Saturday 20 January 2018

Twitter/Instagram: HOT OR SEXY


Open opinions to all the woman out there, So I asked my mrs while we’re chilling.. have I ever called her HOT or SEXY. I don’t think I’ve ever called a woman that, due to being raised by a woman, being a mummy’s boy growing up.. for me it’s a respect thing on my side, and it’s maturity. I think for me those words don’t sit with me.. because it’s so basic! Like Every DICK TOM HARRY, GARRY and LARRY 😏 uses those words; like there’s no chemistry in those words, it’s not as a Affectionate as there is with other words.. you can say to a lady who calls herself a woman. Or I maybe wrong some females must like being talked in that kind of way, the panties may drop and the thrills may go sky high, with that one leg pop (that you see on movies πŸ™ƒ) does woman really do that here in NZ lol? Or is that fantasy land? But believe me this status is not to demean anyone or ever make a woman feel less of her worth.. if a woman likes being called all those cheesy stuff then by all means! You go cowboy 🀠 

If you call yourself a woman don’t or/never let a man call you “SEXY HOT” You are the daughter of someone, in fact you are the daughter of the most high God! Never have second thoughts on your worth, and value Unless you are into that kind of stuff.. been called things like that all your life, so you are use to it.. so you label yourself with these words.. a lot of woman will walk this earth in life, but still will never know who they are and their true identity. Know your worth as a woman, as a female You are created BEAUTIFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE by the Potters Hand.. 

not some random sex object. πŸ’―❤️

What do I know.. I’m just someone who VLOGS AND BLOGS lol! Who writes from the heart and who releases words of encouragements don’t mind me... 

#Knowingyourworth #HOTORSEXY #bonnieandclyde #TEAMWORK #hisandhers #KINGSANDQUEENS #BEAUTIFULANDPRETTY #woman 


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