Wednesday 11 July 2018

In this life

In this life We are all going one by one leaving this earth, moving like dominos, dropping like flies.. ❤️ as they say “kill the ring leader and the sheep all scatter and be lost.” In saying that, life’s to short for BS, negativity and things.. so as a family man now. And a lot wiser and grown.. So as I look back on my younger years, and stupid ish that took my focus.. all I have focus for now.. is the future of my son, and  a better life for him.. and to raise him as a strong boy to a man. 

I look back on life and is like man.. I’ve wasted so much time, energy on getting distracted on things, wanting revenge on enemies in the past and so on.. as I look back now all that matters to me now is living a positive life, staying focus for my sons future. So in saying that folks, life’s far to short to carry on BS.. if you have a kid.. you’re perspectives on life changes for the better. ❤️❤️❤️ 


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