Saturday 2 January 2016

Message/SpokenWord/Illustration: Renewing Of The Mind

Message/Illustration: | SpokenWord
"Renewing Of The Mind"

Its Honestly So Funny, How This Image Came Up! Coz I Was Just Reading Romans 12:2 For Devotion!! Lol.. Then I Felt Like It Was Necessary To Put This Post Up'

"I Have These Thoughts.. That Wanna Go Left, Wanna Go Right, I Have These Thoughts Over Working Each Night, I Have These Thoughts That Stimulate The Braincells, Articulate The Gates Of Hell, Hear My Heart From Someone Who Once Fell, A Soldier Here I Stand.. About To Share a Story To Tell, Its The Battle Of The Mind, Renewing Of The Brain, Somewhere Along The Line, We cant Contain..."

In Writing This.. This Has Been On My Heart Since 2nd Of December, A Month From Today.. Probs Longer Before Than, But I Keep Delaying This Piece.. And Now Tonight Spending Time With My Jesus Once Again (Unashamed) I Know Ive Messed Up.. I Feel Its Necessary To Share This.. By The Grace Of His Mercy! He Still Loves Me.. When Peps Think I Messed Up.. There Is No Condemnation In Christ Jesus! But The Glory Of God Holds Me Through, When I Felt Like I Messed Up.. He Gave Me The Image Of The Prodigal Son.. Run Back Into His Arms.. I Once Got Told By Someone Close To My Heart, A Very Close Brother, Friend, Soldier In Christ Who I Admire And Love.. He Once Said "Trev, No Matter How Much Times You Mess Up.. Just Keep Showing Up.. Keep Running To Christ, Not Run From Christ" Im Sure If This Brother Of Mine Reads This.. He Would Know He Quoted It To Me... Tonight Listening To These Gospel Songs Again.. (After a While) "Take Me Back To The King, Chains Be Broken, And I Give Myself Away" Man All I Can Say Is.. God Is GOOD! When Thoughts In My Head Started Reoccurring Like "Trev You Messed Up.. Time To Curl Up Like a Ball" I Knew Then and There.. I Needed To Get Out.. 
Before These Thoughts Take Me Under, Our Minds Can Do Some Crazy Things.. "Be Used For Us Or Against Us" Its All About Renewing Your Mind, Eject The Tape That Keeps Playing Over and Over On Repeat In Your Mind, And Change The Track To a New Track!! Its The Beginning Of The Year.. We All Have So Much To Live For.. 
Im a Strong Person Inside My Heart, Like Things Of My Past Tried Taking Me Out Growing Up, But As I Planted Myself.. And Build a Foundation.. I Feel Things Cant Touch Me.. Coz What I Went Through Growing Up Was Rough.. So Thank You Jesus For Giving People In My Life, To Hit Me Up In Txt, Message Like Trev.. Whats Up.. You Algoods! Means Heaps To Know Im Cared For, As Well As I Care For Others Out There.. Let Me Remind You Guys! Renew Your Mind.. Pick Yourself Up, Once You Hit Rock Bottom. You Cant Go Anywhere Else.. Coz Your There at Rock Bottom, You Can Only Get Back Up! And Go Forward.. RENEW YOUR MIND!! "God Is My Rock and Foundation, And My Rock Bottom.. He Is My Rock At My Bottom"
#RenewYourMind #BattleOfTheMinds #MindWorks #Mindgames #EnemeyPlaysWithYourMind #TheseThoughts #FightingWithYourOwnMind #OverWorking #NeverTurnsOff #YourBrain 
Stay Blessed

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