Thursday 10 December 2015

Message/Illustration: These Heights

Message/Illustration: These Heights

These Heights In Life, And Things We Box Our Selves and Limit Ourselves In Like. "We Cant Do It, Seems To Big" Or "It Worked For Him, But Not For Me" Things and Words Like These.. Plants Something In Our Heads From Accomplishing Things, Stereotype And Thoughts We Put On Ourselves Like.. "I Wish I Was" I WISH I WISH! Lets Change These Words From "I WISH" To "I MUST" I Must Get Out There And Make Things Happen! I Must.. Do It, I Must Finish and Complete It.. You Are Just As Valued Or Even More Valuable To Celebrities and Successful People Out There.. Its All About Renewing Of The Brain, Your Minds Always Ticking, Over Works Itself Facing My Fears And Challenges Head On.. By Challenging Myself Yesterday During Rock Climbing.. I Love Heights and I Go For It.. But Rock Climbing When I Was at The Top Lol.. My Heart Was Beating Fast.. Don't Box Yourself In.. Never Limit Yourself You Can Do Anything That You Put Your Mind To.. #ThoughtICouldntGetDown #AlwaysGottaPushYourself #PushYourselfToTheLimit #InspiringLives #ChangingLives 
Stay Blessed

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