Saturday 30 May 2015

Quote: Pick Your Squad

Inspired By: @yunglb_litt 

"People Inspire You Or Destroy You, Pick Them Wisely"

#I Wanna Be Someone Where Gods Light Just Shines Outer Me Wherever I Go.. His "Anointing & Light" Just Oozes And Glows Where Ever My Presence Are Felt I Wanna Be A Person Where Someone Can Look At Me And Be Like "I Was Inspired By You, Because Of You I Was Able To Do It" #Whats a Legacy, If You Ain't Leaving A Legacy Of Your Own For The Next Generation To Pick Up Your Legacy And Run With It" #You Ain't Making A Difference, If The Influence Ain't Been Touched #A Influence Is Felt, Not Asked #You Earn Respect, Not Demand Respect #I Wanna Inspire #People Will Be Inspired By Me #Coz Im Inspired By Jesus #Christ Like #A Soldier #True Leader #Walk What I Talk #Pick Your Squad Wisely! #Only You Will Know Whats Right & Wrong For Your Life 
#IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Words Of Wisdom #Knowledge Speaks But Wisdom Listens #Affective Combination #Get On My Level #All Jesus #Visionary Mindset #The Influence I Carry..
Stay Blessed

Hunt Dreams & Goals

"I Dont Follow Dreams, I Hunt Goals"

#The Heart Of A Lion #The Road Of A Lion #Unleash The Beast Inside Of You #On The Mission #I Hang Around Peps Who Share The Same Mission And Mentality As Me #Always On The Grind #Sleeps For The Weak #Success & Rest Dont Sleep Together #Be A Lion #My Favourite Animal #I Keep My Circle Of Friends Small, But The Vision BIG #Get On My Level #Visionary Mindset #Wisdom & Knowledge Beyond My Years #Thank You Jesus
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Quote: His Rib Pulled Out

Inspired By: @spiritualword 

"A Lady Doesn't Need Anyone Who Doesn't Need Her, You're Far Too Amazing To Lose Your Dignity Begging For a Mans Attention"

#Caption This #These Deep Thoughts Of Mine #Deep Thinking #While The State Of Origin Is On.. Im At Home Going Over My Poetry For Tomorrow For The "Raise Up" Preparing Myself #Thinking About The Many Woman Ive Hurted In The Past Foz Of My Decisions When I Was Young.. Haunts Me Maan, Takes A Toll Outer Me.. On The Real Thoo.. #To All The Ladies Out There.. That Follow Me On My Social Media Stuff, Just Know Your Too Amazing To Let Yourself Go.. Loosing Yourself Just To Gain His Attention.. "If He Ain't Down For You To Be Apart Of His Rib, Don't Be Down To Loose Apart Of Yourself For Him" On The Real Thooo.. #Deep Dark Thoughts #Be Uplifted #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired..
Stay Blessed

Quote: Waiting On The Perfect Time

Inspired By: SpiritualWorld (I Follow On Insta) 
Them Feels Thooo..

"Gods Timing Is Everything. The Things You Are Praying For Will Show Up When You Are Most Ready For Them"

Soooo True #Caption #Timing Is Hard But Timing Is Everything... 

Monday 25 May 2015

Message/Illustration: These Droughts In Life

Message/Illustration: "These Droughts In Life"

At Times We Go Through Dry Seasons, Or Dry Patches In Life In Our Daily Walks, Easy To Be Burnt Out, Tired And Cant Deal With Anything Soo We Intend To Block Out The World, Block Our selves From The World And Become Isolated.. But Isolation Is The Most Destructive Thing A Human Can Go Through.. Coz They Become A Lone.. Lord Let There Be Rain In Our Lives Rain Represents "Blessings" "Overflow" LORD LET THERE BE RAIN.. Rain Represents Something New About To Happen... 

Drought In Scientist Terms:

Drought can have serious health, social, economic and political impacts with far-reaching consequences.

Water is one of the most essential commodities for human survival, second only to breathable air. So when there is a drought, which by definition means having too little water to meet current demands, conditions can become difficult or dangerous very Hard. 

Droughts In Biblical Terms:

Jeremiah 17:7-8 ESV / 27 helpful votes

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

Amos 4:7 ESV / 25 helpful votes

“I also withheld the rain from you when there were yet three months to the harvest; I would send rain on one city, and send no rain on another city; one field would have rain, and the field on which it did not rain would wither;

#Lets Pray For Rain #If Your Going Through A Dry Season You Need To Be Refreshed With His Word #Re Energised #The Droughts In Life Is Just A Season #Hold On And Keep On Going...

Stay Blessed



Sunday 24 May 2015

Facebook Post Of 2014

When Life Seems Like Its Stealing Your Joy, You Gotta Turn To What You Know, Not Who You Know.. Identify Whats Robbing Your Beauty and Give Life THE BIGGEST SMILE YOU WERE BORN WITH' #Don't Let Nothing Hold You Down, Smile Through It All.. People Matter To Me More Then Life's Roller Coaster Rides.. Gotta Ride The Waves, When Life Gives You Lemons.. Create A Lemonade out of it I Will Stand Strong For Christ Wit My Head Held High smile emoticon Soldier On smile emoticon Stay Blessed Trevsz

Saturday 23 May 2015

Message/Illustration: Fly Like Eagles

Message/Illustration: "Fly Like A Eagle"

I Love This Quote! I Apply It To My Life On A Daily Base..
"If You Wanna Soar And Fly Like a Eagle, Don't Hang Around With Turkeys"

Long Story Short If You Wanna Be a Positive, Successful Person.. Don't Hang Around With Chumps And Negative People.. Simple, That Old Quote Goes.. "You Are Who You Hang Out With" You Hang Out With Positive People Always Pulling You Up, It Will Brush Off On To You, Saying That If You Hang Out With Negative People.. Always Speaking Fear Into You, It Will Creep Into Your Life.. Choose Your Crowd Wisely, If You Have The Strength To Hang Out With Who Ever, But Still Be Able To Stay Real To You Without Being Influenced.. Then I Take My Hat Off To You..For Me As A Person I Can Hang Around Anyone, But My Spirit Is To Strong To Go Down And Be Influenced.. By Their Actions. (Im A Positive Person, Coz I Was Brought Up With Negativity Soo I Had To Change My Mind Set That Will Change My Life.. Before It Eats Me) Whole Thing About Having A Discerned Spirit... 
I've actually heard that "you can't soar with the eagles if you hang out with turkeys". For all intents and purposes, turkeys don't fly. That is the literal meaning. You cannot compare turkeys and eagles as bird species. As a metaphor, it means that you become who you hang out with. If you aspire to be an eagle (successful) you must hang out with eagles. If you don't care about success, it is probably okay to hangout with turkeys (less motivated individuals). Another upside to hanging out with eagles is that they never need a Presidential pardon at Thanksgiving to keep from being someone's dinner.
Great Quote: 
"The eagle has no fear of adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conqueror!"

Joyce Meyer

You can put wings on a pig, but you don't make it an eagle.

William J. Clinton

#Chose Your Crowd #Positive Or Negative #What Influence Has On Your Life?? #Fly Like A Eagle.. Don't Hang Around With Turkeys.. #If Peps Aint Having A Impact On My Life I Cut Them #Coz I Wanna Stay Pure And Dont Need Unnecessary Things In My Life #On The Real Thooo #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired

Stay Blessed 


Wednesday 20 May 2015

Message/Illustration: White Flag

Message/Illustration: The White Flag Been Raised

What I Love About The White Flag, And What It Represents It Represents.. A Place Of "Peace & Surrender" And Using It In A Biblical Demonstration Its Like Saying "Lord, I Surrender.. I Place It All In Your Hands, I Cant Do It On My Own.. I Need You" I Wrote A Song Called "Lord, I Surrender" Back In 2010 At The Age Of 17 It Was My First Gospel Song Ever Written, And 5 Years On.. Its Starting To Be Sung At Our Monday Nights Gathering at LSI' Such a Honour That I Wrote That Song.. In Times Of Trouble And Surrendering In 2010 Now Its Got The Anointing To Reach Into Someones Life.. Thank You Jesus..
#When Were In Times Of Distress #Troubles #Happiness #Sadness #Were Told To Lean On Him #Call Upon His Name #Jehovah Jireh My Provider #The Prince Of Peace #It Says To Cast Your Cares Upon Him, For He Cares For You.. #Thank You Jesus #Lord I Surrender
The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire, and request for negotiation. It is also used to symbolize surrender, since it is often the weaker party which requests negotiation. A white flag signifies to all that an approaching negotiator is unarmed, with an intent to surrender or a desire to communicate. Persons carrying or waving a white flag are not to be fired upon. #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Quote: Theres Always A Rainbow

"Theres Always A "Rainbow" After The Rain."

Everyone Wants Happiness, No One Wants Pain, But Just Know You Cant Have a "Rainbow" Without a Little Rain, just Like The Rainbow After The Rain A Good Thing Will Always Happen After You Experience Pain, What Don't Kill You Will Make You Stronger, Gotta Build a Bridge And Get Over It Till You Reach The Other Side, Theres Always A Light At The End Of Every Tunnel. You Can Get Through It. Life Goes On Just Like In Summer Goes To Rain, But Remember There Will Always Be A Rainbow, Always :) #Something Beautiful About Rainbows #I Love New Zealand Beauty #Mother Nature You Good #Im Inspired By Nature #Simple Things In Life #Nature Inspires Me #Gotta Go Through Hell, Just To Get To Heaven #When You Fall You Can Always Get Back Up #Gotta Be Broken Down, To Be Rebuilt Up #Think Positive #Words Of Wisdom #Something To Think About #Here To Inspire #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired "Theres Always a Rainbow After The Rain"
Have a Great Day
Stay Blessed

Saturday 16 May 2015

A Woman Is Like A Rose

*A Woman Is Like A Rose, If You Treat Her Right Shell Blossom And Bloom, If You Don't, Shell Wilt And Fade Away..(Must Read)

"Don't just tell her shes beautiful, but make her feel beautiful. Say less and do more, women appreciate action and effort, A Woman Doesn't Need A Perfect Man, She Just Needs A Special Guy Who Can Accept Her The Way She Is And Make Her Feel Appreciated" 
#A Man Who Wants A Rose, Must Respect Her Thorns #She Doesn't Expect You To Look "Perfect" But At Least Look "Presentable" So She Can Be Proud To Walk By You.. #To Make A Woman Happy Give Her These Things: Attention, Affection & Appreciation. #This Post Is Dedicated To The Many Woman I Lost And Hurt In The Past When I Was Young From My Choices & Decisions When I Was Young "Used & Looked At As Objects, Rather Than "A Woman I Can Go To Sleep With & Wake Up Every Morning To" #Spend My Whole Life With :) #Standing Up For Our Woman #This Hit Me #Felt Convicted #Feeling The Need Of Unconditional Love #Feeling Some Compassion #I Know I Cant Bring Back The Mistakes Of My Past, But I Can Use My Past To Change My Future #Feeling Convicted #Respect To Every Woman Holding It Down For Her Man #Been Raised By A Woman I Feel The Sympathy I Have Towards Woman. #Poetry #A Way With Words #Straight From The Heart #A Woman Is Birthed By A Mans Rib, Close To The Heart. #A Woman Gives Her All And Multiplies Everything You Give Her #Treat Your Woman Right, Think Of It As.. How You Would Like Your Daughter, Sister, Mother To Be Treated.. My Daughter Will Be My World. 
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Message/Illustration: Soldier On

Message/Illustration: "Soldier Up & Soldier On"

"Its Not The Size Of The Dog In The Fight, Its The Size Of The Fight In The Dog"
Tough Situations Don't Last Only Tough PEOPLE. Remember God Gives His Toughest Fights To His Strongest Fighters, Every Soldier Needs His Woman, Behind Every King On The Chess Board, Its The Queen That Saves Him, Behind Every Good Guy Out There, Theres A Good Woman Holding It Down For Him..
Most Of The Times When I Walk Out My House For a New Day, I Pray To God That He Guides Me During The Day To Live Another Day. Nothing Else Humbles You More When Your Fighting On Your Knees.. Coz Thats Where Jesus Can Come Through And Pull You Up From Your Situation, My Focus Is On Jesus Despite Loosing Things Getting Stripped But My Faith In Christ Will Never Change Il Stand Strong, Im A Soldier For Christ. If I Can Kneel Before The Cross I Can Stand Before Men. "You Gotta Get Broken Down, To Get Rebuilt Again" What Dont Kill You Will Make You Stronger. 
#At The Fathers Feet #Lord I Surrender #When You Hit Rock Bottom, God Is Your Rock At Your Bottom #When You Fall Down, You Can Always Get Back Up #Full Armour Of God #Soldier On #Salute To The Soldiers Out There #Soldier Up And Soldier On Through The Hard Times #Pick Yourself Up #Ambition #Inspiration #Motivation #Here To Inspire #Words Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Something To Think About
Stay Blessed

Thursday 7 May 2015

Message/Illustration: A Rose Grown From Concrete

Message/Illustration: A Rose That Grew From Concrete 

The Rose That Grew From Concrete

"Did you hear about the rose that grew 
from a crack in the concrete? 
Proving nature's law is wrong it 
learned to walk with out having feet. 
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams, 
it learned to breathe fresh air. 
Long live the rose that grew from concrete 
when no one else ever cared."

by Tupac Shakur

This poem was written before he was famous, so it doesn’t symbolize Pac’s rise to fame, but talks more about the fact he came from nothing and sees himself as something beautiful that can succeed from a tumultuous and hostile environment. Concrete is the primary building material in cities, therefore it symbolizes an inner-city environment and upbringing. Concrete is hard, rough, grey, monotonous; if you fall on it, it hurts. Similarly, the ghetto (made of concrete) is a hard place to live in (poverty, drugs, crime, violence) and it is easy to “fall” and hurt yourself (jail, murder, missed opportunity, lack of opportunity).A rose, on the other hand, is sweet-smelling, bright-coloured, pleasant, soft, with connotations of romance. It is, however, dangerous, because of its thorns. This represents Tupac (or another urban child/adolescent), who managed to find self-expression and identity in a hard place, sometimes through self-defense.

This Piece (Poem) Speaks To Me Coz Its Like Saying No Matter Where You Came From. (How Rough, Hard, Bad, Tough, Dark) Your Back Ground Was.. You Can Always Have a Brighter Future Plant Something Beautiful :) #Every Saint Has A Past, But Ever Sinner Has A Future #I Believe Im A "Diamond In The Rough, A Rose Grown From Concrete" I Changed My Life Around For The Better :) #We Can All Grow From The Hardships In Life :) #Make A Better Future Out Our Past #Turn Our Test To A Testimony Our Mess To A Message Make Something Beautiful :) A Person With A Dark Past, Comes Out With The Most Beautiful Future :) #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Words Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind #Something To Think About 

Trevor Young Inspiar Babyy Trevor The Young Inspiar Trevor The Youngin 

Stay Blessed Trevsz

Quote: Dont Keep Warm Let Your Light Shine

"Don't Set Yourself On "FIRE" To Keep Others "WARM"

#Great Advice Good Quote: 
Whats It Saying Is, IIF YOUR LIGHT (Presence) Is So Strong And Bright, Dont Dim Your "SHINE" Because Cant Handle The "INTENSITY OF YOUR SHINE" #Let The Flame Burn right Right Through YOU! If Your Fire Is A Bomb Fire.. Don't Devalue The Spark Thats In You Coz People Cant Handle The "Light You Bring" 
#Dont Settle Yourself For Less, Coz You Were Impatience To Wait For Gods Best. #Worrrdd Up #Flame On #Shine Bright Like A Diamond #Let It Burn #If Your Presence Make A Difference Impact In Other Peoples Lives #Don't Loose That Spark Thats In You #Real Talk #Keep Doing YOU :) #RUN THROUGH THE FIRE, LET THE FIRE RUN THROUGH YOU 
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Quote: Gods Blessings Over Less

Inspired By: @spiritualword 
"Sometimes You May Not Get Exactly What You Thought You Wanted, Because Of Hidden Blessings You Never Saw Coming"

#This Piece Speaks To Me #I Wanna Let You Guys Know Something When Your Grounded In Christ "No One Knows, Not Even Yourself What God Has For You" Not Even People Around You, Your Lecturer, Teacher, Boss. "Gods Thoughts Are Higher Than Ours." #Your Blessing Is Just Around The Corner #The End Is Near #At Times We Dont Get Exactly What We Wanted, But Gods Blessings Are Just Around The Corner Waiting For You To Capture. 
#On The Real Tho #Straight On The Real #Real Talk #Woorrrdd Up #WHEN YOUR AFTER GODS BEST, DONT SETTLE FOR LESS #I Love The Old Quote Goes.. "Dont Let A Bastard Ruin Your Day" 
Stay Blessed

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Quote: Blessing & Lessons

"We Met For A Reason, Either You're a Blessing Or a Lesson"

#We Win Some And We Loose Some #Remember Not Everyone In Your Life Will "Stay" In Your Life People Will Come And Go, Its Like When They Walk Out Your Life.. You'll Think Why You Kept Them In Your Life For So Long.. Remember That.. That We Learn More From Our Failures, Set Backs, Mistakes More Than Our Accomplishments, And Success..
Not Everyone Is a Curse To Your Life.. But Theres A Reason Why You Met People From All Sorts Of Ethnicity, Background In Your Everyday Life.. Coz Thats God Saying "They're A BLESSING To Your Life" :) #Have a Good Day #Food For The Thought #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Monday 4 May 2015

Message/Illustration: Peace In The Eye Of The Storm

Message/Illustration: "Theres Peace In The Eye Of A Storm"

In The Midst Of A Storm Theres Peace In The Centre Of It In The Eye Of a Storm Theres Peace This Piece Speaks To Me Coz Im Going Through Something (Like We All Are) But A Situation Where I Have To Really Trust God "The Prince Of Peace" 
"The Most Peaceful Place Is In The Middle Of The Storm"
From Joel Olsteens Reading (One Of My Fav Preachers) 

Have you ever been in a hurricane? Living in Houston, I sure have. In the center of the hurricane, there's something called the "eye of the storm" where it's very calm and peaceful. All around there is chaos, winds blowing 100 plus miles an hour, debris flying left and right, danger everywhere; but as long as you're in the eye of the storm, it's as calm and peaceful as can be.


In life, there will be times when it seems like everything is out of control. Challenges, adversities and stress will come. But just like the eye of the storm, in the midst of that difficulty, there is a place of peace where you can go. The Scripture calls it "the peace that passes all understanding." That means you'll have peace when you should be upset. You'll have peace when really you should be stressed out.


The disciples were so afraid, so distraught that they ran in to Jesus and said, "Jesus, wake up! We're all about to die!" Jesus got up and simply spoke to the storm. He said, "Peace. Be still." Instantly, everything calmed down. Jesus was in the storm, but He didn't let the storm get in Him. He knew His authority. He knew who He was. He knew His power wasn't based on circumstances. He wasn't going to fret because He was in faith. He stayed in peace and brought peace to the situation.


Now, if you get upset and bent out of shape every time things don't go your way, how are you going to bring peace to that situation? See, peace is not the absence of trouble. Peace is not getting rid of all of your enemies, overcoming all of your challenges or paying off all of your bills. No, there can be trouble, conflict and challenges all around you on the outside, but real peace is trusting God enough to not allow it to get on the inside.

#Stay Calm #Stay Positive Amongst The Negativity Of The Storm #Spirit Of Peace #The Eye Of The Storm #Your World Maybe Crumbling But The Peace Is In The Middle

1. Lit. the area of calm in the centre of a tornado, hurricane, or cyclone. It is calm and peaceful in the eye of the storm.

Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 

Something To Think About Being At Peace Amongst The Chaos #This Piece Speaks To Me #Thoughts For The Mind IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU BE INSPIRED 

Stay Blessed


Sunday 3 May 2015

Quote: Protect Your Heart

Inspired By: @samsmithworld 

"The Hearts Are Wild Creatures, Thats Why Our Ribs Are Cages"

#On The Real Thooo #Protect Your Heart #Guard Your Heart #Your Heart Is Precious #You Can Have a Dark Heart, Cold Heart.. But Its Only Because One Time "Your Heart Was Pure And Beautiful" Till It Was Torn Apart And Broken :) Message Out There For Someone.. Dont Let Your Heart Go Astray To Someone.. That Would Only Use It To Stomp On It And Break It In Million Pieces..

You are not your mind.

You are not your fears. You are not your insecurities.

You are a soul. A spirit. A being of light with a big heart.

And the heart is a wild creature.

Don’t keep it caged in.

Don’t build walls around it.

Listen to it when it sings in the morning and let it take you places you thought you would never dare to go.

Let it guide you.

Let it help you find other hearts that beat with the same rhythm of love and beauty and magic.

Let your heart lead the way and no matter what happens or where you end up you will never ever ever get lost.
Stay Blessed

Quote: The Eye Of The Tiger

"I Fight Everyday For The Future I Envisioned"

This Quote Speaks To Me Coz We Are All "FIGHTERS" Fighting In All Types Of Situations, Circumstances In Life And Still Come Out Unbruised, Hurt But Still Rise ABOVE IT ALL And Still Learn To SMILE Through It All :) I Fight For Everything I Have. Because Il Always Have a "SPIRIT OF A FIGHTER" I FALL But Il Always GET BACK UP.. The Vision I Hold In Me For The Future I Claim! "THAT DAY WILL COME" VISIONARY MINDSET #FOCUSED
#The Eye Of The Tiger In Me #The Roar Of A Lion #The Spirit Of A Lion :) "Unleashed The Beast"
Stay Blessed