Friday 4 December 2015

Quote: Train With Lions

Inspired By: @SuccessJournal

."To Be a Lion, You Must Train With Lions"

Let That Lion Roar Out Side Of You! Let The Beast Come Out..
I Only Work Wit Those Who Are Hungry For It.. 
In Saying That.. I Keep My Circle Small But My Vision Big, As a Leader Its Some Lonely Roads At Times.. On That Journey To Rising On The Top. But Im Bless To Say Where Im at With Life Itself.. Im Definitely In a Happier Place, And At Peace Wit Alot Of Things In Life.. 
I Only Roll Wit Those Who Make It Happen, I Dont Talk.. But I Let My Actions Speak.. You Say You Gonna Make It Happen, Well Make It Happen. Chase Your Dreams. Stay Humble and Keep Climbing.. Always a Place To Learn and Grow.. 

In Saying That Im Blessed To Be Speaking In Front Of Estimated 200 to 300 People Tomorrow.. About The Power Of Suicide. And How The Decisions You Make.. Affect Others Around You! So Thank You Jesus.. Die To Myself But Let Your Glory and Anointing Arose.. You Speak Through Me.. 

#InspiringLivesOnestepatATime #Inspiarbabyy #HappyPlace #ILoveLions #LetThatLionRoar #UnleashThatBeast
Stay Blessed

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