Friday 16 February 2018

Instagram Post/ My Little Reign

“My little Reign” 👶🏼❤️ not to long to go now!! The count down is real. I’m grinding harder then I ever did in my life! For the best future of your life.💯💯

I’m going to do this for you, I maybe not perfect. But I’m gonna break chains over my family line! So you are not affected from the generational ties that’s been passed on from generation to generation, My Little I will never let you be affected! For it stops right here after me. I will be the best daddy I can possibly be, teach you ways that I’ve experienced my own life. Give you a qualifications to this world that no man can ever take that from you! And that’s “Being your father” your daddy... because the life I’m living now. I’m not proud of the things I’ve done and been through.. so I’m make a stand for you, My Little Reign! I will lead my little family to Christ!  To win souls for his kingdom! For I am not perfect and not planning to.. but my little soldier I will work on myself to become that person I’m called to be. To show you, you can be all you can be! Leave a legacy.. with souls under your belt before the fathers feet. Il see you on the other side my dear child. Daddy ❤️

#VISIONARY #WISEBEYONDMYYEARS #mylittlereign #daddyshere #fatherslove #lovedaddy 

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