Wednesday 4 July 2018


This post was written on the 21st January 2018 a long post that I haven’t written for a while 

When the Uce Greg Blessed me with new acoustic foam for my little home studio! Thank you Uce for being a blessing and seeing the vision. πŸ‘πŸ½ 

This post was written last year in October when the brother Greg Blessed me with a new studio gear pack last year when my one of (5 Years got stolen) I guess it was good.. everything happens for a reason to come back stronger this year! With new gears thank you Uce for being a blessing. When I lost out on the studio packs on Fb! I got even better deal! God is good be good to others, look after the ones who look after you! The Uce Greg hooked me up. πŸ‘πŸ½ I encourage you in everything you do Always Stay diverse never limit yourself stand up and stand out don’t be hidden in the crowd but be that light who stands out.. 

(BE IN MIND THIS WAS WRITTEN LAST YEAR IN AUGUST) Some of New Zealand Rappers are mean don't get me wrong but who in that Right "Qualified" Mind Gives Them the rights to Talk down on your music and what you Speak About? Maybe Not Their Type and What They Don't Write about. But it's your story only you can tell the Story Because You Lived Through That Journey...

You always gotta keep it real at all times... Be Humble! Never think you are better then anyone else. You Can put on a Slick Suit on, Do your Hair Up Wear Fancy Stuff Smell Good, But You Still Sh!t The Same Like the Rest of Us.. Don't Play yourself 😘 #Sh!tDanStink THIS WAS WRITTEN LAST YEAR BELOW. 

When You've been a fan of a NZ Rapper for Years, and Meet him in Person.. total Dickhead; as why if I become something I will always remain grounded and down to earth. 

We all have hopes and dreams to become something big Leave a Massive legacy, but then we have excuses Tribulations bills and flashes that set us back.

#homestudio #homestudiosetup #recording #recordingstudio #comefar #blessed 

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