Tuesday 5 May 2015

Quote: Blessing & Lessons

"We Met For A Reason, Either You're a Blessing Or a Lesson"

#We Win Some And We Loose Some #Remember Not Everyone In Your Life Will "Stay" In Your Life People Will Come And Go, Its Like When They Walk Out Your Life.. You'll Think Why You Kept Them In Your Life For So Long.. Remember That.. That We Learn More From Our Failures, Set Backs, Mistakes More Than Our Accomplishments, And Success..
Not Everyone Is a Curse To Your Life.. But Theres A Reason Why You Met People From All Sorts Of Ethnicity, Background In Your Everyday Life.. Coz Thats God Saying "They're A BLESSING To Your Life" :) #Have a Good Day #Food For The Thought #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

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