Tuesday 29 January 2019

Breast feeding


If you have a problem with woman freely breast feeding 🤱🏽 their little ones in public. I for one support woman who “DO IT” 💯 and having a little one in your care changes ur WHOLE perspective on things in life, and woman in general.. 💯 So if you don’t like it.. move on with life stop making a big deal, look away! Woman are not “Revealing themselves or having no respect for themselves as woman” 🤦🏽‍♂️ some people need to grow tf up and move on! they are feeding a little innocent child crying in desperate need of helplessness. It’s a natural thing to do and it’s part of nature.. ☀️ 🌿 I would of slap a fool side ways when my son was getting breast fed back then; and someone looked at the whaine crooked. 💯

if you don’t like it EAT A CHODE, and look away. 😁 

kind regards. Trevor the Youngin. 🙏🏽💙

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