Saturday 28 February 2015

Quote: Stand Alone

Inspired By: @celineeeee_xo "It Takes Nothing To Join The Crowd, It Takes Everything To Stand Alone"

#As A Soldier I Stand Alone #I Walk This Earth Alone #Remember This.. Peps In Your Life 'Who Think They Are The Blessing To Your Life' You Were Blessed Way Before They Even Came In Your Life! #Real Talk! #And Im My Own Man #I Do Me ! #Ive Learnt Over My Younger Years Growing Up To Not Trust No Body. Even The Closest Ones In Your Life Will Hurt You The Most #Ive Learnt To Stand Alone #A Leader Doesnt Follow The Crowd He Walks The Other Way #At Times In Life Its All We Have Is 'Yourself' #I Know Who I Am In Christ 'Were Called To Stand Out The Crowd, Not Stand In The Crowd #Be The Change #Make a Difference #Be The Light To The World #You Were Born Original Dont Die A Copy 
#Intelligence plus Character, that is the Goal of Tue Education... Dr Martin Luther King #Theres two things in life that will define you. Your paitence when you have nothing. And your attitude when you have everything.
"Don't Get It Twisted.."
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Quote: Anointed People

Inspired By: @spiritualworld
"Anointed People Come Under The Strongest Attacks, So If You See Them Being Misguided, Don't Prophecy Their Doom, Pray Their Deliverance"

#I Was Prophesied 5Years Ago at My Home Church 'Hope Centre' By Ps Don Macnel He Prophesied And Said I Was 'Filled Of Anointing' From Head To Toe.. Everything I Speak & Touch Is Filled Of Christ' Anointing..
Since Then I Walked In Gods Anointing.. You Gotta Know That We Are Called To Something In Life Not Just To "Exist But To Live" Reach Your Potential Find Your Purpose In Life, Find Who You Are As A "Person/Individual" And Ask Why Are You.. YOU! What Makes You 'Who You Are' When a Anointed Person In Your Path.. Falls Dont Jump On The Bandwagon And Kick Them To The Ground.. But Help Them Find Their Way.. Back To Their Calling..
#I Believe Im An Anointed Person :) My Identity In Christ.. I Know Who I Am In Christ
Stay Blessed

Monday 23 February 2015

Message/Illustration: These Prison Cells

Message/Illustration: "The Prison Cells That Trap Us"

Heres a Late Night Post From Me lol :) Well Heres Something Placed On My Heart, I Pray And Hope This Will Have The Influence To Spark Something, Or Speak To Someone or Simply To Inspire Someone :)
At Times We Can All Become Trapped, Or Captivated In Our Thinkings And Thoughts.. At Times We Seem To Limit Ourselves Limit Our Thinking Simply Because Someone Said We Wont Be Able To Achieve or Do It, at Times We Seem To Put Restrictions On Ourselves..
We End Up Becoming Prisoners In Our Own Cells That We Built For Ourselves.. And We Feel so trapped at Times, It Becomes A Habit or Comfort Zone That We Run Back To..
#Break These Prison Cells In Your Life #Limit Break #Break In Break Out! breakthrough #Its Not Healthy It Has The Potential To Trap You Possibly Insecure You And Could Kill You. #Words For The Mind & Soul
Stay Blessed

Thursday 19 February 2015

Message/Illustration: When Life Gives You Lemons

Message/Illustration: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make A Lemonade Out Of It :)

Heres A Message Thats Placed On My Heart :) So I Hope This Will Have the affect to touch someones heart I Just Wanna Encourage You When It Seems Like It Gets Hard At Times, Overwhelming With Thoughts, Mind Going Crazy & Dealing With Battle Thoughts. When Life Knocks You Down You Can Always get back Up. When Life Gives You Lemons, Turn The Sourness To Sweetness and Make a Lemon Juice Out Of It. We All Have Our Fair Share of Hard Times In Life But Focus More On The End Result. (The Vision) And The Purpose Rather Than Your Current Situation :)
#Turn The Negative To Positive 
#Words For The Thought #Something To Think About #We are Who We Are, Coz Who We Were 
World Changes In The Making
"If you want something you've never had before you gotta be willing to do something you've never done before" 
#Words Of Encouragement #Message: When Life Gives You Lemons Make a Lemonade Out Of It :)
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Blog: How Sicking Is This World..

How Sicking Is This World..
I Shake My Head To The Lack Of Mercy And Disgrace Of Our Humanity In This Generation 
21 Christians Beheaded. By The Isis Man What Has This World Come To.. I See Things Being Put On Facebook Of Beheadings, torture, Hangings, Stabbings, People Been Lit On Fire, Executions. Of Innocent People #We Cant Turn a Blind Eye as if its not happening around Us. #I Salute To These 21 Brave Christians Who Didnt Denier Their Faith In Christ Right Before Their Death. These Christians Who Are Persecuted For The Faith By Terrorists I Take My Hat Off To Christians World Wide Who Are Walking Their Talk And Going To The Ends Of The Earth. People fear these cowardly acts done by Isis But My Faith Before The Cross Is Far to great to be fearing these guys. Think about it. 'The Enemy Wants Us To Live In Fear' 2 Tim 1:7 'For God Has Not Given Us A Spirit Of Fear But Of Power Love & Sound Minded' #These Fools Want Attention by putting their Message out on Social Media and Headlines For Their Stupidity and Brutal Acts To Promote Their Message 
#Stuff The Isis #Christ Alone #Be Aware People This Is A Message #Bot Just A Post #We Gotta Be Alert #We May Not Have It Has Bad here in NZ #But Dont Take Them Lightly #Im Not Speaking Religion or whatever.. Im Speaking The Truth These People Are Out There #I'll Never! Denire Myself Before The Father #Christ Up! #God Souljah #RIP To Those 21 Christians And Others Around The World #Brutal Violence Against Human Nature And Humanity #A Relationship With Christ Rather Than A Religion #I Dont Discriminate Against Muslims I Have Muslims Mates I Respect Them. But What I Dont Agree Is These 'Brutal Attacks On Christians Who Wont Denier There Walk' Christ Up!

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Message/Illustration: 'Walking Amongst Giants'

"Walking Amongst Giants"

Bit of a Late Post But Man This Has Been Stirring Up In My Heart For A Whole To Encourage You, No Matter Who You Are And What You Done In The Past.. 'You Will Walk Amongst The Army Of Greats' :) You Will Walk With The Giants, My Home Town Manurewa 'The Home Of The Greats' Pioneers Are Born, Everyday, World Changers Are Found, Natural Born Leaders Are Discovered...
#I Know People Who Look At Me, I Know People Who Look Up To Me, I Know People Who Look Down On Me  #But At The End Of The Day Who Is The Person Staring Right Back At You In Your Mirror Reflection?? #You Can Get The Applause Of Men, But How About The 'Well Done, My Faithful Servant Cheer' ?? Thats The Applause I Rather Have. #The Audience Of One #God Pleasure Not People Pleasure #Dont Let Your Circumstances Of Your Past, Dictate The Pathway To Your Future.. 
#Face Your Giants #You Are A Giant :) #Walk Like A Giant #More Than A Overcomer More Than A Conquer #Faith #Hope, Peace & Love #Just Believe :) #When Life Is Rough Pray, When Life Is Good Pray :) #Walking Amongst The Giants #Walking In The Army Of Greats :)
Be Encouraged Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Monday 16 February 2015

Quote: Keep Shining

Inspired By: @Encouragement
"Dont Dim Your Light Simply Because Others Are Unable To Handle Your 'Brightness'"
#Let Your Light Shine #Keep Shining #Shine Bright Like A Diamond #Dont Let No One Steal Your Happiness From You #Dont Let No One Or A Rough Day Steal Your SMILE :D #Turn Your Light On :) #Let Them Feel Your Presence :) #THERES ONLY ONE OF YOU IN THIS WORLD OF BILLIONS :)
Stay Blessed
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired

Thursday 12 February 2015

Message/Illustration: Take The Bull

"Grab The Bull By The Horns & Run With It"

You Hold The Victory In Your Own Life, You Have The Authority To Control Your Life, Don't Let The Circumstances In Your Life Dictate Your Future :) 
Grab The Bull By The Horns & Face Him Head On! Look Him Dead In The Eye. And Demand Your Authority Over Your Circumstances/Situations In Life #You Hold The Power Over Your Life By The Words You Speak #Positive or Negative #Life or Death
#Grab Life By The Bull Horns #My Strength Did Not Come From Lifting Weights, My Strength Came From Lifting Myself Up When I Was Knocked Down #At Rock Bottom Only Way You Can Go Is Back Up #In These Circumstances I Think He Must Take The Bull By The Horns #Confront A Problem Head On And Deal With It Openly #Face On #Bulls Dont Win Bull Fights People Do #Grabbing The Bull By The Horns Keeps You In Control #Take The Bull By The Horns #Do It With A Passion Or Not At All #"Don't Take The Bull By The Horns, Take Him By The Tail, Than You Cant Let Go When You Want To" - Josh Billings #The 3 C'S Of Life "Choices, Chances & Changes" 'You Must Make A Choice To Take A Chance, Or You Will Never Change #Either You Run Your Day Or The Day Runs You - Jim Rohn 
#Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Quote: Stay Strong Through The Hard Times

Inspired By @charginglife "I've Never Met a Strong Person With An Easy Past"

#The Take 2 of My Testimony "Who I Was Before, Who I Am Today" OUT ON YOUTUBE Just Released Today :)
#Remember One Thing God Gives The Toughest Battles To His Strongest Fighters #Were All Isurviours #Born To Fight 
#People With Darkest Past, End Up With The Brightest Future
#Test To A Testimony #Mess To A Message #The Most Amazing People I Know Came From Broken Backgrounds #Living A New Life :) #Change Life Around
#Every Saint Has A Past, But Every Sinner Has A Future :)
Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 
Have A Great Day Today :) Stay Blessed

Quote: A Spirit Of A Lion

"The Truth Is Like A Lion, You Don't Have To Defend It, Let It Loose, And It Will Defend Itself"

#The Spirit Of A Lion
The Lion Spirit Animal Represents Courage, Strength In Overcoming Difficulties
Symbolic Messages That The Lion Offers Us Is. 
-Have Courage, Have Faith
-Stand Tall, Remember Your Bright Right Of Power
-Hold Your Head High - Even In Times Of Conflict (Hard Times, Tough Times) =Conduct Yourself With Dignity 
#If Maybe Time To Defend Something That Is Dare To Your Heart -Defend It Fiercely With Your All 
#Truths #Truth Is Spoken #The Power About Truth #A Lion My Favourite Animal #The Heart Of A Lion #Spirit Of A Lion #Character Of A Lion #Symbolic Truths #Roar Like A Lion #Let Your Lion Roar #Words Of Encouragement #Learn New Things Everyday #Keep On Learning #Power Of Words #Be Inspired #Be Encouraged Have a Good Night
Stay Blessed

Monday 9 February 2015

Message/Illustration: Bon Fire

"The Bon Fire"

I Love The Song 'Jesus Culture - Set A Fire'
Heres a Late Night Post Placed On My Heart, You Gotta Know 'ONE THING' Theres This Thing Called 'Life' We Win Some We Loose Some, Thats Part Of Life, We Go Through Ups And Downs Thats A Part of Learning About This Thing Called 'Life' Life Is Unfair Its Not Meant To Be Fair, People Let Us Down, We Let People Down, We Let Ourselves Down... But The One Who Will Never Let Us Down, Is Christ.. He Will Never Leave Us Nor Forsaken Us.
#I Pray Christ Let Your Will Be Done #Let Your Hand Be Upon Me #Let Your Light Shine 'There Will Always Be People That Wanna Hurt You, Pull You Down, Dislike You And Try Rob And Steal Your Smile Away From You, I Wanna Let You Know One Thing. Thats a Good Thing :) It Just Goes To Show They Want What You Have They Want What You Got :) Take That As a Privilege :) You Have Christ In You That Shines Through You #People Want That Light That Lives In You #Continue To Let Your Light Shine #Im Burning :) #I Spit Fire #I Walk Through Fire #Ive Lived Through Fire #Im A Soldier Coz Who Lives In Me Thats Christ "I STAND THROUGH THE FIRE, I DANCE THROUGH THE FIRE" So I Encourage You Let Your "FIRE BURN" #Be On Heat For Jesus :) #Create a Massive Fire That Cant Be Put Out #Let Your Fire Lit #Keep It Lit #Dont Let No One Steal You From Your God Given Smile :) #Keep It Burning :) #Words If Encouraged #Be Uplifted #Be Inspired #Here To Inspire #Something To Think About :) Trevor Young Trevor The Youngin Trevor The Young Inspiar :) Stay Blessed Trevsz 

Mathew 5:14
"You Are The Light Of The World, A City on A Hill Cannot Not Be Hidden"

Thursday 5 February 2015

Message/Illustration: Barriers In Our Lives

"Barriers In Life"

In Life We Tend To Box Ourselves, Put Barriers Up And Excuses About Things In Life, Chasing Dreams, Getting That Job, Making Peace With Someone, Stubbornness, Arrogance, A Prideful Spirit Stops Us From Moving Forward In Life. We Put These Fences (Barriers Up) That Actually Traps Us From 'Gods Blessings For Our Lives' Yes, We Will Get Hurt, Yes We Will Let People Down, People Will Let Us Down On The Way, People Will Turn On Us.. But You Gotta Know One Thing.. Thats a Thing Called "Life" Life Ain't Fair, Life Ain't Meant To Be Fun And all Daisies..Its A Journey.. Roll On With The Punches, These Barriers In Life Can Put Us Captivated And Tied To A Post, Where We Lose Our Fight To The Obstacles/Odds And Hurdles In Our Lives.. It Becomes A Harness That Pulls Back Keep Us Comfortable. In Our "Comfort Zone" We Have To Push Through And Break These Barriers In Our Lives.. Coz Once It Affects With Our Thoughts (Brain/Mind) Thats It.. These Barriers Have The Power To Control Our Lives...
#We Live Life Without Barriers #Break Through These Barriers #Break In Break Out And Break Through #Don't Box Yourself In #Don't Limit Yourself In #The Sky's The Limit #Push Through #The Biggest Obstacles In Our Lives... Are The Barriers In Our Mind #These Walls #Renew Your Mind And Thoughts #Be At Peace With Your Mind #Breaking Through Those Biggest Barriers In Our Lives #Life Without Barriers #Stop These Barriers #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Here To Inspire #Peace Love & Respect #Stay Blessed Have a Great Day Trevsz :) 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Quote: Knowledge & Wisdom

"Before You Talk, Listen.. 
Before You React, Think..
Before You Critize, Wait..
Before You Pray, Forgive..
Before You Quit, Try!"

#Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Listens #Knowledge & Wisdom Perfect Combination #Before Judging Someone Try Get To Know Them, For Them, Why They Are Who They Are.. #Before You Quit On Something Hang On And Remember Why You Hanged On For So Long #One Lil Word Can Ruin Someones Life #Use Your Words Wisely #Theres Power In Your Tongue #For Positive Or Negative #Life Or Death #Over Yourself Or Others #Words Of Encouragement #Something To Think About #Something To Relate To #Be Inspired Stay Blessed Trevsz

Quote: 'Become A Miracle Today'

Repost By @gentlemenhood 

"If You Cant See Or Find A Miracle Today, Become That Miracle Today"
'You Cant Find One...Be One'
It Starts With You Today. World Changers Begins With You :)
Something To Think About.. How Nice Is This Post? Giving Out To Those In Desperate Needs This Is My Heart. I Like To Give Back. My Heart Breaks For The Those Around. (Homeless, Poverty, Lil Kids Starvation, No Shoes On Their Feet) You Wish You Could Give More, With The Less You Have. Being A Normal Person A Average Person From A Ordinary Life. Its Hard To Look Not Knowing You Cant Do Much. Have. Being A Normal Person A Average Person From A Ordinary Life. Its Hard To Look Not Knowing You Cant Do Much.
If You Cant Find A Miracle In Your Life Today, Become That Miracle In Someones Life Today

Here To Inspire: Making A Difference

Now On You Tube: 
Here To Inspire: "Making A Difference"
Shot Today At Long Bay Beach :)
Facebook: Trevor Young
You Tube: Inspiarbabyy Official-Trevor Young "This Year In 2015, Pioneers Will Be Born, Inspirations Will Be Found, Natural Born Leaders Are Gonna Make a Mark. #We All Will Leave A Legacy Behind, We Will Change Lives And Make A Difference
World Changers Are Gonna Be Discovered, Influential People Will Rise, Natural Born Leaders Will Be Shown, We Will Make A History This Year "IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU, INSPIRE ONE PERSON TO INSPIRE OTHERS, IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME, BE INSPIRED Becoming That Ripple Effect. 
Stay Blessed 

Quote: "Keep Your Circle Of Lions Small"

I Was Tagged In This On Facebook: 

"Strong People Don't Put Others Down, They Lift Them Up"

I Don't If You Haven't Notice But When You Really Hit Rock Bottom, And Peps Kick You While Your Down, They Kick You When Your At The Lowest, When The Chips Are Down..not Once Is There A Helping Hand, To Pick You Up, Or To Lift Your Spirit Up. Peps Feel Its The Need To Really Get At You When Your Low, But When You Reach That High Again.. They Not There To Support You lol.. Anyways, I Just Wanted To Say That. Had Nothing To Do With My Post.. I Just Wanted To Say That lol. But Man I Don't Always Feel Strong, I Don't Always Have That High Spirit, Im Human When Times Do Hit Hard They HIT HARD! But I Do Train Myself To Always Tun Back To Christ Not From Christ. Heck, I Don't Even Feel Motivated To Post Inspirational Things At Times, But I Do It.. Coz I Feel There Is Someone Out There Who I Could Reach, Who Needs To Feel Uplifted And Encouraged, If I Don't Get The Message Out.. Who Else Will Tell The Story?? 
#Know Your Circle
"Never Eat With The People You Didn't Starve With, NeverRide With The People You Never Walked With, Keep Your Circle Of Lions Small #Stay Real #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME #INSPIRE ONE PERSON TO INSPIRE OTHERS #That Ripple Effect #Stay Blessed Trevsz

Quote: He Has A Plan For You

"Repost By @SpiritualWorld On Insta" (I Follow On Insta.. Good Quotes :) )

"The Enemy Always Fights The Hardest When He Knows GOD Has Something Great In store For You"

This Year In 2015 "Pioneers Will Be Born, Inspirations Will Be Found, World Changers Are Gonna
be Discovered, Influential People Will Rise, Natural Born Leaders Will Be Shown"

#Visions & Dreams Will Be Discovered In Young Peoples Lives, Doesnt Matter What You Do As A Occupation If There Is A Devine Calling On Your Life.. It Will Be Brought To Past In His Timing :) This Year Is The Year Of "Breakthrough, Harvest & Jubilee" What Didnt Break You Will Be Your Breakthrough..  God Gives His Toughest Battles To His Strongest Fighters 
"Doesnt Matter Who You Are, What You Done In The Past.. Theres Always A Brighter Future For You.. The Hardest Hearts Can Be Soften.. 
#Word #Feeling Like Someone Needed To Hear This #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Get Back Up And Try Again #Never Give Up Keep Moving #World Changers All Around You Just Gotta Find That Potential In Yourself.. Be Encouraged Be Inspired.. #Straight From My Heart #I Speak My Mind #Never Know How Much Of A Influence You Are.. Till Lives Are Changed By Your Finger Print. Stay Blessed..

Quote: "What Dont Break You, Will Be Your Breakthrough"

Repost By @spiritualword "You're Going Into A Season Where You're About To Experience Breakthrough After Breakthrough Because What You Went Through Didnt Break You." #I Dont Know Who Im Speaking To But 2015 Is Your Year Of Success This Is My Year Of Breakthrough And Harvest As You Push On And Believe That Christ Will Come Through #What Dont Break You Will Make You Stronger #What Dont Kill Me #My Breakthrough Is On Its Way #Your Breakthrough On Its Way 2015 Your Year Of SUCCESS :) #Trust In God :) Blessings After Blessings :)

Quote: "Life Without God"

"Life Without God Is Like An Unsharpened Pencil With No Point"

#Turning My Test To A Testimony #My Mess To A Message #My Cries To Inspiring Lives #Me Without God Where Will I Be ? Still Probs On The Streets, #Hanging With The Hommies #Getting Up To Mischief #God Turned My Life Around For The Better #He can Change And Soften The Hardest Hearts Possible #Jesus Does Make A Way When It Seems Like There Is No Way #In Christ All Things Are Possible #A Pencil That Isnt Sharpened How Can The Gifts Be Shown If The Pencil Is Blunt ? #Iron Sharpens Iron #Word Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Here To Inspire #2015 New Things :) #Believe For Your Breakthrough Thats On Its Way :) Stay Blessed Trevsz



#Heres A Lil Word Of Encouragement Can I Encourage You To HOLD ON TO HOPE #Theres Something About Hope That Drives You When Your At Your Weakest This Lil Thing Called 'HOPE' That Picks You Up When You Wanna Give Up #Never Loose Hope #You'l Never Know Where HOPE Can Take You Enjoy The Season Your In.. Let The Spirit Of Hope Come Through. #Something About HOPE I Cant Let Go.. Coz I Know If I Persevere The Thing I Hoped For Will Come Through :) #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #BREATHE HOPE IN HOPELESS PLACES BREATHE LIFE INTO DEAD SITUATIONS Stay Blessed Trevsz