Sunday 16 September 2018

Young trevor


We are living our best times and best “LIFE” Jo and I.. and our son REIGHN. #HISANDHER built for greatness! Pure #HAPPINESS And that’s a statement πŸ’― It feels good to be at peace and living my life in peace now.. I think it all comes down to having a GREAT & a good woman by my side telling me to live at peace, “AND BE AT PEACE” with everything in life... and put stuff behind us in order for her and I and my little prince to move on forward to bigger and greater things in life. πŸ’• 

when I think about it; and think about how this thing called “LIFE” and how life is taking us all one by one faster then ever! I think about things and like we are all getting older now, time is running out.. time is not on our hands now... so I guess making peace with one another is a good way to start to live a better healthier life for others to follow and see.. killing beef with some enemies of mine, and just moving on! As grown men.. been one of the best tools I’m able to do, in changing and transitions in my own life, plus I’m a daddy now.. so I’m looking out for my own as a “FATHER” would protect his own.. πŸ’•

She looks after me and my son as the woman/mother of the Relo.. and make sure I’m looking my best, picks my outfits πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‚ and my colognes. Food ready when I’m back from boxing and Mahi. I look and protect my small family as the head of my small tribe. As a true “FATHER” putting my small Fams first. this is how it should be taking it back old school ways between two people of the opposite sex. πŸ’―

I’ve been in my happiest times ever! And Loving life every moment in my life. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’•

Growing up mama taught me to treat you’re woman like a queen, damn straight I was raised by a queen πŸ‘ΈπŸ½ 


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