Wednesday 27 May 2015

Quote: His Rib Pulled Out

Inspired By: @spiritualword 

"A Lady Doesn't Need Anyone Who Doesn't Need Her, You're Far Too Amazing To Lose Your Dignity Begging For a Mans Attention"

#Caption This #These Deep Thoughts Of Mine #Deep Thinking #While The State Of Origin Is On.. Im At Home Going Over My Poetry For Tomorrow For The "Raise Up" Preparing Myself #Thinking About The Many Woman Ive Hurted In The Past Foz Of My Decisions When I Was Young.. Haunts Me Maan, Takes A Toll Outer Me.. On The Real Thoo.. #To All The Ladies Out There.. That Follow Me On My Social Media Stuff, Just Know Your Too Amazing To Let Yourself Go.. Loosing Yourself Just To Gain His Attention.. "If He Ain't Down For You To Be Apart Of His Rib, Don't Be Down To Loose Apart Of Yourself For Him" On The Real Thooo.. #Deep Dark Thoughts #Be Uplifted #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired..
Stay Blessed

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