Monday 15 June 2015

Message/Illustration: Iron Sharpens Iron

Message/Illustration: Iron Sharpens Iron...

Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

I Love This Piece, I Feel This Is Needed. I Have Close People Who I Keep Close In My Circle, I Share Visions, Next Step In Life And Just Normal Everyday Struggles, And Issues.. They My Go To People.. Who Stand In The Gap For Me, Tell Me Wassup! When I Step Out Of Line.. People Like That To Neuter Me, Accountability, And Have Encounter With.. Those My Peps I Go To When Ish Hits The Fan.. I Love This Quote.. "Hang With People On The Same Mission As You, Walk Together Like a Unit.. Keep The Circle Small But The Vision Big" remember Not Everyone Will Be Your Friend, Your Supporter Or Your Fan.. 
Proverbs 27:17
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." 

Meaning: When iron blades are rubbed together, each becomes sharper and thus more effective. Likewise, when believers are involved in one another's lives, mutual edification occurs.

You Need People In Your Life To Help Grow You, Walk That Journey, Walk That Extra Mile With You, Staying Positive.. Theres No Time For Negativity When Your One The Mission Of Making Something Out Your Life... #We Need Each Other #Don't Walk This Life Alone #Have Those Peps Who Would Stand In The Gap And Be There And Walk This Journey With You... #Accountability Is Key #Encountering Takes The Weight & Burdens Of Each other #Helps Grow You Further To Greater Things #Keep The Circle SMALL and Vision BIG #Pruning Sucks Yes! But Let Me Tell You Its Worth It... In The Long Run #Brothers In Arms #Vigilant Men #Men With Purpose #Woman With Dignity #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

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