Friday 13 July 2018


Even tho it’s Friday the 13th and it’s consider “A Bad Luck Day” or whatever but it’s been good, and I love being a family man now ❤️

Just a short simple video of something that I wanna get off my chest... 

I’m a proud father of my son REIGHN in whom I love dearly with all my heart. ❤️😍😍that’s why I post about my son a lot.. but it’s not that. I’ve been getting in my feels lately... like loosing the passion and love for everything I’ve worked hard for over these years! Feels of like, should I just chuck it all in, give it up and throw it all away everything I’ve worked for.. the behind the scenes the love for the stuff I do. what ive had love for and a passion in “INSPIRING THE LIVES OF MANY” in this world of darkness since 2010. If it’s through my posts, my content, my songs or my written that’s helped you get over things in life, or in a way I’ve invested into/to your life! I’m blessed. ❤️ I know my little movement is a lot different to most! And I like to keep it that way.. being “ORIGINAL/DIFFERENT/UNIQUE” in all that I do.. in my little movement like is there anyone out there relating to what I put out, or listening to what I gotta say.. years of spreading love I feel like I’m gonna chuck it in.. 💯💯

From my motivational speaking/my Posts/My Boxing vids to reaching more heights in my own dreams and destination. 

Sharing Time. 🙏🏽 #Speadinglove #Sharinglight #Sharinglove #Positive #Positivevibes 

“My Testimony my life stories my experiences my poetry my written through Audio patterns”






#DADDY 🧔🏽👶🏼



👐🏽 #INSPIAR2INSPIRE 👐🏽 #INSPIAR #Publicfigure #Spokesman #Inspiration #Rolemodel #UnitedWestandforAotearoa #Heretoinspire #WhatInspiresme #Inspireyou #Inspiarintheflesh #Trevoryoung #Wordsofwisdom #wisewords #Pioneer #Entrepreneur #Naturalbornleader #Speaking #Voiceofmany #Voicetothevoiceless #Realmodel #spokesperson 

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