Wednesday 31 January 2018

Twitter Post: encouraging

NOTE: soon.. to be my next snap Chat/Here to Inspire video on YouTube soon until then il write a status. 😎 “READ THIS POST.. if it Uplifts your spirit give it a ❤️

“Your WORST Days are Behind YOU, and Your BEST Days are still Ahead if YOU” 

Still yet to come... (sorry for the long posts lately. I’m in a real good head space with everything in my life.. where I’m able to focus and write properly.. but read this to feel encouraged.) ❤️

When things not going your way and things coming at you 10 TIMES HARDER, and STRONGER then ever!! Just know that YOU Are at the right Place at the Right Time.. at This RIGHT PARTICULAR MOMENT. That saying “God gives his toughest battles, to his most strongest fighters” that’s true!! YES. πŸ‘πŸ½ But do YOU look at yourself in the mirror and believe that statement? When your reflection is staring back at you do YOU Believe that???

Just know that there’s still something GREAT That is yet to come for you and your LIFE. This is STILL THE BEST YEAR. 😎 Take Heart. ❤️

#Wordsofencouragement #INSPIAR2INSPIRE #Heretoinspire 

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