messages For #2K15 Picture Yourself Like A Sand Paper.. "The Rougher The Patches The Smoother The End Result Is" Remember Like Is a Journey.. "We Are In These Pruning Stages, To Be Polished" The Tougher Your Life Is, The Chances Are Your Breakthrough Is Just Around The Corner, "When Gods Moving In Your Life, The Enemy Wants To Move Also, Move You Off Your Journey..move You Off Your Calling, But Then Again You Move Also! But One Step Ahead, Dont Let The Enemy Get In Front Of You! You Get In Front Of Him, He Tends To Put All These Thoughts in Your Mind, To Knock You Off Your Calling! Remember The Teacher Is Always Quiet During The Test, But When The Trial Is Done.. And You Finished On Top, The End Result Is Larger Then The Test. Can I Encourage You, I Dont Know What Your Going Through In Your Personal Life. (Losing Someone, World Comes Crashing Down, Broken Hearted, Lost Your Job, No Direction I Life, Lost Hope During Your Circumstance) Can I Encourage You, I Dont Know WhT Your Going Through, But I Do Know God Knows What Your Going Through. And He Will Get You Out. Dont Be Discouraged But Be Encouragef. He Has A Plan And Purpose For You And Your Life "Remember The Scratches, Aint Nothing Compared To The Final End Result) :) Let All These Scratches Come To The Surface, To Move You To Greater Things :) I Dont Know Who Im Speaking To, But I Do Pray This Touches someone. IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU, BE INSPIRED IM GONNA INSPIRE ONE PERSON THAT INSPIRE OTHERS IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME Peace Love & Respect 
Have a Great Day
Stay Blessed Always

Saturday 17 January 2015

Here To Inspire: Making A Difference

Now On You Tube: 
Here To Inspire: "Making A Difference"
Shot Today At Long Bay Beach :)
Facebook: Trevor Young
You Tube: Inspiarbabyy Official-Trevor Young "This Year In 2015, Pioneers Will Be Born, Inspirations Will Be Found, Natural Born Leaders Are Gonna Make a Mark. #We All Will Leave A Legacy Behind, We Will Change Lives And Make A Difference
World Changers Are Gonna Be Discovered, Influential People Will Rise, Natural Born Leaders Will Be Shown, We Will Make A History This Year "IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU, INSPIRE ONE PERSON TO INSPIRE OTHERS, IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME, BE INSPIRED Becoming That Ripple Effect. 
Stay Blessed 

Thursday 15 January 2015

Quote: "LEGENDS Started Off As AMATEURS"

Repost By @losangelesconfidential 

"Even LEGENDS Started Out As AMATEURS"

Can I Encourage You Whatever Your Chasing. (Dreams, The Future, Hope) Remember One Thing CHAMPIONS Started Off As ROOKIES, Whatever Your Doing I Encourage You Keep At It. If Its Writing Keep Writing Till You Become a Journalist, Song Writer, Poet If Your Working Out To Get That Body, Never Stop Let Motivation Determination Come Through Never Stop At Nothing. You Are a CHAMPION, LEGEND The Best LEADERS Came Out As The Humble FOLLOWERS. Let Me Teach YOU One Thing. No Matter How Big You Get (Fame, Wealth, Status Wise) NEVER! Forget Your Roots, Never Forget Who You Are Where You Came From, The Humble Beginnings  Who Helped You. To Get Where You Are. Never Turn Your Back On Wherr You Started From. Greatest Thing A Human Can Gain Is the "Humbleness" When You Have NOTHING, And The "Humbleness" When You Gain Everything. #Words For The Thought #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Stay Hungry Till You Reach Your Dreams #Never Forget Who You Are #No Matter How Big You Get #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Stay Blessed Trevsz

Sunday 11 January 2015

Inspiar - Have A Ear (Official) 2014

Heres A Throwback Of A Track I Writ From The Dearest Layer Of My Heart In Late 2013 But Performed In Early 2014.. Inspiar - Have A Ear
Follow On Facebook: Trevor Young
Watch On You Tube: InspiarbabyyOfficial-Trevor Young
Listen On Sound Cloud: Inspiar Babyy 2014

I Just Realised And Felt Convicted In My Heart That I Should Stop Writing Stupid Songs, And Write Whats On My Heart.. Turning My Test To A Testimony, My Mess To A Message, My Cries To Inspiring Lives.. Writing Deep Meaningful Lyrics & Poetry That Captures The Heart. Many Peps Who Can Relate To My Story.. Coz It Relates To Them.. Most My Tracks Are Everlasting Prayers To Christ.. A Musician Can Write Life Through A Pen, He Can Capture The Hearts By The Story He Tells.. #I Salute To The Great Musicians Gone Before Us And Still Here. Who Writes Amazing Songs.. Reason God Placed The Name "INSPIAR" In My Heart Coming Up 5 Years Ago. To Inspire People.. So Im Going Back To My Roots.. Of Speaking From The Heart.. New Materials, New Poetry, Here To Inspire Vids, New Ambitions, New Visionary Mindset Out This Year. Please Like & Support Stay Blessed Trevsz

Quote: Surround Yourself With Positivity

"Surround Yourself With Those Who Are On The Same Mission As You"

If You Wanna Soar Like A EAGLE Dont Hang Around With Turkeys 
If You Wanna Roar Like A LION Dont Hang Around With Snakes 
#Peps Who Have The Same Ambition, Dream Same Hunger As You On The Grind 
How Can You Pray For Success If Your Living In Negativity?? #How Can You Want A Positive OutCome If Your Inhaling A Negative Mind ?? #Theres Power In Your Words #For Life & Death Over Your Life You Choose... 
Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Word For The Thought #Be Encouraged Be Inspired Stay Blessed Trevsz 

Monday 5 January 2015

Quote: "He's Testing You Again, Prepare Yourself"

Repost By @charginglife "So The Next Time You Feel Like Your World Is About To End, I Hope You Studied Because He Is Testing You Again" - Kendrick Lemar

#We Often Think When We Having A Bad Day Like Its The End Of The World, But Gods At The Background Thinking Child.. I havent Given You Anything You Cant Handle.. Im Always There Behind You, On The Side. And In Front Of You.. Encouraging You To Keep Pushing On. #Jesus Is Testing Your Faith if Your AUTHENTIC or If Your FAKE #The Teacher Is Always Quiet During The Test #So Next Time We Think Like Were Having A Bad Day That The Worlds On Our Shoulders. #Straighten Up And Keep Moving Forward. 
Stay Blessed Trevsz

Sunday 4 January 2015

Quote: "Every Set Back Is A Come Back"

"Every Set Back Bears With It The Seed Of A Comeback" - Steve Marabal 

PS: "If You Have Been Following My Quotes/God Given Illustrations & Messages. Ive Moved Them All To A New Site :) Where Its International.. Soo i Wont Be Posting Much Encouragement On FB Anymore :) But That New Site To Reach To A World Wide Scale :)" #Visionary Mindset #Be Encouraged #Here To Inspire

#Here We Are In The New Year And This Is My First Official Post To Help To Encourage You For The New Year, Can I Encourage You. Whatever Youll Going Through Right Now.. Can I Encourage You To Lift Your Head Up & Hold It Up High. Whatever Trial, Tribulation, Close Doors, Thoughts, Mind Games. Whatever The Set Back Is In Your Life. Can I Encourage You. "SMILE & SHINE Bright Like A Diamond" :) Please Be Encouraged. No Matter What Your Dealing With In Your Life At The Moment. Your Heart Maybe Broken, You Maybe Hurting Or Looking For Answers. Can I Encourage You. "Every SET BACK IS A BOUNCE BACK FOR A MAJOR COME BACK" Plant A New Seed Of Faith & Hope And Keep Moving Forward, We Just Started The Year. Your Breakthrough, Harvest Is On Its Way. #Understanding The Trials Your Dealing With Right Now #Is Nothing Compared To The BLESSING Thats On Its Way #Its Not Where You Are Right Now #But WHERE YOU WILL BE IN THE FUTURE :) #Embrace Your Set Backs #Maybe God Wanted You To Fully Surrender To Him #Break You In Pieces So He Can Have Your Full Attention To REBUILD YOURSELF #A Whole New YOU :) #LOVE SERVE INFLUENCE #Have Such A Great Day :) Stay Blessed Trevsz

Friday 2 January 2015

Quote: "Set My Future On Christ"

'Never Be afraid To Trust A Unknown Future, To A Known God' 
This Quote Spoke To Me Coz Its Like We All Want To Know 'What, Where Or Who' Were Gonna Be For The Near Future. This Society Today Of Our Generation. Don't Fear Man or Heights But 'The Fear Of The Future' That Can Excite Us Also Trap Us..
#The Craziest thing Is We Don't Know What Were Gonna Be In The Future But Gods Already Got Our Life Planned Out #Just Enjoy This Crazy Thing Called 'Life' And Keep Going :) #Gods Got It All Mapped Out And Planned For Your Life #Unknown Future Yo A Known God :) #So In Everything Commit Your Future To Prayers :) God Already Knows.. Before You Even Pray lol #Here To Inspire #Thoughts For The Mind, Body & Soul #Be Encouraged :) #Just Finished Work :) #Stay Blessed Trevsz

Quote: "Learn New Things In Life"

Good Morning :) Heres A Quote To Brighten Up Your Day. 
Heres a Illustration Placed On My Heart. Theres Power In Your Words, Thoughts & Mind. You Have 3 Choices That Will Define How your Days going To Be..
#Despite How Bad Your Day Maybe 1st Choice: You Can Let It Define You #2nd Choice Let It Destroy You #3rd Choice: Let It Strengthen You #So Whats Your Choice Today #How Your Days Going To End Up #Being Happy Is A Choice #Smiling Through It All Is A Reason To #Old Quote: 'Don't Let A Bastard Ruin Your Day #Worrrdd #Words For The Thought #Mind Body & Soul #Word Of encouragement #Peace Love & Respect #Have a Great Day #Stay Blessed Trevsz

Quote: "Pull Me Through Jesus"

One More Post From Me For Tonight ! Lol Sorry For The Blowing Up! But Man Its Been On My Heart Lately To Get A 'Word Of Encouragement Out To Everyone & Anyone :) Who Knows What Goes On In Their Life Behind Close Doors :) #Im Inspired By God :) But Hey.. Someone Needs To Feel Uplifted In Times Of Distress Especially At This Time Of The Year #I Know I Need It #Jesus Will Work Through Your Weakness #When Im Weak I Am Strong #When I Am In Poor I Am Rich #I Clothe Myself In His Shadow Of Wings #God Can Turn Your Mess To A Message #Your Test To A Testimony #I Know He Definitely Did To Me :) #God Is Working In You :) #Believeeed That #Never To Late To Change :) #Worrdd #Feeling Uplifted #Feeling Inspired #I Needed this #Word Of Encouragement #Never Forget Gods Got You #I Love Seeing Quotes & Love Making My Own Quotes #God Given Talent Of Words #Wisdom & Knowledge

Message: "When The Timing Is Right"

'Just Because Something Isn't Happening For You Right Now, Doesn't Mean It Will Never Happen' 
#Straight Up. Even Tho Its Hard.. Trust In God #If Your Are a Firm Believer . Trust In Him #If It Ain't Working The Way You Want It To Be #Dream A New Dream #God Is Working Behind The Scenes In Your Life #Belieeevd' That' #Dont Give Up On Hope #Hes Doing Something Watch Him Move #Dont Rush The Perfector Just Coz Your Impatience #Let Him Do His Wonders #And Just Watch Him Move :) #Worrdd #Feeling Uplifted #Feeling Inspired #I Needed this #Word Of Encouragement #behind Every Rain & Rainbow Theres Always a Sunshine #Never Forget Gods Got You #I Love Seeing Quotes & Love Making My Own Quotes #God Given Talent Of Words #Wisdom & Knowledge

Message: "When Your At Your Darkest Night"

'The Darkest Night Is Often The Bridge to The Brightest Tomorrow
#Worrdd #Feeling Uplifted #Feeling Inspired #I Needed this #Word Of Encouragement #behind Every Rain & Rainbow Theres Always a Sunshine #Never Forget Gods Got You #I Love Seeing Quotes & Love Making My Own Quotes #God Given Talent Of Words #Wisdom & Knowledge

The Beauty Of Nature: Mt Eden

The Beauty Of Nature Inspires me
#New Zealand Beauty #Auckland City #The City Of Sails #Mt Eden #Life Church #Inspired By Nature #Gods Beautiful Creation #He Knows Our Plans, He Has A Plan When All We See Is No Destination #Keep New Zealand Green #Stay Blessed #Trevsz

Message: "What Dark Valley Are You In"

What Dark Valley Are You In ? When It Seems No Where Out ? Psalm 23:4-5 
Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I Will Fear No Evil; For You Are With Me; Your Rod And Your Staff, They Comfort Me. You Prepare a Table Before Me In The Presence Of My Enemies; You Anoint My Head With Oil; My Cup Runs Over 
#When It Feels Like Your In A Dark Valley, In A Dark Mindset No One To Reach Out To, Feeling Like No One Understands or Hears You Out Or No Ones Listening. Just Know It Says In His Word 'Il Never Leave You, Nor Forsaken You. If Christ Is For Me Who Can Be Against Me' #Whatever Life Throws At You Dark Valleys, Mountains and Obstacles We Are All Over Comers And Mountain Climbers, Dust Of The 'Dark Valleys' and Enter His 'Peaceful Valley' #Here To Inspire #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Something To Think About #Words Of Encouragement #What Valley You In Today? #Thats Stopping You From Your Brighter Day? Stay Blessed Trevsz

Message: "Where Will I Be Without Christ"

Honestly Speaking. 
Where Will I Be Without This Guy Right Here By His Amazing Mercy Im Saved By His Amazing Grace, Im Saved By True Unconditional Love With Jesus Where I Be. Where Will I Be Today ? The Sacrifice On That Christ For Me.. At Times I Sit There Like man Why Would You Die For Me Lord..
#By His Stripes I Am Healed #My Jesus #Unconditional Love #Amazing Grace #undeniable Mercy #Undeserving #Ive Done Things In The Past That Consider Me UnWorthy #But Through The Crucifixion #Im Hiding Under His Wings #Im A Proud Christian #I Still Make Mistakes #But Jesus Knows My Heart #Jehovah Jireh My Provider #My Best Friend #'My Heavenly Father #Every Saint Has A Past But Every Sinner Has A Future #The Power Of The Cross #Where Will I Be #Christlike #Hands & Feet Of Jesus #Bringing Hope in Hopeless Places #Here To Inspire Stay Blessed Trevsz

"In The Heart Of Auckland City"

The Auckland Sky Tower 
#My Home Town #Auckland City #Fast Pace Living City #Im Inspired By Reality #Night Lights #The City Of Sails #Auckland City

"Where I Lay My Thoughts & Emotions"

Where I Lay My Thoughts. 
#Where My Writing Tells My Emotions 
A Real Musician Can Write A Story And Tell A Story Through Words, Where The Listener Can Visualise The Words And Relate It To Their Lives.. #Studio Mic #Ive Been Away From The Mic For A Month Or 2 #Keen To Get Back At It #New Poetry #Spoken Word #Collabs #Tracks For Next Year #I Speak My Mind #Speak From The Heart #To Be The Voice For Those Who Cant Speak For Them Selves #Word Up  #Time To Get Back At Song Writing #Been Away For A While #God Given Talent #Trevor Young #Trevor The Young Inspiar #Inspiar Babyy #The Face Of Manurewa :) Have a Great Weekend

Message: "What Unconditional Love Looks Like"

What Unconditional Love Looks like. Giving Your Self Away For Those In Desperate Need.. #I Give My Full Respect To Those Who Sacrifice What They Have For Those Who Are Crying In Need #I Salute To Soldiers Who Are Paving A Way So We Can See Another Day #And Those Who Go On Missions Trip Yearly' I Take My Hat Off To You :) Keep Doing What Your Doing... My Aim And What I Really Wanna Do. Is Go Back And Give Back To People, My Community, My People Or Third World Countries. I wanna Give Back. #I Had The Privilege To Go To Cambodia Back In 2010 And Saw Poverty, Starvation With My Own Eyes And Saw How Real It Is, My Heart Is To Be Back On That Mission Field And Break My Heart For What Breaks Jesus' Heart #Il Be Back On That Mission Field #Despite How Your Day Or Weeks Been.. It Aint Nothing Compare To Whats Real Out There #People Still Smile With Little They Have #While We Want Whats New #Be Thankful For What You Have #Be Grateful #Everyday Is A Blessing #Mrs Making A Change In Nations #My Aim Is To Build World Changers For Christ #Partnership For Christ #My Heart Breaks For Kids Of Starvation #As Humans and Western Society We Can Be Selfish To What We Have #Always A Want Not A Need #Something To Think About #So Hows Your Day Going? Do You Ever Look Pass Your Circumstance? #People Smile With Little They Have #Here To Inspire #Stay Blessed #Trevsz

Message: "If You Had The Spot Light"

If You Had The Spot Light What Would You Do With It ? 
#Just A Lil Message Placed On My Heart During Work #Saw This Light And Was Inspired By A Message :) #The Spot Light On You #Would You Be Changes? #Red Carpet #Sell Your Soul For Riches #Or Remain The Person You Are Today #With Wealth Still Be A Down To Earth Person #That Work Buzz #Tools #Air-conditioning & Refrigeration #Youngster #Ghetto Star #Id Rather Keep My Walk Legit With Christ #Riches/Fame Can Change A Person #It Can Either Make You Or Break You #Give You That Worldy Desire Till Reality Hits Then You See Your Downfalls #So What Would You Do With That Spot light #Use It For good Or Bad #Leave A Legacy Or Leave as The Person Who Put Riches Before His Family & Friends #Have a Great Weekend #Just Finished Work Over The Shore #Knacked  #Stay Blessed trevsz

Message: "This World's Your Mirror"

The World is Your Mirror
What You See When You Look At The World, Is A Reflection Of What The World Sees When They Look At You.. #What Are You Speaking Over Your Life ? #Positive Or Negative #How Does This World See you As #How Are You Looking At Yourself #Your World #This Worlds At Your Finger tips #Show The World #Heal The World #Smile To The World #Have a Great Day #Stay Blessed. Trevsz

Message: "Leave It At The Cross"

If I Can Kneel Before The Cross, I Can Stand Before Men 
I Wear My Cross On My Neck With Pride, Not Knowing Jesus Wore The Cross On His Back With Honour.
#In Christ Alone I Fear #I Fear No Man But Christ #Christ Before Me Who Can Be Against Me #Not The Biggest Guy In The Flesh, But Got The Biggest Heart #I Surrender Myself At The Cross #Leave It At The Cross #Jesus Already One The Victory Son' #Christ Up
Have a Great Day
stay Blessed

Message: "Giving Out A Helping Hand"

Jesus Was Always Available To Peoples Needs, Lending Out Your Hand and Reaching Out To People Around You.. #Being Christ Like #Being The Hands And Feet Of Jesus
Giving Out Your Hand To People In Desperate Need. 
Giving Out Your Time and Staying Available To People and There Desperate Need, Act Of Kindness A Small Gesture A Simple Hello Or Opening Up Doors For Randoms, A Simple Smile Can Go Along Way.. You'll Have No Idea How Special You Would Have Made Them Feel By Acknowledging them Who Knows What Happens Behind Close Doors in Their Lives. When Was The Last Time You Lend a Hand Out To Someone, Or Putting Aside Everything Thats Going On In Your Life To Fit Some One Elses Need? 
#The Influence You Make #Giving Up Your Time, For Someone Elses Life, #A Simple Gesture Can Go Along Way, #Making A Difference In SomeOnes Life Today #The Impact You Create Today #Will Leave a Legacy Tomorrow #Forget Your Yesterday #Live For Your Today #Hope For Your Tomorrow 
Stay Blessed..

Message: "You Are The Apple Of Gods Eye"

Good Morning :) Rise N Shine 
You Are The Apple Of Gods Eye

#Hes Proud Of You #Your fearfully & Wonderfully Made In His Image
Let Us Fix Our Eyes On Jesus
Man God Loves You! Despite Whatever You've Done Yesterday, Weeks Ago or Months Or Years He Still Loves You! Thats Unconditional Love at Its Finest. He Loves and Accepts You For Who You Are While Society May Look Down On You, He Loves Your Imperfections, and Knows We Make Mistakes He Loves You Wether You Feel Like a Successor or a Failure, He Can Turn Your Mess To A Message, Your Test To A Testimony. 
Over The Weekend. Dropping a Mate Home Our Car Was Rolled On And Jacked By 2 Carload of Mobs.. With Baseball Bats. Never seen these guys in our life, Got The Wrong Car Description (Stupid Fools) but any Way the Car Was Jacked, Baseball Bat Went right through the Glass Window. Some Glass shattered and pieces went in my eye. Had to go hospital was there early hours in morning.. Transferred from one hospital to another. Docts Predict Il Be Blind and Causing Damage to my Eye Permanent and theres Nothing They Can Do, Coz The Glass went Near My Pupil.But With all the Prayers Flowing Today.. Im Starting To see Out My Eye Again. That Docs Predicted of Blindness, long Story Short I STAND ON GODS DOCTRINE ALONE NOT MANS NOR DOCTORS DOCTRINE protect Your Eye. 
#I Have That Radical Faith #Even I Trip Out At Times of How much Faith In God I Have.. It Scared Me Sometimes lol #Someones Gotta Do It #The Eye Of God #Fearfully and Wonderfully Made #The Apple Of His Eye #A Eye For Detail #Protect Your Eye #From Anything Negative You See #Only Import The positive but blink Out The negative #The Eye Is The Window To The Soul #Have Eye For Beauty #Through The Eyes You Can See Right Through #The Eye Tells a Million Stories Of Someones life & Up Bringing #I Live With No Fear In My Eyes #Fear Of God Not Man #Fix Your Eyes On Jesus

Message: "The End Is Near"

The End Is Near 
Throughout Life, We Get Taken On A Journey of Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows, Set Backs and Comebacks, Disappointments and Discouragements, Peps Let Us Down. peps Who We Invest Our Time In Energy In. May Let Us Down. But Just Know If Your Faith Is Hard On God, He Will Always Come Through Your Breakthrough Is Near You Just Don't Know Yet. Just Know God Is Always Doing Something Behind The Scenes In Your Life . The End Is Near #Tie Another Knot And Hang On. #Dont Give Up #Keep Going

Face Book Post: "Know Your Role"

"Any BOY Can Become A DADDY But It Takes A Real MAN To Put His CHIDLDISH Ways Aside And Become A FATHER"

I Speak The Truth 
#My Facebook Status The Other Day #Worrd Up #Real Talk #Truth Is Spoken #I Speak My Mind #I Speak From My Heart

Message: "How Do You See Yourself"

Morning :) Rise In Shine. Heres Another Message Placed On My Heart. Hoping To Touch Someones Life 
How Do You View Or See Yourself As? When You Look In The Mirror What Do You See? Do You See Yourself as the Victor or Victim? Do you See Yourself As Successful Or A Failure? Do You See Yourself As A Giant and Over Comer or Down Pity Yourself? Your Made Fearfully And Wonderfully Made Your Made Perfect In The Eyes Of God, Keep Doing Your Best Keep Looking Your Best. So Next Time You Look At Yourself In Your Mirror Reflection What Are You Saying About Yourself? The Tongue Has The Power To Speak Life Or Death In Your Situation.

Message: "Standing In Your Own Shadow"

Standing In Your Own Shadow 
#Making Your Own Legacy #What Ever You Wanna Be Tomorrow, Starts By Working At It Today #Making Your Own History #Be The Change #Make The Change

Message: "Placing It All In Gods Hands"

Heres Another Message Placed On My Heart :) 'Placing It All In His Hands'
Despite How Your Days Been, Good Or Bad. Placing Everything At The Cross and Placing Your Situations In His Hands, Can Really Change Things. Placing Your Relationship, Financial, Broken Relationships, The Future In His Hands. Is Like Saying Lord.. here I Surrender.. Its All In Your Hands Now, Take It Away From Me. 
#Jesus Always Has a Solution For Your Situations, #Hell Make Your Mountains Become Plain, #He Works In Mysterious Ways #Watch Him Move #Jesus Be the answer #Jesus Be The Centre #He Already Knows Your Situations He Just Wants To Know Your Faith #Fix Our Eyes on Jesus #Here To Inspire #Words Of Encouragement #Stay Blessed Trevsz

Message: "Being That Source Of Life"

Being That Source Of light . 
#WhereEver You Go. People are always watching Your Every Step. To see if you will Trip or Fall #Your Faith Is Tested Everyday #Stretching You #Light Will Always Shine Over Darkness #Be That Light That People Want #Be Available #Be That Light That Changes and Touches Light #Where People See You As The Light #Where They Run To #Jesus Be My Source of Light #You Are The Light To The World #Word Placed On My Heart #At Work :) #Here To Inspire #Be Inspired #IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU #Stay Blessed #Trevsz

Message: "Being That Source Of Life"

Being That Source Of light . 
#WhereEver You Go. People are always watching Your Every Step. To see if you will Trip or Fall #Your Faith Is Tested Everyday #Stretching You #Light Will Always Shine Over Darkness #Be That Light That People Want #Be Available #Be That Light That Changes and Touches Light #Where People See You As The Light #Where They Run To #Jesus Be My Source of Light #You Are The Light To The World #Word Placed On My Heart #At Work :) #Here To Inspire #Be Inspired #IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU #Stay Blessed #Trevsz

Message: "Becoming That Ripple Effect"

Message Placed On My Heart: Becoming That Ripple Effect Which Touches Lives.. #Youl Never Know Of How Much Of A Impact You Left On So Many Lives After Your Gone. But The Influence You Leave Will Be Remembered. Your Finger Print Will Never Be Washed Off The Lives You Touch, Words Will Fade Away, Peps May Not Remember Your Name.. But They Will Remember The Influence You Made In Their Lives. To Me Thats Priceless.. Making a Difference In Someone Else's Lives, putting Your Life aside and Your Situation.. To reach Someone Else in Desperate Need..

Nature Inspires Me: "Auckland City"

Nature Inspires Me 
#Auckland City #The Sky Tower #Long Grass #Mt Eden #Yesterday With The Mrs #Devotions #Spending Time With God

Message: "The 4 Corners Of Life"

Heres a Lil Message I Just Got Placed On My Heart. Hope it Has The Power and Impact To Touch Someones Life.. While Taking This Shot. *The 4 Corners That We Trap Ourselves In.. 4Corners of Life.. what this Life Throws At Us. We Seemed Trapped, Confused No Way Out. Dont Mean Anything and Wanna Give Up! Just Know God Knows You. Knows your future and knows What You Gonna Be In Life 
#Hold Fast Unto His Calling 
#Block Out The Noises In Your Life The Thoughts 
#Jeremiah 29:11 For I Know The Plans That I Have For You Declares The Lord Plans To Prosper You And Not Harm You Plans To Give You Hope And A Brighter Future

Nature Inspires Me: "Chilling At Sunset"

At SunSet With The Mrs Yesterday 
#Nature Inspires Me #Nothing But New Zealand Beauty #New Zealand Nature

Nature Inspires Me: "The Rock Of Art"

Nothing beats Nature 
Pure New Zealand Beauty 
#Stroll With The Mrs #On This Beautiful Day #Never Been So Romantic lol #Never Express or Saw That Side Of Me :) #Thank You Jesus #Nature Inspires Me

Nature Inspires Me: "New Zealand Beauty"

Pure New Zealand Beauty 
#Stroll With The Mrs #On This Beautiful Day #Never Been So Romantic lol #Never Express or Saw That Side Of Me :) #Thank You Jesus

Nature Inspires Me: "Finding Peace"

When You Find That Place of Peace :)
#Nothing But Pure New Zealand Nature #Love My Country #That Wind Downtime #Nothing But Pure Beauty #Blue Skies #Away From Everything and Everyone #Just Me and God and Nature #My Time With God #Like Lord.. Its Just You and Me #No Distractions #Moment Of Peace The Way I Like It

Message: "The Light At The End Of The Tunnel"

Theres Always The Light At The End Of Every Tunnel

In Life It Can Be Tricky and You Think You Don't Know What To Do.. with Your Life, Coz Of The circumstances that You Maybe Facing Now..But Overlook The Darkness In Your Life.. and Focus On The Light At The End Of The Journey or Valley :) #Stay On That Positive Note #Words Of Encouragement #The Light At The End #When Its Hard and You Wanna Let Go.. Tie Another Knot and Hang On. #Here To Inspire

Message: "The Light Of The World"

We are All Called To Be The Light To The World.. For me as A Individual i try make it my Priority to Keep making History, Keep Touching Lives.. Making a Impact.. why Coz its Drilled In My Spirit.. i Choose To Inspire. To Uplift and Encourage People In Times of loneliness, brokenness.. And Helpless Situations.

Mathew 5:14
You Are The Light of The World A City On A Hill Cannot Be Hidden, Nor Do they Light a Lamp and Put It Under a Basket, But on a Lamp Stand and it gives light to all who are in the House.. #Let Your Light Shine

"I Wear My Crown Wherever I Go"

The Heart and State Of mind Manurewa (Read Description)
#Rewa Hard 267 I Live and Breathe Rewa #Digging My New Custom Snaps #This is The First Snap out of The New Clothesline Coming Out By Me :) Negotiate Wit The Maker :) I Get a Cut On The Sells They Make Of These hats :) #My Vision Finally Coming To Pass #Had To  Pay for The Copyright #Yours Truly #Trevor Young Visionary Mindset #Self Made Self Paid #Product Launches In 2Months #Exciting Stuff #New ClothesLine #Long Time Coming #Business Mindset at Young Age #In Honour Of The Late Great Eazy E #Compton Old Skool #My Hometown Manurewa

"The Heart Of Manurewa 267"

The Heart and State Of mind Manurewa (Read Description)
#Rewa Hard 267 I Live and Breathe Rewa #Digging My New Custom Snaps #This is The First Snap out of The New Clothesline Coming Out By Me :) Negotiate Wit The Maker :) I Get a Cut On The Sells They Make Of These hats :) #My Vision Finally Coming To Pass #Had To  Pay for The Copyright #Yours Truly #Trevor Young Visionary Mindset #Self Made Self Paid #Product Launches In 2Months #Exciting Stuff #New ClothesLine #Long Time Coming #Business Mindset at Young Age

Message: "Dont Judge My Journey"

#Dont Judge My Journey In Life, If You Don't Fit The Shoes To Walk My Path 
#Word #Ive Come Far As A Individual From Growing Up #No Time For No Immature People #Cuts These Fools From My Life #Walk My Journey #Fit My Shoes #Know Me Before You Judge Me

Message: "Standing In My Own Shadow"

Standing In My Own Shadow 
#Define and Walk In Your Own Shadow #Create New Influences and be Remembered for The Lives You Touched While making a Impact #Walking In My Own Shadow #I Thought The Most Beautiful Thing is. Is To Walk In Your Own Shadow #The Brightest Flame Casts Out The Darkest Shadow #Word Up #Truths #Here To Inspire

Message: "The Light At The End"

Heres a Little Message :) Heres A Picture I Took Yesterday.. And Was Like Man This Shot Tells A Lot :)
Theres Always The Light At The End Of Every Tunnel.. Its All About Finding That Light..
Keep Going Through That Journey The Light Is Waiting For You. The End Is Near You Just Don't Know It Yet :)
#A Simple Photo Tells A Million Words #Storage Cells #Prison Cells #Light At The End #Stay Blessed Trevsz

"Giving Back To The Community"

My Pride And Joy 
My Home Town Manurewa 
Born And Raised Rewa #Rewa Hard 267 #Live and Die Rewa #Manurewa State Of Mind #Manurewa Home Of The Greats #Pioneers #Heart Of Manurewa :)