Friday 1 January 2016

Quote: Be Real Trev.. God Will Open Doors

Inspired By: @spiritualword 
"God Will Open Doors For You, That Nobody Can Shut"

Imah Be 💯% Real On This Post! I Just Wanna Apologise For The Posts I Have Been Putting Up Lately, Like.. Imah Humble Myself Right Down To My Feet And Say From The Bottom Of My Heart.. That Im Sorry.. Tbh, Im Still Young, I Make Mistakes.. I Wish To Never Be Followed, Looked Up To, Or Admired.. I Have My Own Demons Like Everybody Else.. I Sincerely Don't Want People To Go Down The Path Im Heading To. Coz Right Now Its a Dark Path.. And Imah Be Real. So Its Hard For Me To Post Things, And a Take Step Back Like "Should I Post This" Coz Its All Eyes On Me.. On What I Post Now.. Couple Years Back No One Cared What I Posted About. Or Even Knew What The Name "Inspiar" Was About.. Years Forward.. I Have To Be Careful On What I Post Now.. I Ain't Loosing Myself, But Im Aware Now Whats Happening Around Me.. 
Tbh, I Ain't Cater To No Man Except For Christ.. But As a Real Man Imah Humble Myself And Say Sorry.. It Took a Lil Bump To The Head To Realise What Ive Been Posting Up Lately, Its Not Something Im Proud Of Nor Something Im Portraying as a Image.. It Hits Me Every Time Now To See I Have Legit Followers Following After Me.. Who Hit Me Up In Message.. And Be Like "Trev I Follow You Because... And So on.. " And If I Fall.. The Fingers Pointed At Me.. I Wont Be Condemned Nor Am I Gonna Sit Here Dwelling.. This Aint Throwing Dirty Laundry Out, This Is All About Redemption! "If A Man Falls.. He Shall Rise, Get Back Up And Walk Again" Imah Pick Myself Up And Hold My Head High Like I Always Have! Im Stronger Than That. Instead Of Curling Up Like a Ball, And Shut Myself Away From The World.. Imah Face It Head On! And Move Forward.. Peps Can Throw Shade, Talk Alot.. But Imah Keep Going Forward! Beginning Of 2016 Is a Massive Year! A Busy Year For Me! I Have To Make Sure Im Physically, Emotionally.. And Get Back To Church To Get My Walk Right Again To Be Spiritually Fed. This Year! God Will Open Doors For Me That No Man Can Ever Shut! So This Post Is 💯% Real! Im Keep Doing Me, Pick Myself Up From Where I Last Picked Off.. And Keep Trucking! I Need To Get My Walk Straight Again. 

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