Monday 9 April 2018

Twitter Post: Gym

not the gym selfies lol late nights of sacrifices and working harder in everything I do! Making sure my voice will be heard, and stuff will be out there before the day that I get taken from this world, from the human form... 

late nights proud to say I’m loosing this chubby ness lol! Shreds Les words “DISEAL” in everything I do I put my all in everything, I Write from the heart and soul I love the life I’m in right now love the blessings chasing me down. From my mind body and soul I’ve never been so hungry nor have I ever worked had for something I want in this life! Lately I’ve been busting my ass for my little one is my motivation. When you got to like a Post becuase you thinks it’s real inspirational to see who it’s from um unlike I don’t like you.. My blood sweat and tears in everything I do from my movement, to my 9-5, to my heart felt songs, striving to be a actor, to boxing and gyming 


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