Wednesday 18 February 2015

Blog: How Sicking Is This World..

How Sicking Is This World..
I Shake My Head To The Lack Of Mercy And Disgrace Of Our Humanity In This Generation 
21 Christians Beheaded. By The Isis Man What Has This World Come To.. I See Things Being Put On Facebook Of Beheadings, torture, Hangings, Stabbings, People Been Lit On Fire, Executions. Of Innocent People #We Cant Turn a Blind Eye as if its not happening around Us. #I Salute To These 21 Brave Christians Who Didnt Denier Their Faith In Christ Right Before Their Death. These Christians Who Are Persecuted For The Faith By Terrorists I Take My Hat Off To Christians World Wide Who Are Walking Their Talk And Going To The Ends Of The Earth. People fear these cowardly acts done by Isis But My Faith Before The Cross Is Far to great to be fearing these guys. Think about it. 'The Enemy Wants Us To Live In Fear' 2 Tim 1:7 'For God Has Not Given Us A Spirit Of Fear But Of Power Love & Sound Minded' #These Fools Want Attention by putting their Message out on Social Media and Headlines For Their Stupidity and Brutal Acts To Promote Their Message 
#Stuff The Isis #Christ Alone #Be Aware People This Is A Message #Bot Just A Post #We Gotta Be Alert #We May Not Have It Has Bad here in NZ #But Dont Take Them Lightly #Im Not Speaking Religion or whatever.. Im Speaking The Truth These People Are Out There #I'll Never! Denire Myself Before The Father #Christ Up! #God Souljah #RIP To Those 21 Christians And Others Around The World #Brutal Violence Against Human Nature And Humanity #A Relationship With Christ Rather Than A Religion #I Dont Discriminate Against Muslims I Have Muslims Mates I Respect Them. But What I Dont Agree Is These 'Brutal Attacks On Christians Who Wont Denier There Walk' Christ Up!

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