Monday 25 July 2016

Twitter Post: Bringing Back The Heart of Worship

Tonight I Just Dont Know Why Im Soo Nervous...
When Loma Asked Me To Take Worship Last Week, I Automatically Froze and Was Making Excuses In My Mind To Get Out.. 
Like Im The Wrong Person To Ask To Do Worship Right At This Time..
But Then Im Like Lord.. If Its Meant To Be Lets Do This.. Not My Will But Your Will Be Done..
Im Saying This Because.. Coming Back To Christ.. Just Like Lord Here I Am...
This Is The Best Timing Coz Its Like My Hearts Vulnerable and I Just Want His Tangible Love... 
While The Enemy Tryna Find Excuses Fo Me To Not Turn Up or Do Worship Tonight.. These Were The Thoughts.. "If Only They Knew What You Been Doing" But Im Like.. It Just Makes Me Wanna Run Back To Christ Even More and Harder

The Enemy Didnt Want Me To Attend Tonight, Or Do Worship Find 10 Reasons To Make Excuses... But God Found 10 Reasons To Why I Should Go Through Wit It Tonight 😊

New International Version (NIV)

John 10:10

10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

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