Tuesday 19 May 2015

Quote: Theres Always A Rainbow

"Theres Always A "Rainbow" After The Rain."

Everyone Wants Happiness, No One Wants Pain, But Just Know You Cant Have a "Rainbow" Without a Little Rain, just Like The Rainbow After The Rain A Good Thing Will Always Happen After You Experience Pain, What Don't Kill You Will Make You Stronger, Gotta Build a Bridge And Get Over It Till You Reach The Other Side, Theres Always A Light At The End Of Every Tunnel. You Can Get Through It. Life Goes On Just Like In Summer Goes To Rain, But Remember There Will Always Be A Rainbow, Always :) #Something Beautiful About Rainbows #I Love New Zealand Beauty #Mother Nature You Good #Im Inspired By Nature #Simple Things In Life #Nature Inspires Me #Gotta Go Through Hell, Just To Get To Heaven #When You Fall You Can Always Get Back Up #Gotta Be Broken Down, To Be Rebuilt Up #Think Positive #Words Of Wisdom #Something To Think About #Here To Inspire #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired "Theres Always a Rainbow After The Rain"
Have a Great Day
Stay Blessed

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