Monday 7 December 2015

Message/Illustration: Smile Through It All...

Message/Illustration: Smile When You Cant Anymore | Trevor Young

Heres A Message I Wanted To Get Out a While Ago, But Got Delayed After Delayed.. But Basically On This I  Just Wanna Share With You Guys a Lil Something, Life Can Be Funny At Times.. Things Happen That Trap Us Like.. Why Did This Happen, Circumstances And Chaos Happens.. That From That Bright SMILE We Had, Suddenly Goes Dim.. And At Times We Like.. "Why Did This Happen, I Dont Wanna Smile Anymore" But Let Me Encourage You With This YOU ALWAYS GOT TO SMILE!! SMILE THROUGH IT ALL.. SMILE WHEN ITS HARD SMILE WHEN YOU CANT ANYMORE.. SMILE TO THE WORLD BABY *Don't Let Nothing Or No One Break Or Steal That SMILE Of Yours! God Gave You That SMILE A Simple Smile Can Brighten Up Someones Day.. YOUR SMILE CAN BRIGHTEN UP A GENERATION *Smile Through It All
#WordsofEncouragement #Smile #SmileThroughItAll #ShineBright #SmileThroughTheHardTimes 

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