Saturday 13 June 2015

Facebook Post: Quality Over Quantity

"A Woman Who Is Down For Her Man For Life, Is Better Than A Girl Who's Down For You For The Night"

#Woorddd Up! #Im A Quality Over Quantity Type Of Guy #A "Woman" Who Truly Loves You! Is Better Than A "Girl" Who Just Likes You! #You Can Attract The Looks Homeboy, I Attract The Heart #Im On Another Level #Talk To Me When You Got Some Sense In Your Brain #A Woman Needs A Man, Not A Boy #I Aint Down For Childish Things #My Minds To Focus #Behind Every Great Man Out There, Theirs A Good Woman Holding It Down For Him #A Independent Man Needs His Independent Woman #Every King Needs His Queen Having His Back #Kings & Queens Chess Board #BuildA Empire Together #You Can Have All The Girls You Want.. I Don't Give To Hoots..Homeboy, Im Just Not Interested In These Girls...Soo Thats Why Im Letting You Play The Game, But The Whole Field Ain't Covered Brah.. You Aint Hit Home Run Yet #Im Still Here Remember. Play Your Cards Right Brah #Talk To Me When You Attract The Heart, Not The Looks #Coz I Mus Be Doing Something Right..If They Hanging On Me.. But Im Not Down For Them..So You Can Have Them Lol.. Idc..Remember The Card Dealer Is Always Quiet.. He Never Reveals His Next Secret Up His Sleeve...Till Booom Its Game Over 🏻

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