Saturday 27 June 2015

Quote: Be a Person Thats Beautiful Within

Inspired By: @spiritualword

"A Beautiful Face Will Age, And A Perfect Body Will Change, But A Person With A Beautiful Soul, Will Be A Beautiful Soul" 

#Soooo True, Be A Person With A Beautiful Heart Inside... Become Someone Thats Beautiful Within, Yea Looks Can Attract But A Person With A Beautiful Soul. Does Something Within The Hearts Of Many, How You Project Yourself From Whats Out.. Is a Projection Of Yourself Within.. You Can Be "Drop Dead Gorgeous" Kinda Girl Or "Skux Ladies Man" Guy And Still Have a Ugly Heart. Now Thats Ugly.. 
#Words Of Encouragement #Daily  positivity #Late Post #Something To Think About #The Outside Appearance May Attract.. But If You're Ugly Within... Awww Gummonn Lol' #A Woman Can Be Beautiful Outside But Still Have a Ugly Attitude lol.. #Soo A Guy Can Do To..
Stay Blessed

Friday 26 June 2015

Quote: Never Give Up On Yourself

Inspired By: @spiritualword 

"Don't Give Up On, Destiny, Love, And Answers To Prayers Sometimes Shows Up In Unexpected Ways, On Unexpected Days"

#Don't Give Up On Things Close To Your Heart That Is Worth Fighting For, Find Something That Is Worth Living And Worth Dying For #God Shows Up In Mysterious Ways #In The Least Expected Places #Never Give Up On Dreams Placed In Your Heart #Never Give Up On Your Destiny To Greatness #Remember The Grave Has The Finest Inventions And Unknown Mysterious That Was Never Discovered... Don't Let It Be You.. Don't Go To The Grave With Your Dreams.. But Let Your Dreams Shine...
Stay Blessed

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Quote: Ride Or Die

"Everybody Thats Riding With You, Ain't Always Riding For You, Let The Gas Run Out And See Who'll Push"

This Is A Great Word, Long Story Short. "Ill Only Ride With Those That I Walked With, Il Only Eat With Those That I Starved With"
I Keep It Plain And Simple Keep My Circle Of Friends Small, But The Vision Big, My Spirit Is Always Alert Aware and Spiritually Discerned..
Im Always Looking At My Surroundings, Anyone Can Say They're Ride Or Die With You, But When It Comes Down To It... Who Would Really Be There Standing With You Frontline Soldier in The Battlefield..
I Know For Me Im A Man Of My Word, When I Say Il Ride Or Die With Someone.. Thats All Il Do.. My Loyalty Runs Deep.. Theres No Hesitation In That..#Who Would Get Out And Push The Car With You, Instead Of Driving Pass You In Times Of Need And Help???
#Only A Fee Peps I Hold Close To Me That Il Take a Stab Wound or A Bullet For.. #Ride Or Die To The End..
Stay Blessed

Sunday 21 June 2015

Message/Illustration: How Do You See Yourself

Message/Illustration: "What Do You See In Your Mirror Reflection"

This May Sound Cheesy, Corny or What Not.. But Seriously What Do You See In Your Mirror Reflections,  its How Well YOU, "Know Yourself" That Can Change How You Think, And Your Perspective Of Life. This World Will Have Their Own Opinions And Deception Of You, But If You Don't Know Yourself "Who You Are" Then You Will Fall Into The Trap Of "Affirmation" and Exception From The Value Of Others. 
Humans spend hours preening themselves in mirrors and, given half the chance, convinced it's looking at a rival or a mate! Reflections in mirrors are amazing things that tell us literally (and psychologically) a great deal about how we see ourselves. But what do reflections tell us about the mirrors themselves? What exactly is a mirror... and how does it work?

A Great Example I Found..

This law so resonated with me and it made me think so differently about myself and life in general.  Every person that is in your life, whether it is a relative, or a friend, is a mirror of an aspect of you.  The same is true for every situation in your life as well.

No matter who is in your life or what situation you are encountered with, they are always a mirror aspect of you.  The earth as a learning school gives you the opportunity to always see yourself in the mirror.  Do you like what you see?  Do you like your life and what is in it?  And that mirror is very, very accurate.

Someone else in your life or any situation in your life is also a mirror.  You have to look in the mirror and change yourself.  Do not change the reflection in the mirror but work on yourself.  You must observe the outside but change on the inside to get the results you want.  That is how change will happen for you.  Anything and anyone in your life that you do not like or do not resonate with are showing you aspects of yourself that you do not feel comfortable with.

#Change How You See Yourself #You're One In A Million #Great Advice #I Use To Look Down On Myself When I Was Young! But Man Gods Got Something Amazing #Coz I Chose To Change My Mind And Perspective How I See Myself #Theres No One Like You #Know Your Important #Your Value In Life #Learn To Love Yourself Alot More #Enjoy Life #Isolate Insecurities & Low Self Esteem...#What Or How Do You See Yourself In Your Mirror Reflection #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Words Of Encouragement #Something To Think About

Stay Blessed


Saturday 20 June 2015

Facebook Quote: Just Be You

Theres No Handouts In Life, You Want Something Work Hard For It...

"Im A Man Of My Word, At The Same Time.. I Let My Actions Speak Louder Than My Words" 

Snap Chat: Inspiar_Babyy

Just Wanna Say Thank You Jesus... #SooBlessed #That Bless Life #Your Worst Days Are Behind You, Best Days Still Ahead Of You #Rims #Thank You Jesus #Upgrading #HardWork Pays Off #I WORK HARD FR WHAT I GOT COZ I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO HAVE NOTHING! #I Work For Jesus In Everything I Dooo (My Work, How I Carry Myself, Poetry, Spoken Word, Songs, And Everything Else) #Rolling In Styles #Watch Me Whip #Upgrading The G Ride Baby Steps #Then Sell Her Off #Hustle Game #My Work Ethics #Spirit Of Excellence #I Give It My All In Everything I Do #110% In Everything I Do... #Work Hard Play Hard, Save Harder
Stay Blessed

Message/Illustration: Behind Close Doors (Behind The Curtains)

Message/Illustration: "Behind Close Doors" (Behind The Curtains)

I Think Its Crucial To See What Really Goes On In Peoples Lives, Behind The Scenes, Behind The Smile, Under The Hoodies, Under The Font That Gets Put On To Hide Or Run Away From What They're Dealing With, I Think We Forget To See That There Is People Out There Hurting... Looking To Be Loved, Cared For And Appreciated.. We Can Put On This Beautiful Smile.. But Then Again If We Cant Get Pass The Demons & 4 Walls That Trap Us When Were On Our Own.. Then Were In Trouble. 
#Lets Take Time Out To Actually Visualise And Analysis Whats Really Going On In Our Own Lives As Well As The People Around Us. #We Live In A World Of A Desperate Need #This World Needs Help #We May Need Help #If Theres Things Going On Behind Close Doors You Need To Tell Someone You Can Trust To Help You Get Set Free #Don't Walk This Earth Alone #You're Not Alone :)
#Words Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind Body & Soul 
Stay Blessed

Facebook Quote: Show Them'

"Don't Tell Them You're Doing Great, Show Them How Great You'll Doing"

#Word Of Advice #Worrd Up
Success Lies In Each And Everyone Of Us, Only Just A Few Of Us Come Through.. Coz We Activated It, Developed It And Evolve... Im A Man Of My Word.. I Like To Keep To My Word, But At The Same Time.. I Let My Actions Speak Louder Than Words.. Be a Person of Integrity.. A Person Of Your Word..#Everything Im Blessed With At The Mo, I Worked Hard For What I Got.. #Theres No Handouts In Life If You Want Something You Gotta Go Out There And Get It.. It Ain't Gonna Come To You. #Hard Work Pays Off #Im Reaping The Seeds Ive Planted #ThatBlessed Life #So Rappd And Happy  #WhatYou Put In, Is What Youll Get Out #In Everything I Do In Life I Give It My All #110% #All Or Nothing #In or Out #Im Loyal To The Game #Work Hard #Play Hard and Save Harder...
#Show Them You'll Doing Meeeaan Let Them See It For Themselves #Words Of encouragement
Stay Blessed

Monday 15 June 2015

Message/Illustration: Iron Sharpens Iron

Message/Illustration: Iron Sharpens Iron...

Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

I Love This Piece, I Feel This Is Needed. I Have Close People Who I Keep Close In My Circle, I Share Visions, Next Step In Life And Just Normal Everyday Struggles, And Issues.. They My Go To People.. Who Stand In The Gap For Me, Tell Me Wassup! When I Step Out Of Line.. People Like That To Neuter Me, Accountability, And Have Encounter With.. Those My Peps I Go To When Ish Hits The Fan.. I Love This Quote.. "Hang With People On The Same Mission As You, Walk Together Like a Unit.. Keep The Circle Small But The Vision Big" remember Not Everyone Will Be Your Friend, Your Supporter Or Your Fan.. 
Proverbs 27:17
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." 

Meaning: When iron blades are rubbed together, each becomes sharper and thus more effective. Likewise, when believers are involved in one another's lives, mutual edification occurs.

You Need People In Your Life To Help Grow You, Walk That Journey, Walk That Extra Mile With You, Staying Positive.. Theres No Time For Negativity When Your One The Mission Of Making Something Out Your Life... #We Need Each Other #Don't Walk This Life Alone #Have Those Peps Who Would Stand In The Gap And Be There And Walk This Journey With You... #Accountability Is Key #Encountering Takes The Weight & Burdens Of Each other #Helps Grow You Further To Greater Things #Keep The Circle SMALL and Vision BIG #Pruning Sucks Yes! But Let Me Tell You Its Worth It... In The Long Run #Brothers In Arms #Vigilant Men #Men With Purpose #Woman With Dignity #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Sunday 14 June 2015

Quote: Discover Your Potential

Inspired By: @spiritualword 
"When God Sees You Doing Your Part, Developing What He Has Given You, Then He Will Do His Part And Open Doors That No Man Can Shut"

How Powerful Is This Piece. When You Start Developing Your Gifts & Talent That He's Blessed You With He Will Take You On A Journey That You Never Dreamed Or Desired Of Doing, Inline Your God Given "Gifting's" With Your God Given "Callings" Keep Evolving, Keep Developing.. Keep Learning :) "Life Is A Place Of Learning New Things" Never Stop Learning :) You Do Your Bit And Be At The Best You Can Be, And Let God Do The Rest :) Let Me Tell You Something Its Worth It...
#Be Inspired #Be Encouraged #Daily Encouragement #Words Of Encouragement #Positive Note #Inspiring #Sharing Thoughts. 
Remember The Grave Has So Much Potential That Hasn't Be Discovered... Dont Let It Be You...

Mathew 25:18
18 But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
Stay Blessed

Saturday 13 June 2015

Facebook Post: Quality Over Quantity

"A Woman Who Is Down For Her Man For Life, Is Better Than A Girl Who's Down For You For The Night"

#Woorddd Up! #Im A Quality Over Quantity Type Of Guy #A "Woman" Who Truly Loves You! Is Better Than A "Girl" Who Just Likes You! #You Can Attract The Looks Homeboy, I Attract The Heart #Im On Another Level #Talk To Me When You Got Some Sense In Your Brain #A Woman Needs A Man, Not A Boy #I Aint Down For Childish Things #My Minds To Focus #Behind Every Great Man Out There, Theirs A Good Woman Holding It Down For Him #A Independent Man Needs His Independent Woman #Every King Needs His Queen Having His Back #Kings & Queens Chess Board #BuildA Empire Together #You Can Have All The Girls You Want.. I Don't Give To Hoots..Homeboy, Im Just Not Interested In These Girls...Soo Thats Why Im Letting You Play The Game, But The Whole Field Ain't Covered Brah.. You Aint Hit Home Run Yet #Im Still Here Remember. Play Your Cards Right Brah #Talk To Me When You Attract The Heart, Not The Looks #Coz I Mus Be Doing Something Right..If They Hanging On Me.. But Im Not Down For Them..So You Can Have Them Lol.. Idc..Remember The Card Dealer Is Always Quiet.. He Never Reveals His Next Secret Up His Sleeve...Till Booom Its Game Over 🏻

Quote: Spiritually Aware

"Build A Right Relationship With God, And He Will Give You The Power To Become Spiritually Independent" 

#Real Talk #I Dont Believe In Religion I Believe In Relationship With My Jesus #I Have A Discerned Spirit #I Know Whats Up When Things Hit The Rocks #Spiritually Alert & Aware #Whos On My Level Of In Tuning My Ear To Christ #Im A Young Hungry Brah From The Hood #Independence #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Be Uplifted #Be Positive #Words Of Encouragement 
Stay Blessed

Quote: Be Content

"We Cannot Choose CHRIST on Sunday And Run With The Enemy Monday Through To Saturday"

Real Talk This Post Speaks To Me.. I Guess We Are All Humans, We Fall We Make Mistakes We Are Not Perfect But Then Again Its Not a "Get Outer Jail" Free Card And Still Do The Things We Know Is Wrong.. And Can Kill Our Walk With Christ...
#Take Responsibilities For Your Excuses #Challenge Your Excuses #Check Yourself #Re Evaluate Yourself #To A Brighter You..
Stay Blessed

Message/Illustration: You Can Do Anything

Message/Illustration: | This World Is At Your Finger Tips

Philippines 4:13 "I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who Strengthens Me"
"You Can Do Anything, That You Set Your Mind To" - Benjamin Franklin

I Wanna Share With You Guys Something, You Can Do Anything That You Put Your Mind To.. 
I Know You Have Heard That A Million Times. But You Can "Literally" Do Anything That You Put Your Mind To :) we Get The Same Amount Of Hours, Days As Celebrities & Entrepreneurs, History Theres No Excuse. 
Gotta Ground Yourself, Don't Worry About Others Vision And What They Do In Their Lives.. Cheer Them When They Get Their Break But You Go Hard! And Stay In Your Own Lane.. Its How You Apply Yourself, How You Carry Yourself. The Discipline That You Let To Uprise. This World Is At Your Fingertips Just Waiting For You To Grab And Explore.. Shape It, Mould It.. Re Define It.. But Don't Let It Redefine You. Follow Your Dreams, Or You Will Be Fulfilling Someone Else's Dreams All Your Life.. 

Yes You Can..

You can tell yourself “I can” all day long, and if you really believe it, and you’re willing to work for it, you can absolutely accomplish anything you put your mind to. Determination + Hustle (+ Perseverance) = Success.

But what if you tell yourself “I can’t”? Or how about “it’s too hard for me”? Guess what. Whether you believe that you can, or you believe that you can’t, you’re right.

Your Mind You Can Use It For You Or Against You.. However You Use It.. Will Determine Where You Will Go In The Near Future..

#Put Your Mind To It #Stay Focus #Hustle Get On Your Grind #Work Hard, Save Hard And Play Harder #Stomp Your Own Yards #This World Is At Your Fingertips #This World Is Yours For The Grab #Follow Your Heart & Dreams :) #What Inspires Me #Be Encouraged #Be Uplifted #Be Inspired..

 Stay Blessed


Tuesday 9 June 2015

Message/Illustration: He Calms The Storms

Message/Illustration: He Calms The Storms In Our Lives.

Remember In Life We Cant Predict What Happens Along The Journey, But Let Me Encourage You With This..
After Every Rain Theres Always a Rainbow, The Sun Always Shines After The Storm, When the unexpected comes our true character shows. When trials come, don’t forget there is someone who can bring you peace. Christ not only calms the physical seas, but He can also calm the seas within our minds and souls.It’s hard to remember there is someone who can bring peace when we are being tossed so hard that we feel like we can barely hang on. Sometimes in life we just try to outlast the storm, forgetting to call on the One who can calm it.

I recently heard a friend say that “life is a storm sometimes.” How true that is! Life can be tempestuous, tossing us with winds of misfortune, grief, shame, or stress. I Know Life Can Be Crazy At Times, Makes Our Mind Ho Crazy But Let Me Encourage You Just To Be Still.. In The Eye Of The Storm :) 
Psalm 46:10 "But Still And Know That I Am God..
Luke 8:22 
And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water, and were in jeopardy. 24 And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing!" Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm. 25 But He said to them, "Where is your faith?
#I Needed That Scripture #We All Can Be Faithless at Times Loosing Faith When It Gets Hard Like "Lord Where Are You.. And So On" #We Need Faith In Storms In Our Life (Relationship Break Downs, Financial Disasters, Deaths In The Family And So On) #Theres Peace In The Midst Of A Storm Let The Prince Of Peace Rule Your Hearts..
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Be Uplifted #Powerful Message #Inspirational Quotes
Stay Blessed

Monday 8 June 2015

Quote: Whats Your Purpose In Life

Inspired By: @justinbieber 
"Life Isn't About Having Fun, Its About Being Fulfilled. Whats More Fun Then Knowing Your Purpose And Being Encouraged Because You Went The Extra Mile To Help Someone Else...
We All Have a Light, Are We Going Let It Shine Or Mask It With Unfulfilling Things? I Choose To Let My Light Shine!" 
#Whats More Fun Then Looking And Searching For Your Purpose In Life? #We All Have Something Great In Us That Can Be Great To Someone Else #We Can All Have and Build That Ripple Effect #Touch And Change Lives Around Us Let Your Light Shine #What You Gonna Do With Your Existence You Gonna Make A Difference And Change In Someone Else?? #You Be The Judge :)
Stay Blessed 

Quote: God Can Use You

Inspired By: @powerinyourwords 

"God Will Use You Beyond Your Abilities" 

#Jeremiah 29:11 The Plans & Promises He Has For You. For His Ways Is Not Our Ways, For His Thoughts Are Higher Than Ours #With That God Given Gift He Can Exceed In Your Gifting 
#Inspirational Quote #Power In Your Words #Motivational #Ambition #God Can Use You #Despite Your Past He Can Turn Your Mess To A Message :) #Something To Think About #Wise Words #Words Of Wisdom 
Stay Blessed

Saturday 6 June 2015

Quote: Who Would Ride Or Die With You

Real Talk On The Real..
"When The Day Comes That You Loose Everything, Is The Day You'll Know Who Your True Friends Are..." 

#On The Real.. When You Hit Rock Bottom You'll Know Who Your True Friends Are When You Fall On Your Face And Have Absolute Nothing.. You'll Know Who Still Loves You, When You Cant Provide Anymore... This Is On The Real.. Youll Know Who Would Still Stand And Be By Your Side When It Gets Hard, God Does Say Hell Never Leave You Nor Forsaken You.. He'll Always Be There, He'll Stand By Your Side.. #Count Your Blessings #Things Come And Go #Nothing Here On This Earth Is Permanent #Give And Take Away #I Only Ride With The Cats I Walked With, Il Only Eat With The Peps I Starved With #All I Need In This World Of Sin, Is Me And My Boston #A Dogs A Mans Best Friend #Love My Dog #My Son #My Ride Or Die #Theres two things in life that will define you. Your paitence when you have nothing. And your attitude when you have everything #Words Of Encouragement #Inspirational Quotes #Wise Words #Something To Think About #Who Would Ride Or Die With You
Stay Blessed

Quote: Someone Needs To Be Loved..

"Those Who Are The Hardest To Love... Need It The Most"

#Inspirational Quotes #The Unreasonable People Can Be The Hardest To Love.. But They Need The Love The Most.. Behind The Font They Put On & Behind The Close Doors People Out There Just Need Someone Who's Willing To Take Their Time Out To Feel Loved & Appreciated..
Stay Blessed

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Message/Illustration: The Heart Of A Lion

Message/Illustration: The Heart Of A Lion
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Dueteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
#He Will Never Leave You Nor Forsaken You #Birth The HEART OF A LION #The ROAR OF A LION #BE BOLD & COURAGEOUS LIKE A LION #A Lion Shows No FEAR #The Strength Of A Lion I Love What A Lion Represents "BOLDNESS, STRENGTH AND HEAD OF THE FAMILY. #My Favourite Animal A Lion #Be That Rock For Your Family
Stay Blessed