Thursday 7 May 2015

Quote: Dont Keep Warm Let Your Light Shine

"Don't Set Yourself On "FIRE" To Keep Others "WARM"

#Great Advice Good Quote: 
Whats It Saying Is, IIF YOUR LIGHT (Presence) Is So Strong And Bright, Dont Dim Your "SHINE" Because Cant Handle The "INTENSITY OF YOUR SHINE" #Let The Flame Burn right Right Through YOU! If Your Fire Is A Bomb Fire.. Don't Devalue The Spark Thats In You Coz People Cant Handle The "Light You Bring" 
#Dont Settle Yourself For Less, Coz You Were Impatience To Wait For Gods Best. #Worrrdd Up #Flame On #Shine Bright Like A Diamond #Let It Burn #If Your Presence Make A Difference Impact In Other Peoples Lives #Don't Loose That Spark Thats In You #Real Talk #Keep Doing YOU :) #RUN THROUGH THE FIRE, LET THE FIRE RUN THROUGH YOU 
Stay Blessed

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