Friday 14 September 2018


“Il lead the way knowing in my heart you have my back.. “ 💋💘

“Have someone by ur side who sees what u need working on.. and helps you work through it.. to become a better person. Who knows what excites and fumes, ur strength to ur weakness” 🙏🏽💕

You need someone who would have ur back! Not talk 💩 behind ur back with the rest of the fakes around. She knows when I’m at my highs and knows when I’m down in the dumps. She’s changed me and brought me back down and grounded, and mellowed me right out.. to humble myself. 🙏🏽💯 I have a great woman by my side! And a incredible mother to our son.. where nothing else matters to me now in this “LIFE” as long as I have knuckled down the basic fundamentals of being a “FATHER/PARTNER” and becoming a better individual everyday of my life.. this gen lacks “MEN” and role models of being a “MAN” for a little “Boy” to look up to and idolise and proudly say.. “That’s my Daddy” 💕 💯

Thank you lord Jesus.. for my amazing partner! Amazing mother to UR son REIGHN Jesus. 🙏🏽

#Powercouple #teamwork #Reighnsmummyanddaddy 

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