Thursday 31 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Trust No One

New Years Resolution | "Keep The Squad Tight, Circle Small.. But The Vision BIG!" #FamilyFirst #TrustNone #StaySuckaFree #TakeFlight Dream🌍🛫

Twitter Quote: Watching Out For Wolves

"Theres Two Types Of People, People Who "Ride With You" & People Who "Envy You" #MyPrayerFor2016IsWatchingoutForWolves #KnowThey'reIntentions #WatchoutforFakesandSnakes 

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Keep It 100

"Not Looking For This 'Perfect Woman' But The 'Right Woman' 💯😎 Walk This Journey, Run Our Race Together Live Through The Fire #KeepIt100 🙏🏽

Quote: No Matter What..

Inspired By: @thinkgrowprosper 

"No Matter Where You Are In Life, CELEBRATE IT. Its Either a Product Of Your Growth Or A Place That Will Help You Grow" 

Heading Towards The End Of 2015 To A New Chapter In 2016!! I Just Wanna Wish You All A Massive HAPPY NEW YEAR! Family, Friends, Associates, Know You From a Dar, Barely Know You.. Or Know You More Then I Need To Lol.. 😂😉 I Just Wanna Wish You All A Happy 2016!! 🌞🌞 Enjoy Life, Just Be Happy.. And Keep Doing YOU!! Be Yourself Thats The Only Thing You Can Be.. Is YOURSELF! 🖕🏽 The Haters! Let Them Hate...  But however 2015 Was For You Good Or Bad.. Leave It All Behind And Start Fresh In 2016 More Opportunities and Goals To Achieve! Im Driving Down To The Mount Soon.. With My Peps.. But Have a Great New Year 😉
Wherever You Are In Life, Only Grows You!! WHAT DONT KILL YOU WILL MAKE YOU STRONGER
Stay Blessed
Trevsz 😘😘😘

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Quote: You Can Do Anything

"You Can Do Anything That You Put You're Mind To! Your Mind Is Powerful.. It Can Be Used "For You Or Against You" #StayRealToYOU #JustBeYOU! #ShootForTheStars #AimHigh #SkysTheLimit #GoTheExtraMile 

Monday 28 December 2015

Twitter Post: Win Her Heart Hold It

"Whatever It Took To Win Her Heart, Is Exactly What Its Going To Take To Keep Her Heart" #TouchHerHeart #NotHerBody #MakeHerSmile #NotTears💯

Twitter Quote: Winning a Girls Heart

 "Boys Brag About Taking a Girls Virginity, Thats Cool and All.. But A Real Man Brags About Winning a Woman's Heart" #WhenYouWinAWomansHeartshewillgiveyouherall 
Girls Are Treated Like "Sexual Objects" Im Human,Il Admit That To.. But When I Have a Daughter I Will Look Back and Say Trev.. You Dickhead..

Whatever It Took To Win Her Heart, Is Exactly What Its Going To Take To Keep Her Heart #TouchHerHeart #NotHerBody #StealHerAttention #NotHerVirginity #MakeHerSmile #DontWasteTears 

Sunday 27 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Down As Chick

"Every Soldier Needs His Guardian Angel" #NoOtherGirlComparesToThat
"ONEWOMAN"HoldingItDownForHerMan #ThatRealDownAsChick #RideOrDieChick😘xo

Twitter Quote: No Make Up Yo

"If Shes Pretty On The Outside, But Have a Ugly Heart" #OhMateGerearaHere #AUglyPersonalityDestroysaBeautifulFace #NoMakeUpForTheInside YO!😘

Twitter Quote: New Year

“What a Wonderful Thought It Is, That Some of The Best Days of Our Lives Haven’t Happened Yet.” #ThatTime OfTheYearForNewYearsResolutions😂😈
#TheBestIsStillYetToCome #NewYearNewMe #BS 

Saturday 26 December 2015

Facebook Quote: Never Know

"You Will Never Know Where A Person Came From In Their Past, Or Who They Will Be In Their Future" #ActOfKindness #AlwaysBeKindToEveryone💯✌🏽

Quote: Most Important

"When You Are Important To Another Person, That Person Will Always Find a Away To Make Time For You" #NoExcuses #NoLies #NoBrokenPromises 🙌🏾

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Been My Best Year 2015

Gonna Finish This Year With A Massive BANG! 💣 Been My Best YEAR! Alot Of Set Backs, But More Breakthroughs!! Thank You Jesus! #BringOn2016👊🏽

Monday 21 December 2015

Quote: Your Best Days

"You're Worst Days Are Behind You, And You're Best Days Are Still Ahead of You.." #TheBestIsStillYetToCome #WhatsInThePastStays BringOn2016 

Quote: Always Be Kind

Inspired & Repost By Jess.. "Everyone You Meet Is Fighting A Battle You Know Nothing About. Be Kind Always"

I Love Meeting New People, Im A People Person. Always Interacting, On The Streets, Going Out, Work Or Church. I Love Meeting New People.. Thats Why Im Loved By So Many.. I Think Connection and Building a Relationship Is Important, Meeting People You Never Know Who They Will Be In The Near Future, Or Where They Came From In The Past.. Always Take Time Out Of Your Life To Meet Someone Knew.. Never Know What They Going Through In Their Life Behind Close Doors.. Thats Why I Push Out Positivity Because Theres People Who Needs To Know "Their Worth" And How Valued They Are.. I Do It For My Community, Always Around Being a Familiar Face.. I Walk What I Talk.. Always Being Kind To Everyone Around Me, Coz I Don't Know Whats Going On In Their Life.. Or Even Don't Know Whats Going On Behind Close Doors Just a Simple "Smile Or Hello" Can Change Someones Life.. BE THE CHANGE TODAY 
#AlwaysBeKind #Smile #LightToTheWorld #PositiveVibes #GoodPerson #DownToEarth #ActofKindness #SmileForMe #WordsOfEncouragement
Stay Blessed

Everyones Fighting Battles and Demons Daily, We All Don't Know Whats Happening In Peoples Life, Always Be Kind To Everyone I Always Respect People Who Gives Me Respect.. 

Sunday 20 December 2015

Facebook Quote: Negative People Kill Your Vibes

People Who I Knew "Complained" About Everything In Life, Growing Up. As I Look Back And Say.. "Im Glad I Never Ended Up Like That" #Negative

Theres Something About Negative People and Negative Vibes, That My Spirit Cant Connect To.. I Guess Thats Why My Spirit Is So Discerned I Analyze and I Pick Who I Associate With.. "A Negative Spirit Corrupt Good Character" #IWatchPeoplesMoves #Analyze #ImAPositive #NegativeIsContagious 💯💯💯 #UnreasonablePeople Who Complain #JustBeHappy #LiveLifeMan 👊🏽    

Twitter Quote: Becoming a Dad

"Anybody Can Be a Father, But It Takes Someone Special To Become a "DAD" Shout Out To All The Real Ones.. Being There For Your Kids #RealMVP

Twitter Quote: Raise A Baby

"If Your Man Enough To Lay Down And Make a Baby, Then Your Man Enough To Stand Up And Raise A Baby" #MyHeartBreaksForYoungFatherlessKids 👊🏽 #SoManyFatherlessKids #IGrewUpFatherless #BeAMan 

Saturday 19 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Sometimes in Life

Sometimes In Life You Gotta Believe In Yourself, Be Your Own Believer, Be Your Own Supporter When No One Supports You.. #PositiveVibes #Word

Twitter Quote: Natural Born Leader

"Natural Born Leader, Growing To A Inspiration But Far From a Role model" 

Twitter Quote: Never Questioned

"Always Behind You, Sometimes In Front For You, But Always By Your Side Holding It Down For You" #RealOnesKnow #MyIntegrityisNeverQuestioned #SpiritofExcellence #RideOrDie #StayReal #StayLoyal 

Tumblr Post: Speaking My Mind Fatherless Kids

You Know a Man Will Treat You Right, When You See The Connection He Has With His Mother.. The Way He Treats Her
Any Boy Can Get a Girl Pregnant and Become a Dad, But It Takes a Real Man To Put All His Childish Ways aside and Become a "FATHER"

"If Your Man Enough To Create Something, You Should Be Man Enough To Stick Around"

I Write This With Such Passion, And By All Means This Aint Shade, Nor Is It Aimed At Someone.. Im Just Speaking On What I See Around Me That Needs To Be Changed.. Any Boy Can Be a  Father, But It Takes a Special Person To Be A Dad, Shout Out To All The Fathers Who Are Doing It In Life.. And Staying There For Their Kid(s) and Providing.. Like a Real Father Would, The Sacrifice You Have For Your Kids.. I Salute, Honour and Respect You On That 👍🏽 But In Saying This.. Theres So Many Fatherless Kids Out There.. And Something That Can Hit Me In The Feels Is This.. "Fatherless Kids" It Hurts To Not Have a Father Figure To Look Up To Growing Up. Fathers Are a Massive Part For Kids Life Growing Up. A Woman Can Do So Much But a "Father" Disciplining His Kids Can Never Be Touched.. I Wish To Be The Beat Father I Can Be For My Kids! 💯💯
"Create One Make One Raise One"
"If Your Man Enough To Lay Down And Make a Baby, Then You Should Be Man Enough To Stand Up and Raise a Baby Too"
Man Enough To Take a Life, But Not Man Enough To Carry A Life
#SoloMother #FatherlessKids #Fatherless #ThePain #SpeakMyMind #GetTheMessageOut #RealTalk #Word #WordUp 
Stay Blessed

Friday 18 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Being Real..

"Trust Gets You Killed, Love Gets You Hurt, Staying 100 And Being Real Gets You Hated" #StandUpForWhatYouBelieveInEvenIfItMeansStandingAlone 
Being Real Must Be a Sin, Because Im Always Getting Punished For Being Real #ImRealToTheBone #DownToEarth #NoFakeInMe #SuckaFree 

Thursday 17 December 2015

Twitter Post: Mamas Boy

You Know You Gotta Good Nig, If He Treats You Like a Princess, Because He Was Raised By A Queen.. #ShoutOutToMyNigs #MummysBoy #RealOnes 💯

Twitter Quote: Lead By Example

"Lead By Example Or Follow In Between The Crowd" Go The Extra Mile For Someone #BuildingChampions #WorldChangers #TheNextGeneration #Inspiar

Twitter Quote: Turn Your Life Around

Its Been Said "People With The Darkest Past, Come Out With The Most Beautiful Future" Theres Still HOPE For Your LIFE #NeverLookDownOnYOU💯

Twitter Quote: Your Flesh Maybe Weak

Remember That You're "Flesh Maybe Weak" And Burnt Out.. But Your "Spirit Is Lit Up On Fire" #Flameon #UnbreakableSpirit #SpiritStrong #WORD

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Facebook Post: Knowing Your Future

"Dont Bring Up The Past Of a Person Who Is Trying To Improve Their Future"

Statistics Show That New Zealand Is Well Known To Be Filled Of "Haters" Peps Who Hate On Others Success Instead Of Giving Gratitude and Support.. Be Happy For Them Like.. "One Of Our People Making It.. For Nee Zealand I Wanna Be Like That" We Like To Put Our People On The Pedestal So We Can Stomp On Them.. And We Are In The Top 3 Countries In The World With The Highest Suicide Rate.. 
Props To The Ones Who's Making a Brighter Future Despite Your Broken Past I SALUTE 🙌🏾🙌🏾 Mad Respect

"Every Saint Has a Past, But Every Sinner Has a Future" 
#WordToYourMother 💯💯
#RealTalk #OnTheReal #MakingaDifference #BlessedLife #JustDoYou #KeepDoingYourThing 
Stay Blessed

Monday 14 December 2015

Twitter Post: Beautiful Baby Bump - Trevor Young 2013

"Yo, He Was Man Enough To Put It In, But Not Man Enough To Stay" - Trevor Young 💯💯💯
#TruestIshIveEvaWritten#BeautifulBabyBump2013 - Inspiar

Instagram Post: Always Be Kind To Everyone

Always Be Kind To Everyone You Meet, You Will Never Know What They Going Through.. Behind Close Doors Or Who They Will Be In The Near Future.. They Will Remember You And The Influence You Made On Them..

Sunday 13 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Always Gotta Keep Going Forward

What Ive Learnt Through All The BS | Heart Breaks | Disappointments In Life, Always Gotta Keep Running Forward, Not Running Back #Truths 💯🤓😎 #GottaPushOn #KeepRunningForward #KeepRunningYourRace #RunItStrong #RunForwardDontRunBack #PushOn #BreakDownsWillComeGottaKeepRunningForward 

Facebook Quote: Become Great

To Become a Giant You Must Walk With Giants, To Be a Lion You Must Train With Lions.. 

"To Become Great, You Must Study The Greats To Become Greater" - Michael Joseph Jackson (RIP) 

Become a Lion And a Giant In Your Own Surroundings Of Influence In Your Everyday Life, And Become Great At It.. - Trevsz 

#GreatestEntertainerOfAllTime #AndMyFavouriteMusician #BecomeaLion #BecomeaGiant #BecomeGreater #NoTimeForFakes #RideOrDie #StayRealToYourself #YouCanDoAnythingThatYouPutYouMindTo #InspiringLivesOneStepAtATime
Stay Blessed

Message/Illustration: Whats Important In Life

Message/Illustration: Whats Important | Trevor Young 

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matter" - Audrey Hepburn

"The Most Important Thing Is To Try And Inspire People So That They Can Be Great In Whatever They Want To Do" - Kobe Bryant 

"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask." - Jim Morrison 

I Always Ask The Questions, In My Down Time Like.. "Whats Important" "Whats Really Important In Life" 

Heading Towards The End Of 2015, Been Such An Amazing Year! A Year Of Many Blessings, As Well As Disappointment. But A Lot of Breakthroughs.. Loved This Year Thank You Jesus For The Amazing Year, My Family Will Always Be Something Close To My Very Heart What Is Important To Me Is My Family, I Am Forever Great Full and Blessed For Everyone In My Family,  Status, Fame Will Never Come Close To My Qualities Found In Christ. I Wanna Be Someone Who Makes Moves But Still Remain Humble.
Top Things Thats Important To Me In Life.
- God
- Family 
- Happiness 
- Love 
- Inspire 

Whats Really Important For Me Personally Is "INSPIRING" And "MAKING A DIFFERENCE" In Peoples Lives. I Wanna Leave Something Behind After My Name Is Called.. "TOUCHING AND CHANGING PEOPLES LIVES" And I Will Continue That To "INSPIRE AND CHANGE THE HEARTS OF MANY" So Coming Back To It.. Whats Really Important To Me Is God, My Family And Hopefully Making a Impact On Many Peoples Lives.. 
So Find Whats Really Important To You.. Life Is Far To Short (Fame, Popularity, Status, Money) Will Never Come Close To Your Real Worth Till You Find "WHATS REALLY IMPORTANT IN LIFE" I Tell It How It Is.. INSPIRE PEOPLE BEFORE I LEAVE IS IMPORTANT TO ME.. 
#ILiveToInspire #WhatInspiresMe #HereToInspire #HowCanInspireYou #WhoInspiresYou #WordsOfEncouragement #Message #Illustration
Stay Blessed

Saturday 12 December 2015

SInstagram Post: People Cross Paths For a Reason

"The People God Put In Your Life Are Not There By Accident, Its Not a Coincidence. They Are a Gift From God"

First Of All Before I Write This Post, I Just Wanna Say Thank You Again To Everyone Whos Wished Me Happy Birthday!! And Thank You To My Lord Jesus For 23 Years! #NowBdayNearlyOver #StillOnMission #GottaJobToDo 

For Me Personally, I Value Peoples Lives, I Value And I Respect People Who Show Me Respect.. If Im Respected By Someone.. They Got a Ride Or Die Nig Till The End, My Loyalty Runs Deep. I Aint No Push Over Nor Am I a Puppet.. I Guess Thats Why Peps Sometimes Has A Problem Wit Me, Coz I Speak My Mind When I Need To.. With All Humility, Im Looking Forward To The Day When God Reveals His Future and The Purpose I Have To Fulfill.. Ive Always Had a Open Mind.. I Know Where Im Going, I Know Gods Got A Massive Plan For Me.. I Love How Peps Underestimate Me.. Its Hard Remaining Humble In Situations With Unreasonable People I Respect Them.. But Then Again I Wont Forget.. So When I Do Make It.. I Will Remember Those People.. 
I Love Interacting And Meeting New People.. Its Not a Coincidence That People Cross Our Paths Everyday, Make a Influence.. Most Times Its A Season But Gods Been There All That Time! Always Have That Encounter With Someone In Your Everyday Life You Meet.. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT THEY GOING THROUGH.. 💯💯💯
#ListenMoreBeforeYouSpeak #peoplecrosspathsforareason #EverythingHappensForaReason #wordofseeds #wordoftheday #wordsofwisdom #HoldOnToThesePeople #HeartOfGold 
Stay Blessed

Thursday 10 December 2015

Message/Illustration: These Heights

Message/Illustration: These Heights

These Heights In Life, And Things We Box Our Selves and Limit Ourselves In Like. "We Cant Do It, Seems To Big" Or "It Worked For Him, But Not For Me" Things and Words Like These.. Plants Something In Our Heads From Accomplishing Things, Stereotype And Thoughts We Put On Ourselves Like.. "I Wish I Was" I WISH I WISH! Lets Change These Words From "I WISH" To "I MUST" I Must Get Out There And Make Things Happen! I Must.. Do It, I Must Finish and Complete It.. You Are Just As Valued Or Even More Valuable To Celebrities and Successful People Out There.. Its All About Renewing Of The Brain, Your Minds Always Ticking, Over Works Itself Facing My Fears And Challenges Head On.. By Challenging Myself Yesterday During Rock Climbing.. I Love Heights and I Go For It.. But Rock Climbing When I Was at The Top Lol.. My Heart Was Beating Fast.. Don't Box Yourself In.. Never Limit Yourself You Can Do Anything That You Put Your Mind To.. #ThoughtICouldntGetDown #AlwaysGottaPushYourself #PushYourselfToTheLimit #InspiringLives #ChangingLives 
Stay Blessed

Facebook Post: I See Something

Hear My Vision | As I Speak My Mind.. I See Something!! 

On Dec 12th (EvenTho Its My Birthday) I Wish It Could Be a Day Of "Inspiring Others" Small "Act Of Kindness" That Wud Be Mean! 💯 #Inspiring #InspiringTouchingLives #InspiringLives #ADayOfInspiring #ChangingLives #TouchingLives 

Instagram Post: Back Stabbers

Inspired By: @foundrmagazine 

"Life Doesn't Get Easier, You Just Become STRONGER"
#AintThatTheTruth #enoughsaid 

"Tough Times Don't Last Only Tough People" 💯💯
People Will Always Look Down On You.. Talk Smack And Stab You In The Back, Thats Why Im Cater To No One.. Coz I Trust No One. People Always Let Us Down, But God Never Will.. Remember That You Always Gotta Keep Doing Your Thing, KEEP DOING YOU.. No One Phases Me Why, Coz I Know Where Im Going In Life.. And Thats What Motivates Me, And Pushes Me To Go Further.. I Know Where Christ Is Taking Me.. 
#StayOpenMinded #HatersWillWaysHate #KeepDoingYou #WiseWords #FoodForTheThought #Backstabers #WatchThisSpace #IminAHappyPlace #LivingMyLife #BirthdayTomorrow #LOL 😘😘😁😁

Twitter: Down To Earth Everyday People

In This Day and Age Today Its Rear To Find People With The "Heart Of Gold" Good, Down To Earth Everyday People! Muj Love Futi & Mia #Blessed

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Facebook: 2pac Quotes

"I Hang With Many, But Dont Trust Any" - 2Pac #LovingTheHapsDownInHamilton #YouthBound #RealRecognizeReal #RealEyesRealiseTheRealies - 2Pac

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Facebook Quote: Thank You Jesus For Christmas

"While Peps Out Getting New Things Im Just Blessed To Have My Family, Good Vibes Around Me Is More Than Enough For Christmas" #Thankful 👊🏽💯🔥


Shout Out To Shamayne For Tagging Me In This! 👌🏽👌🏽#TopNotchStuff 


"Every Man Needs A Woman When His Life Is In a Mess, Because Just Like The Game Of Chest.. "The Queen Always Protects The King"

#KingAmdQueen #KingAndQueenShizz #WomanMakeTheWorldGoAround #ButMenMakeTheWorldGoStraight 
*Every Men Has 2 Men In Him a "KING" And a "FOOL" How Do You Know When Youve Found a "QUEEN" Coz She Speaks To The "KING IN YOU" Thats Fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #letitburn "Girl, Lay On My Chest And Feel My Heart Beat, Let You Know Im Real From These Hard Streets"  - Trevor Young | Inspiar Babyy #akingalwaysprotectshisqueen 

When Someone Shows You Who THEY ARE Believe Them@The First Time, Don't Use The Past As An Excuse, To Miss Out On The Future
#Fire #LetItBurn #Poetry #KingsStuff #Queenstuff #wordsofwisdom #LetMeInspireYou #howcaniinspireyou #howcaniinspireyoutoday #WhatInspiresMe #BeInspired #HereToInspire 
Stay Blessed

Monday 7 December 2015

Message/Illustrations: With These Hands

Message/Illustration: With These Hands | Trevor Young 

Photo Taken 8th October 3015
Heres a Message Thats Been Placed On My Heart For a While.. But Ive Been Delaying It.. 
I Love Looking At Peoples Hands, Hard Working Hands, Scars, Soft Hands.. Your Hands Tell a Story Of Where You Came From.. What You Had To Go Through To Get Where You Are Today.. "YOUR HANDS TELL YOUR STORY"
Take a Look At Your Hands What Life Experience Have Your Hands Been Through.. What Have You Done With These Hands (And Yes These Are My Hands) Lol! You Can Use These Hands To "Abuse" Lives Or "Inspire" Lives Your Future Is In Your Hands, This World Is At Your Finger Tips, Your Life is In The Palm Of Gods Hands. With These Hands You Can Change and Make a Difference In Peoples Lives.. But Then Again With These Hands You Can Destruct a Persons Life Permanent By Laying a Hand On Them.. 

"New Year's Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change". - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sometimes, Reaching Out And Taking  Someones Hand Is The Beginning Of a New Journey, At Other Times, Its Allowing Another To Take Yours..

Your Hands Can Be "Hands Of Hope" Or "Hands Of Slave" Slavery To Bringing Hope And Being That Blessing To Someones Life Or Addictions And Habits

People Will Forget What You Said, And Did.. But They Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel.. The Influence You Placed On Their Life.. The FingerPrint You Carry..

We Are All Carved From The Potters Hand.. We Are The Clay, Hes Moulding, Shaping, And Pruning Us To The "MasterPiece He Has For Us" 

#HandsofHope #WhatKindOfHandsYouCarry #LookAtYourHands #PottersHand #HopeInYourHands #MiraclesInYourHands #WhatYouCarry #WordsofEncouragement #BlessingsOrCurses #WordforToday 

Stay Blessed


Message/Illustration: Smile Through It All...

Message/Illustration: Smile When You Cant Anymore | Trevor Young

Heres A Message I Wanted To Get Out a While Ago, But Got Delayed After Delayed.. But Basically On This I  Just Wanna Share With You Guys a Lil Something, Life Can Be Funny At Times.. Things Happen That Trap Us Like.. Why Did This Happen, Circumstances And Chaos Happens.. That From That Bright SMILE We Had, Suddenly Goes Dim.. And At Times We Like.. "Why Did This Happen, I Dont Wanna Smile Anymore" But Let Me Encourage You With This YOU ALWAYS GOT TO SMILE!! SMILE THROUGH IT ALL.. SMILE WHEN ITS HARD SMILE WHEN YOU CANT ANYMORE.. SMILE TO THE WORLD BABY *Don't Let Nothing Or No One Break Or Steal That SMILE Of Yours! God Gave You That SMILE A Simple Smile Can Brighten Up Someones Day.. YOUR SMILE CAN BRIGHTEN UP A GENERATION *Smile Through It All
#WordsofEncouragement #Smile #SmileThroughItAll #ShineBright #SmileThroughTheHardTimes 

Twitter Quote: Bring On 2016

Looking Forward To 2016 | Screen Productions | New Songs | Poetry | New Collabs | New Adventures #UsingWhatGodgivenMe #InspiringLivesONEStepAtATime #I See Way Beyond What The Human Eye Don't See | Preparing For New Stuff Exceed What God Given Me | Visionary   

Sunday 6 December 2015

Instagram Post: God Can Change And Use You

Inspired By: @etthehiphoppreacher 

"If God Can Turn Night To Day, He Can Turn Your BURDENS Into BLESSINGS" #AintThatTheTruth #ThatsFireRightThere #Worrrrddd #Burrnnn 

That Is So True, Talking From Experience And The Things Ive Done In The Past, As Well As Been Through.. This Message Speaks To Me Personally, If God Can Turn My Life Around And Still Use This Guy.. To "INSPIRE AND CHANGE LIVES" He Can Use You To Do Extraordinary Things! Nothing Special About Me.. And It Ain't About Me Its All About Jesus! Hes Given Me The Talent To Get The Message Out.. I Just Stayed Available Like Lord, "Here I Am" Use Me as a Vessel, Use Me as A Tool.. Like Im Blessed and Honoured That Peps Look Up To Me, And The Influence I Carry.. Im Honoured.. But The Glory Always Goes Back To The "Great I Am" My Jesus.. So With All Humility Doesn't Matter What You Done, God Can Still Use YOU' If You Just Simply Allow Him Too.. 

#WorldChangers #WordForSomeone #WordsofEncouragement #wordoftheday #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #wordofseason #wordofseeds #SpittingTruth #inspiration #InspiringLivesOnestepatATime #Inspiarbabyy #Inspiar2Inspire 

GOD CAN TURN YOU MESS TO A "MESSAGE" YOUR TEST TO A "TESTIMONY" #imalivingtestamenttothat #imahlivingtestimony 
Stay Blessed

Tumblr Quote: Kingdom Cause

I Would Love To Do a Poetry Piece With a Good Dancer! How Powerful That Would Be. #DoubleAnointing #KingdomCause #AllJesus #VisionaryMindset

Twitter Quote: Change The World

"Everyone Wants To See And Change The World, But First This World Needs To See The Change In YOU" 💯💯


Saturday 5 December 2015

Quote: I Live To Inspire

I Feel Honoured and Blessed, When a Young Brother Hit Me Up In Mail.. "bro, thanks for accept you changed my life yesterday" All Jesus Bro👌🏽

Friday 4 December 2015

Spoken Word | Theres Always a Solution

Spoken Word: Theres Always a Solution (Suicide Solution) 

Intro: Hey Wassup Everyone My Name Is Trevor Young

Before I Start I Just Wanna Share Something With You, Straight From My Heart.. I Know All About Depression, Loneliness, Broken Homes, Abandoned Upbringing, Been Called Good For Nothing, A Mistake Since Birth.. Feeling Unwanted, Unloved, I Know All About That Stuff I Grew Up With It.. 

Grew Up Listening To.. "I Was a Mistake, Good For Nothing.. Shouldn't Have Been Born" But Let Me Tell You Something.. Gods Def Collected My Tears, 

Change My Life Around On How I See and View Things Now.. He's Restored My Soul.. He's Got A Unique Plan For Your Life! You Are a World Changer.. So Im Just Gonna Share With You Guys My Heart.. Hope You Enjoy It...

Hear My Heart Into These Words As I Speak, Some Late Night Cries Every Night Before I Rest My Eyes To Sleep, Every Night As I Weep, Thought I Wasn't Good Enough, These Words Cut And Sunken Deep, Terrorised My Life For Their Treat, Heres A Little Sneak Peak Of These Prayers Written In Poetry As I Keep, 

Hear The Words Of a Lil Boy Written From The Heart And Soul, Breaking Down Tearing Apart Loosing Control, Felt Hopeless No One Notice, I Got Told I Wasn't Good Enough, Meant For Nothing.. I Started Loosing Hope Like Lord Is There Really Something, Right Now I Should Just Slit My Wrist, No One Really Loves Me, Demons In My Ear Trapped In This Abyss, I Was a Human Punching Bag Took Pain Of Words Deeper Then a Closed Fist, Pulling Knives Out My Back, From Back Stabbers Smiling In My Face Wishing They Didn't Miss.

I Remember It Like It Was Just Yesterday At The Age Of 14 I Attempt To Kill Myself, I Had The Rope In My Hand, Lost Of Hope Of Where I Stand, Words That Were Spoken So Open, Wounds Deeper Than Cuts Never Healed Itself, I Wanted To Run Away Escape This Pain So I Don't Feel It Myself..

While The Rope Was Over My Neck, Ready To Kick The Chair Away, I Felt This Warm Spirit Clothed Me With Love, Kicked My Fears Away, Felt Something Touch My Heart. That Wiped These Tears Away, 

A Love That I Cant Describe, I Knew Then and There God Has a Plan and A Purpose For My Life, From The Suicidal Note That I Wrote, This Is a Little Testimony As I Spoke, He Reached Out His Hand, And Turned a Little Boy From a Mess To A Man, 

Now To Inspire And Bring Hope, As a Soldier For Christ Here I Stand, A Living Testament That Gods Got a Purpose and A Plan, From The Little Boy Who Wanted To Slit His Wrist, 

Now Im Slaying Demons Like a Check List, From Putting a Knife To My Chest, To Pouring Out Gods Love at its Very Best, From Tiring a Around My Neck, To Bringing Hope To The World Like What The Heck.. Only God Can Do This.. Gods Saved Me Im Saved By Grace, From These Destructive Words, To Changing The World Seeking His Face, 

From These Heart Breaks, Late Night Cries, To Seeing Better Days To My Life, I Wanted Out To Escape The Horrors Of This World, But Gods Turn My Life Around. By Using Me To Make a Mark On This World, Theres a Brighter Day For You And I, 

You May Think I Don't Understand And Yeaa.. You Maybe Right, But I Know All About Crying My Eyes Every Night, Gods Collected Every Tear Drop From Your Eye, Before I Go, I Want You To Know.. And Realise, Without Disguise Gods Gotta A Plan And a Purpose For You And Your Life, Let Him Shine Over You He's Smiling From The Skies...

Conclude: Test To a Testimony

Bless You Guys.. Theres Always a Solution..

Quote: Train With Lions

Inspired By: @SuccessJournal

."To Be a Lion, You Must Train With Lions"

Let That Lion Roar Out Side Of You! Let The Beast Come Out..
I Only Work Wit Those Who Are Hungry For It.. 
In Saying That.. I Keep My Circle Small But My Vision Big, As a Leader Its Some Lonely Roads At Times.. On That Journey To Rising On The Top. But Im Bless To Say Where Im at With Life Itself.. Im Definitely In a Happier Place, And At Peace Wit Alot Of Things In Life.. 
I Only Roll Wit Those Who Make It Happen, I Dont Talk.. But I Let My Actions Speak.. You Say You Gonna Make It Happen, Well Make It Happen. Chase Your Dreams. Stay Humble and Keep Climbing.. Always a Place To Learn and Grow.. 

In Saying That Im Blessed To Be Speaking In Front Of Estimated 200 to 300 People Tomorrow.. About The Power Of Suicide. And How The Decisions You Make.. Affect Others Around You! So Thank You Jesus.. Die To Myself But Let Your Glory and Anointing Arose.. You Speak Through Me.. 

#InspiringLivesOnestepatATime #Inspiarbabyy #HappyPlace #ILoveLions #LetThatLionRoar #UnleashThatBeast
Stay Blessed

Twitter Quote: To Switch Up

"Gods Definitely Taken Me On a Journey and Shifted My Direction Of Movement To Inspire" #SwitchupChanged #BuildingWorldChangers #Influence 💯

Thursday 3 December 2015

Twitter Quote: I Just Do Me

I Find It Cliche When People Say.. "Trev, You Inspire Me, Such a Inspiration" Im Blessed To Hear That. But I Just Do Me..💯

#LeavingaLegacy🙏🏽 #MakingaDifference #InspiringManyPeople

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Twitter Quote: Raised By A Woman

"Not A Role Model But A Real Model" - 2pac 
He Wrote That To His Mum. Im Blessed To Be Raised By a Woman #ToAllTheSoloMothers #BeTheBestMumPossible #BeProudToBeRaisedByAWoman #RaisingTheirYoungChampions IM BLESSED TO BE RAISED BY A WOMAN WHO SAID A WOMAN CANT RAISE A LIL BOY TO BE A MAN IM A LIVING PROOF THAT IT IS POSSIBLE 

Quote: Breathing Life..

Inspired By: @buildyourempire_ 

"Without Failure, There Is No Achievement And Success"

Im All About Breathing Life Into Negative Surroundings..  #HOPETOTHEHOPELESS 

#ItsOkayToMakeMistakesAsLongAsYouLearnFromIt #learnfromyourmistakes #Visionary #VisionaryMindset #AlwaysThinkAhead #WorkHard #buildaempire #buildaempiretogether #buildaempirewitjesus #RightMindset #LeaveaLegacy 
Stay Blessed

Facebook Quote: Fighting For Whats Yours

Us Kiwis Are Natural Born Warriors.. We Know All About Survival, Working Hard and Staying Hungry.. FightingForWhatsYours #TheStrugglesReal..