Monday 4 May 2015

Message/Illustration: Peace In The Eye Of The Storm

Message/Illustration: "Theres Peace In The Eye Of A Storm"

In The Midst Of A Storm Theres Peace In The Centre Of It In The Eye Of a Storm Theres Peace This Piece Speaks To Me Coz Im Going Through Something (Like We All Are) But A Situation Where I Have To Really Trust God "The Prince Of Peace" 
"The Most Peaceful Place Is In The Middle Of The Storm"
From Joel Olsteens Reading (One Of My Fav Preachers) 

Have you ever been in a hurricane? Living in Houston, I sure have. In the center of the hurricane, there's something called the "eye of the storm" where it's very calm and peaceful. All around there is chaos, winds blowing 100 plus miles an hour, debris flying left and right, danger everywhere; but as long as you're in the eye of the storm, it's as calm and peaceful as can be.


In life, there will be times when it seems like everything is out of control. Challenges, adversities and stress will come. But just like the eye of the storm, in the midst of that difficulty, there is a place of peace where you can go. The Scripture calls it "the peace that passes all understanding." That means you'll have peace when you should be upset. You'll have peace when really you should be stressed out.


The disciples were so afraid, so distraught that they ran in to Jesus and said, "Jesus, wake up! We're all about to die!" Jesus got up and simply spoke to the storm. He said, "Peace. Be still." Instantly, everything calmed down. Jesus was in the storm, but He didn't let the storm get in Him. He knew His authority. He knew who He was. He knew His power wasn't based on circumstances. He wasn't going to fret because He was in faith. He stayed in peace and brought peace to the situation.


Now, if you get upset and bent out of shape every time things don't go your way, how are you going to bring peace to that situation? See, peace is not the absence of trouble. Peace is not getting rid of all of your enemies, overcoming all of your challenges or paying off all of your bills. No, there can be trouble, conflict and challenges all around you on the outside, but real peace is trusting God enough to not allow it to get on the inside.

#Stay Calm #Stay Positive Amongst The Negativity Of The Storm #Spirit Of Peace #The Eye Of The Storm #Your World Maybe Crumbling But The Peace Is In The Middle

1. Lit. the area of calm in the centre of a tornado, hurricane, or cyclone. It is calm and peaceful in the eye of the storm.

Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 

Something To Think About Being At Peace Amongst The Chaos #This Piece Speaks To Me #Thoughts For The Mind IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED 

Stay Blessed


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