Monday 23 February 2015

Message/Illustration: These Prison Cells

Message/Illustration: "The Prison Cells That Trap Us"

Heres a Late Night Post From Me lol :) Well Heres Something Placed On My Heart, I Pray And Hope This Will Have The Influence To Spark Something, Or Speak To Someone or Simply To Inspire Someone :)
At Times We Can All Become Trapped, Or Captivated In Our Thinkings And Thoughts.. At Times We Seem To Limit Ourselves Limit Our Thinking Simply Because Someone Said We Wont Be Able To Achieve or Do It, at Times We Seem To Put Restrictions On Ourselves..
We End Up Becoming Prisoners In Our Own Cells That We Built For Ourselves.. And We Feel so trapped at Times, It Becomes A Habit or Comfort Zone That We Run Back To..
#Break These Prison Cells In Your Life #Limit Break #Break In Break Out! breakthrough #Its Not Healthy It Has The Potential To Trap You Possibly Insecure You And Could Kill You. #Words For The Mind & Soul
Stay Blessed

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