Sunday 31 July 2016

Twitter Post: Get It Out There

I Don't Wanna Be a Person Who Goes To The Grave Without Excelling All The Gifts God Has Blessed Me Wit, If You Have a Gift Get It Out There Have The Same Mentality 😘 #MultiTalented 
I Heard The Graves Is Field With New Ideas, Visionaries, Explorers, Philosophers, Revolutionist, Gifts And Talent That Was Never Explored 💥  

#InLineYourGodGivenGiftWithYourGodGivenCalling #ReachTheHeights #FullPotential #Inspiar2Inspire 💯

Twitter Post: We Can Do It

When You Go In For The Hand Shake And The Bro Goes In With The Pound 🙄😓 #AwkwardMomentMyBro 😐 #BRUH 
Its Like Pushing a Door Open When It Clearly Says "PULL" 😑 #HowCanThatBe 😅😂 
Well Good Morning People and #Gidday ✌🏽️

Twitter Post: Cater To No One

Cater To No One, But Cater For Someone, That Will Cater To Others, That Caters To Me 😘❤️ #CaterToNoOneButCaterToSomeone #RiddleForYourDiddle 🌹💞

Saturday 30 July 2016

Twitter Post: Poetry Her

When She Says 💘
"Why Do You Choose Me, Out All The Girls You Know... Im Nothing Special" ❤️
In My Mind Im Like... 
"I See More In You, Then As You View Yourself, Therefore Thats What Catches My Heart.. 
Something Different About Ya" 
So I Say Nothing, And Keep It To Myself Lol 🙄😂😏✌🏽️

#YouGotMeIGotYou 💞

Poetry 🌹

Friday 29 July 2016

Twitter Post: You Feel Me Dog

Nothig Else Hurts Me More Than Watching Ya Family Go Through The Struggle, And Its Like You Wanna Fall and Break At Times... But You Remember Who You Are.. And Why You Grind Hard! So You Dust off That Pity-Ness And Come Back Harder. 
So Your Family Can Be Better Off 💯 What Don't Break You Will Make You Stronger 💪🏽 #FindWhatINSPIRESYOU

#ToKeepGoing 👌🏽
#FromTheHeart ❤️ 
#ThatDayWillCome #FallInToPlace #TheStruggleGivesMeStrength #StruggleIsReal 🖕🏽🔥

Twitter Post: Just Keep It Real

You Can Try and Wear The Same Clothes As Em, Put On a Persona Try Have Swag and Charisma...
Even Try Walk and Talk Like Em... Put On His Shoes, But At The End of The Day You Will Never Be Em' ❤️
Walk Your Own Journey In Life, Don't Try Be Someone Your Not...💯 #JustKeepItRealBaby #BeYOU 

#WearYourOwnClothes #BeYourOwnMan #WalkInYourOwnShoes 

Thursday 28 July 2016

Twitter Post: Goal Driven

I Only Surround Myself With Hard-Working, Goal Driven Ambitious Kind of People. Who Want To Do Well And Succeed In Life, I Don't Surround Myself With Useless People Who Ain't About That Life 😘❤️💯 
#PositiveMindPositiveLife #MoveWithThoseonTheSameMissionAsYOU #ChooseYourCircleWisely 🙏🏽

Twitter Post: Just Be Cool

Im Just Cool With Everyone I Come Across In Life, From The Homeboys To My Girl Mates I Got No Bad Blood Between Anyone 😊❤️ #KeepThePeace #PeaceAndHarmony 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Twitter Post: Your To Beautiful

I Guess Girls Will Never Know Their True Beauty, If They Keep Going Out With Fools 🙊😘 

#BeautyandTheBeast #YourToBeautifulForTheBeatDowns #DaughterofTheMostHigh ✌🏽️❤️

Twitter Post: Like For Like Buildups

With The Amount of "Like For Like, Like For Tbh" Ive Actually Took The Time To "Like" I Should Be Getting Novels By Now 😂 

#Buildups #StuffYaAndYourLikeForLikes 😂✌🏽️ #JokesEah 
OkehBye Night 🙏🏽

Twitter Post: Simply Just Be The Best

"Be The Best That You Can Be" 🏆 

If Its Being a Mummy or Daddy Be The Best That You Can Be💞 If Its a Manger To A Rubbish Truck Driver, Musician To a Actor, Student Whatever Occupation You In #SimplyBeTheBest 

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Twitter Post: Travelling The World

Already Planning On Where To Fly Next Year ✈️ 😊 
Christchurch Next Week And Raro In Nov 
I Wanna Make The Most of It Before Im Tied Down, And Have Kids 💞

#TravelTheWorld #WhereToNext #TravellingBuddy 🙊

Instagram Post: Walk Among The Greats

"I Will Fear NO EVIL, For YOU Are With ME" #IWalkThisEarthAlone #ForYouAreWithMe ❤️
#IWalkAmongTheGreats #WalkAmongstGiants 👌🏽
I Love This Scripture 
Psalm 23 ❤️

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2  He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
3 He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord

#FearNothing #HeartofaLION #StrengthOfALion #RoarLikeaLion #Narnia #LION #Psalm23 #BookofPsalms "I Will Fear NO EVIL, For YOU Are With ME" 

Twitter Post: Strike Your Eye

While Guys Tryna Scoop You Up, Im Just Sitting Here Waiting Fo The Right Time To Strike And Sweep You Off Your Feet 😍😚 
Others Try Catch Your Eye, Im Aiming To Catch Your Heart 💞

#Poetry #PatienceIsKey 
#NoEyeCandy #StraightSoulFood 💕

Monday 25 July 2016

Twitter Post: 2 Legit

I Don't Know Why Pigs Always Love Following and Trolling Behind Me In My Subi Lol..😌 Till They Run Their Meter (Or Whatever They Do) To See If My Reg, WOF, And Full License All Legit (Because Im On To It Like That) 😅 And Up To Date Then They Roll Past Me.. Thats When I Put The Pedal To The Metal 😈 #ILoveTeasingPolice #LetDriveMySubiInPeace #CrusingDownTheStreetInMySubi #EazyEVoice #BRUH 

Twitter Post: Thats All That Matters

#Subliminal 🌹#GotYouThinkingWhosHeTalkingAbout🤔#NoOneWillKnowBecauseIWontExposeHerOnMySocialMediaAccounts 🙊

When You Wit Me Girl You Don't Needa Worry Who's Watching, (Im Not Even Worried) Coz As Long As I Got You, You Got Me Thats All That Matters Right #WeInThisTogether 💯

"I Don't Care Who Was Before Me, Im Just Focused On The Now. Tryna Make It Work So There Is No One After Me" ❤️
#KingsandQueensStatus #HisandHers #LionandLioness #Unity #Powerhouse 💕

Twitter Post: Down Wit a Real One

Girl I Couldn't Careless What You Done In The Past, And Who You Been Wit...
(Yea, Don't Get Me Wrong Im Vulnerable To A Woman's Needs, I Do Hear Her Heart And Her Cries Of Her Past) 
But If You Show Your Down, Il Keep It 1 Hunit Wit You, And Show Heart All The Way...💕🐾

"He's Your Past, But Im Your Future" ❤️

#WeCanMakeItWork #TellEmBoyBye #YourWithaRealOne #DownWitARealOne #TrevorTheYoungin🙊

Twitter Post: Deceitful For The Human Eye

When She Looking Like a Sex Object, But Still Saying..."Why Guys Just Wanna Use Me" Deceitful For The Human Eye 🙊 #IfYouDontRespectYourselfHowCanOthersRespectYOU #ShowSomeRespectDIGNITY #WorthInYourself #GirlYouTrippn 😘🙈✌🏽️ 

Twitter Post: Bringing Back The Heart of Worship

Tonight I Just Dont Know Why Im Soo Nervous...
When Loma Asked Me To Take Worship Last Week, I Automatically Froze and Was Making Excuses In My Mind To Get Out.. 
Like Im The Wrong Person To Ask To Do Worship Right At This Time..
But Then Im Like Lord.. If Its Meant To Be Lets Do This.. Not My Will But Your Will Be Done..
Im Saying This Because.. Coming Back To Christ.. Just Like Lord Here I Am...
This Is The Best Timing Coz Its Like My Hearts Vulnerable and I Just Want His Tangible Love... 
While The Enemy Tryna Find Excuses Fo Me To Not Turn Up or Do Worship Tonight.. These Were The Thoughts.. "If Only They Knew What You Been Doing" But Im Like.. It Just Makes Me Wanna Run Back To Christ Even More and Harder

The Enemy Didnt Want Me To Attend Tonight, Or Do Worship Find 10 Reasons To Make Excuses... But God Found 10 Reasons To Why I Should Go Through Wit It Tonight 😊

New International Version (NIV)

John 10:10

10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Twitter Post: Something About Long Hair

Something About A Chick And Long Hair That I Dig 😍 As Her Hair Shines In The Sun, Blows In The Wind..Smells Like Fun, Causing a Brother To Sin... 😘😈
#Poetry #ILoveLongHairOnaPrettyGirl #LongHairDontCare #SheTakesPrideInHerLongHair 🙊

Twitter Post: TF BRUH

When Boyfriends of These Girls Hit Me Up In The DM Like...Thinking I Got Something Going On Wit Their Girls? TF Bruh I Probs Don't Even Know Ya Girl..🤔😅#Chill #LetMeSleepInPeace 🙂😴
Probz My Name Going Through Her Mouth... You Must Be Not Gettin It Right Idk... But Its Like Bruh I Don't Even Know Ya Girl Lol? 

#CuffYourChick 🙊#ImYourGirlsBestfriend 😏#BoyFriendNumber2 😘#TreatHerLikeaWoman #TreatHerRightThenSheWontBeUpInMyDM 

#JokesEah ✌🏽️ Night 😚

Twitter Post: Angel In Disguise

When A Customer Was Like, To Me Yesterday "Trev.. You're a Angel In Disguise Thank You For Helping Me" 😊😇
Felt Honoured I Was Able To Be a Blessing, Made My Heart Melt.. 

Then I Realised Im Still Fighting Demons 🙄😭🙈 
#MakingaImpact #MakingMoves 

#BornWithaFightingASpirit ❤️
#AFightingSpiritTillMyNumbersCalled #LifeBecomesaBlessingWhenYOURealiseYourTheBlessingToSomeonesLife 💯 #BeKindToOthers #ActofKindness 🙏🏽

Friday 22 July 2016

Twitter Post: Ask About Me

Really Cant Wait To Go Back To The Mothers of Cook Island Again In Nov Wit a Lil Somebody 🙊😘 #StayingLowkey 🤐🙊

And ChristChurch For The First Time In 2 Weeks 😎 

Following My Calling.. Was Prophesied By A American Evanglist/Prophet Philip Olsten In 2010 Back In HOPE Centre "To Pack Your Bags, Get Your Passport Ready...You Will Be Travelling.." 💯 (Always Hold On To That) 

6 Years On Been On The Plane 4 Times This Year 😊 #GoingPlaces 

#ThatBlessedLife #InLineYourGodGivenGiftingsWithYourGodGivenCalling
#IWorkHardInEverythingIDo #ThatTimeAway #WontRevealHerTillWeInRaroInNovLOL 😊🤐💕 #Inspiar2Inspire ✈️

Twitter Post: Who Wants It

Poetry | Spoken Word: Can We Be...
#HisandHers 💕 🙈🙊
💜💘💜 💣🔥🔥

Can We Be Like Bonnie and Clyde And Be On a Mission, Travel The World Beyond Our Vision, See Places We Never Desired, Places We Never Dreamed of.. Make Money Like Were Hired, Have a Special Bond Like 2Pac and Janet Jackson, Can I Say Your My Best Friend, Soul Mate, Ride Or Die, If They Askin' Appreciate You Like a Gentlemen, But At The Same Time Give You That Thug Passion... x

I Pray God That You Prepare Me To Be The Man To Be, Il Be Everything You Desire In a Man.. That Your Find It In Me, Treat Her Like a Lady, Treat Her Like a Woman.. Not Afraid But Proud To Say "Thats My Woman" 😍 Turn You From a Best Friend, Girlfriend... Wife and Soon A Mother To Be, My Lion Protective Instincts Signals on Like A Killing Spree...

Spread Your Arms Wide Like Im Jack And Your Rose On Titanic, Tell You I Got You Dont Needa Panic, "You're The One I Want" Like Danny and Sandy, Wipe Away Your Tears.. Coz Girl Il Be That Man To Be... 

Be Like Chris Brown And Nicki Minaj, Treat You Like a Woman, Wit That Unconditional Love.. 
Be Like Donald Duck And Daisy, Mickey Mouse And Minie.. Coz Girl Everything About You Plays Me, Own Sh*t Like Obama And His First Lady, Coz Girl Your My One and Only.. 💕

And Nothin Shady, Share That Intimate Bond Like Adam And Eve, That Chemistry, A Real Man, Unconditional Love From a Real One.. Because I Wear My Heart On My Sleeve 💞
#Poetry #SpokenWord #Unity #HisandHers #OneAndOnly #CanIBeThatMan #CanWeBe #ManToBe 💙❤️💙

Twitter Post: Appreciate You

If You Don't Feel Appreciated, Theres Always That One Person Who Would Appreciate You 💞#YouAreAppreciated #IAppreciateYou #AcceptYouAsYouAre #MorningPost🌹💕

Twitter Post: Super Proud

Super Proud Of Myself LOL 😍 For 3-4 Weeks Now Ive Been Just Stayin Home Being a Good Boy.. Havent Been Going Out Getting Up To Mischief 🙊😉 

#BuildingaBetterMe #ForMyFutureWoman #MotherToBe 😍 #FindingMyselfAgain 💯 #TheInfluenceICarry #WeAllFALLButWeAllShallGETBACKUPANDRISEAGAIN 🌹
#DoneWithThatLife 💜💜💜

Thursday 21 July 2016

Twitter Post: Future Woman

#DaddysPrincess 👑💞🌹

#MyWorldHerCriesIsMyHeart #FathersLove 💕

I Know You Say.. You Don't Come "Second" To No Chick.. 

But There Will Be A Time When I Have To Tell You Im Loving Another Girl, There Will Be a Time.. When You Gotta Accept The Fact That You Will Become Second Place... 
There Will Be a Time.. When She Will Win Over My Heart...
That This Girls Name Will Be Tatted On My Heart...
And Shell Look Up To You and Call You Mummy 💘💍
A Father Word To His Daughter, Her First Lover 💞

"You May Not Be Treated Like a QUEEN From A Man, But You Will Always Be Daddy's Lil PRINCESS In My Eyes" 

"The Reason Why Daughters Love Their Dads The Most.. Is The Fact That There Is At Least One Man In This World Who Will Never Hurt Them" 💯 #Truths 

#DaddysLilGirl #MyWorld #HeartofaFatherToHisDaughter #Poetry 


Wednesday 20 July 2016

Twitter Post: Suck a Dick

#GivingUpTheReal #WhoElseCanRelate 💯❤️

Im The Type Who Couldn't Careless What Anyone Thinks Of Me Or Hates On Me Im Not The Type To Go Looking For Others Approval, And Acceptance.. 💯 

Im Humble Enough To Admit, I Dont Compare Myself To Anyone Else.. Or Think Highly of Myself, Better Then Anyone Else.. What Im Saying Is Im Wise Enough To Know Im Different From The Rest 😬 #FarFromTheOrdinary #PutRespekkOnThat 😏
"Never In Front Of You, Never Above You.. But Always Beside You"

"People Will Talk About You, When They Envy You And The Life You Lead.. Let Them 😊 You Affected Their Life, Don't Let Them Affect Yours.. NEVER HATE PEOPLE Who Are Jealous Of You, But Respect Their Jealously.. They're People Who Think YOU Are Better Than Them"

#HatersAreConfusedAdmires #SuckaDick #MyStatusToRuthless? #CareHOLMES #ImReal #InspiredorIntimidated ❤️❤️

Twitter Post: Walk In My Own Shoes

Its Amazing How My Ol Mans Well Known In The Manurewa Streets, Or South Auckland Community.. Or All Around Auckland Are You "Stans Son" No My Gee Im Trevor The Youngin 
My Own Man 😊 My Proud City, My Home Town MANUREWA STREETS TILL DEATH 
#StanTheMan #LoveMyPops #WhatCanThisManNotDo #SuperHuman #BiconicalDad #MyOwnLane #WalkInMyOwnShoes #LeavingMyOwnLegacy #InspiarBabyy #Inspiar2Inspire 💞

Twitter Post: Prayer Warrior

Im a Person Who Believes In The Power of Prayer, If You're Praying For Something or Praying Into Something And You Stand On Faith.. I Believe With All My Heart.. You're Sowing a Seed Into Your Situation.. Eventually Someday It'll Sprout Out From What Was Planted.. And Come To Fourth 🙏🏽💯❤️

I Say This.. Because Theres Been Many Times In My Life Where I Prayed For Something, Times of Thinking It Ain't Working.. Blocking Out Doubt In My Heart.. And Breathing In That Lil Bit of Faith.. But Little Did I Know God Was Working Amongst My Circumstances Behind Close Doors 🙏🏽
And I Say This, Because The Times I Was Going Out.. I Know My Mum Was Praying For Me To Come Back To Christ. And Praying For My Safety When Im Out In Town.. Theres Been Many Near Misses, And Wake Up Calls.. But Forever Thankful My Safety Was All In Gods Hands.. Due To The Prayer Warrior My Mum Is 🙏🏽

#FaithAsaMustardSeedCanMoveMountains #PowerofPrayer #MumsPrayer #PowerinYourWords #SpeakOut #ImReal #Inspiar2Inspire

Twitter Post: Start Somewhere

Never Dismay Your Presence, Just You're Source of Light Can Mean Everything To That One Person, Just You Being There For Someone Can Mean The Absolute World.. Your Time is More Precious Then Money 😘 Have An Amazing Day ❤️ 
"You May Feel Your Nothing To Somebody, But Your Everything To That Someone" 👌🏽💞

#ShoulderToLeanOn #EarToListen #WearYourHeartOnYourSleeve #WearYourSmile #ShineYourLight 😍🙏🏽

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Twitter Post: Beauty Within

I Say This With A Pure Heart.. 💞
Nothings More Beautiful Then a Woman Who Knows Her Self Worth, & Beauty 😘👌🏽💙

I Find Girls Who Flaunt Their Beauty With More Clothes On.. More Appealing, And Naturally Beautiful Knowing Who They Are.. And Their Beauty Within Themselves...

Then a Woman Who Is Lost In Her-Self Worth.. Exposing With Less Clothes Tryna Gain The Attention of These F Boys... That Have No Interest In Building a Future Wit Them 🤔✌🏽️ 

#HappyInTheSkinTheyIn #BeautyWithin #FlauntItBaby #PrinceCharmingWillCome #PatienceIsKey 😍

Twitter Post: Dont Be Ugly

Remember "True Beauty" Comes From Within, Within a Persons Heart.. If They Ugly In Their Heart.. It'll Eventually Show On Their Outside Appearance" ❤️
#DontBeaUglyPerson 💯

Twitter Post: Heart of a Leader

Many Go Hunting For The Position of a BOSS, But Only A Few Carry The Heart of a LEADER ❤️ 🤔 #LeadersLead #LeadByExample #LeadFromTheFront 💯😘

Monday 18 July 2016

Twitter Post: Walking In Greatness

Snap Chat: Inspiar_Babyy ❤️

I Walk In My Own Shadows, I Don't Follow Under No Man.. Every Step I Take, Is a Shadow of Legacy Following #NaturalBornLeader 💞

"People Are Rewarded In Public, For What They Practice In Years of Private" 👌🏽👀💯

#StayHungry #GroundWork #Lowkey #SuccessWillCome #StayGrinding #Success #WatchThisSpace #Visionary #TrevorTheYoungin #InspiarBabyy #ManurewaStateofMind #HeartofManurewa #RewaHard267 #InspiredorIntimidated #Inspiar2Inspire ❤️❤️

Twitter Post: One Day At A Time

You May Not Be Where You Wanna Be Today, But Your No Longer At The Place You Were Yesterday ❤️ #OnestepAtaTime #TakeEverydayAsItComes 💞

Sunday 17 July 2016

Twitter Post: You Need To Cut It

You Need a Man Who Would Cross Oceans For Ya, Not Be Afraid of Getting His Shoes Wet In Puddles Climb Mountains Not Hills For Ya. 💞#GoOverHeelsForYa #BendOverBack #MoonandBack #TakeOnTheWorldForYa ❤️❤️

Twitter Post: Catching Pokemons

I Wish Young Boys and Grown Me Who Go Outer Their Way To Catch Pokemons.. (Rain, Or Shine.. Day or Night, Bridges, Bushes...Busy Roads) Who Have The Same Passion & Enthusiasm To Catch a Woman's Heart 💙💜💙

#ImJustaPokemonHaterLol 😔 #Pokemon #GottaCatchEmAll 😳 
Yea Nah 😅 Okeh Good Night 😍✌🏽️ 

Saturday 16 July 2016

Twitter Post: You Have Value

You Can Know So Many Girls.. But Its That One Girl Who You Push Away, Neglect Who Would Stand By You, Be There For And Beside You.. 
Who Truly Knows You & Loves You 💕 
#HisandHers #Unity #AttractedToaBoringWomanLOL 😁😏

#ThatRightWoman 💞#KnowYourWorthGorgeous 
#YouAreBeautiful 😘#StrengthsandWeakness 

Twitter Post: What Dont Kill Me

Forget What Hurt You, But Always Remember What It Taught You 💜 #WhatDontKillYouWillMakeYouStronger 💯 #OnlyTheStrongSurvive #TheHeartofaLion💞

Twitter Post: For Every King

"Every King Needs His Queen, Every Queen Needs Her King"

Only a King Bows Down To His Queen, But In A Game of Chess The Queen Always Protects Her King 💕 Sometimes Even a Mighty King Needs a Lil Affection 💞
A King Cant Be a King Without The Strength of His Queen #BuildingaKingdomTogether #Unity #StayLowkey #MorningPost #BlessedSunday #LionandLioness #Kingdom #Empire

Twitter Post: For Every Girl

"Behind Every Great Man Out There.. Theres a Good Woman Holding It Down For Him" 💕
#HisandHers #Team #Unity "For Every New Beginning, Comes From Some Other Beginnings End" 💕 "Regardless of How Big and Bad You Are, Theres Always That one Woman.. Who Can See Right Through You, Shes Both Your Strength & Weakness" #bonnieandclyde 💞

#RideorDie #AllorNothing #InourOut #poeticjustice #2Pac #JanetJackson #Lucky #Justice #Chemistry #Unity #AllLove #ThugLove 💞💞💞

Friday 15 July 2016

Instagram Post: His and Hers

#relationshipgoals 😍

"Every Soldier Needs His Guardian Angel" #hisandhers 💕

"Behind Every Great Man Out There, Theres a Good Woman Holding It Down For Him" 💕 #OnSomeRealShi*t 

She Says: "I Stand Behind You, Because I Trust You To Lead The Way..." 
He Replies: "I Lead The Way Because I Know In My Heart You Will Always Have My Back" 💜

Il Make A Stand As Long As She Promises Me Shell Always Have My Back 💯
#gentlemenbutstillkeepitreal #GangstaWithAHeart 

#Goals #RelationshipGoals #bonnieandclyde #2Pac #JanetJackson #Lucky #Justice #poeticjustice #ThugLove

Twitter Post: Catch Em All

Bruh Don't Make Plans Hommie If You Ain't Got a Job Or A Car 😎 Catch a Job, Then Catch That Paper 💰 Or Catch A Bus 🚌 😳 
Don't Catch Pokemons 😔😏 
I Aint No Uber Driver 🐸☕️🤘🏽

#GetYourMindRightGetYourGrindRight #PirioritiesAndResponsibilitesStraight  JokesEah 😊✌🏽️

Thursday 14 July 2016

Twitter Post: Do Ya Bruh

I Laugh When People Try Make Me Jealous.. Im Not The Jealous Type I Don't Get Insecure Like That 😁 #DoYouHomie #IJustDoMeBRUH #DoYaThang 😍😎

Twitter Post: Private Life

#shesgotthekeytomyheart🔑 💕
I Promised Her Im Not Blasting It On Social Media Till Further #PrivateLife 😘 #OffTheMarketsNow 🔐 😏😍 "Every Thug Needs A Lady, Every Lady Needs A Thug" ❤️ A Man Who Keeps It Real, But Still a Gentlemen.. A Man Who Holds His Girl Down, Like He Holds His Own Personal Life, Someone Who Knows Where He's Going In Life.. Not Saying He's Got It All Together, But That Lil Bit of Strength From His Girl To Say.. "Babe, Im Right Behind and Beside You All The Way" 💕 Just Like Her Flaws I Still Think Shes Beautiful And Perfect The Way She Is x Every Soldier Needs His Guardian Angel Shes Just The Back Bone.. "Like Babe.. Lets Build a Empire, Together.. Better The Both of Us.. You Wit It.. Il Lead" ❤️ Someone Who Hugs Her Holds Her.. Like Hun Im Not Here To Be The Superhero.. Saying Everything Is Gonna Be Fine But As Long As You Got Me I Got You Lets Run This Together 💯 A Man Whos Got His Things In Order, From Priorities.. To Responsibilities And Not A FcukBoy ! But Everyday Is a Mission To In Better Himself Together They Will Become a Powerhouse Force Mean Chemistry and Unity 💕 #IThinkIFoundHer #kingsandqueens #ThugLove #Unity

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Twitter Post: Just Woow..

When a Girl Mate Tells Me She Unfriended Me Because She Thought I Had a Mrs.. 😌 Just Woow.. #HappilySingle #GuessIlBeSingleForeverLol 😳😔😂

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Twitter Post: Jabroni

In The DM: "Oh Hey Trev Remember Me...😊" In My Mind Im Like "Who Is This Jabroni" (In My Rock Voice) 😏 "Its So and So.. Remember" 😕🤔 Um.. "Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking??" 😍😉 #ItDoesntMatterWhatYourNameIs 😬😘 #TheRock #TheMan #BestToEverDoItOnTheMic #JokesEah 😎✌🏽️

Twitter Post: Just Roll On

Girls Who Post Up Saying "They So Happy, No Love For My Ex.. Posting New Photos Every Second, And F My Ex Dont Need Him, Never Loved Him.. Daddi Daddi Duh, Raddi Raddi Rah" 🙄

But Deep Down You're Missing Him Girl.. 🤘🏽💕 🐸☕️

#WhyYouFoolingYourselfGirl #Rollon #ICanReadAChickLikeICanReadaBook #Truths #ThingsISeeOnMyNewsFeed 

Okeh Bye 😏😘 x

Monday 11 July 2016

Twitter Post: Unity

I Cherish Everyone I Cross Paths With In Life, Along The Way You Meet People From All Sorts of Journey In Life, Everything Happens for a Reason 💞 I Guess Thats Why I Got More Girl Mates Then I Have Guy Mates, Coz I Like To Listen And See Whats On Her Mind & She Appreciates That 😊 

#TakeTimeToListen #GoBeyond #TheHumanEye #MarryYourEveryThought ❤️

Twitter Post: Catch Deeez

These Young Guys Be Catching More Pokemon's, Then Catching Girls Feelings Lol 😊😂 #NoneofMyBusinessTho 😎🐸☕️  #GottaCatchEmAll #CatchDEEEZ 😳😉 Jokes Eah x ❤️ 

Twitter Post: Beauty Within

Heavenly Father I Pray You Prepare Me To Be The Man Im Called To Be, And Everything My Future Wife Desires In a Man, I Pray That You Prepare Her To Be The Woman You Called Her To Become, That She'll Straighten Her Crown On Her Head.. When She Feels Down To Look To The Heavens Knowing. Shes The Daughter Of The Most High God, And That She'll Find Her True Value In You ❤️
#MorningPrayer 🙏🏽#ReturningBackToTheHeartofWoship #WomanofGod #ManMeantToBe #Poetry #Inspiar2Inspire 💕 

Sunday 10 July 2016

Twitter Post: Chills

I Swear I Make a Better "Best Friend" (Guy Mate) Then a "Boy Friend" Lol.. 😎😍 Real Talk I Just Like To Chill, Have Fun.. Make a Chick Feel Comfortable In My Presence.. Knowing Not All Guys Are Out To Hit On Her ❤️ #StraightUp #NoStrings #GirlsWhoChillWithMeKnow #JustAKickBackPerson 😘 #AlwaysThere #ImJustSomeoneTheyCanOffloadandTalkWith 💕

Twitter Post: Integrity

"To Give Real Service You Must Add Something Which Cannot Be Brought, Or Measured With Money.. And That Is Sincerity and Integrity..

Integrity Is Doing The Right Thing.. Even When No One Is Watching" - C.S Lewis 🔥🔥 It Takes The Value of Integrity Away When You're Boasting of Feeding The Homeless x 

#ThingsMoneyCantBuy #ThePowerofIntegrity #BeaPersonofIntegrity #Realtalk ❤️

Twitter Post: She Down For Trevor The Youngin

When This Chick That I Served Today Thinks Im 26-28yrs Old.. Lol And When I Say Im Not.. She Thinks Im Lying Lol. 🙄 No Im To Young For You Honey 😅😜 And She Trips When I Say My Real Age 20 LOL 😭 She Buzzes Out 😁😘  #WhyYouLying #ImNotDownGirl 😎 #YoungLooks #KeepItYoungin 😉

Friday 8 July 2016

Twitter Post: Physically Abused

I Know More Woman Thats Been Physically Abused, Then Woman Who Can Say That Found "True Love"❤️ #TheStoriesTheyShareWithMe #KeepYaHeadUp2Pac

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Twitter Post: She Greets Me

That Moment When This Customer Always Has a Smile On Her Face When She Greets Me Like "Kia Orana Trev" Ever Since She Found Out Im Cookie 😬 Shes Been Speaking To Me In Raro.. Im Standing There Like In My Mind Like "Ahh Duhh.. I Cant Speak Cookie Lol" 😅#Awkward 🙄#NeedToLearnMyRoots #NativeTongue #ProudCookie #CrackUp #NiceLady 😁

Twitter Post: Gods Got a Plan

I Would Love To Star In a Motion Pictures The Way 2Pac and Janet Jackson Did In #PoeticJustice and The Way John Travolta (Danny) and Olivia Newton-John (Sandy) Starred In #Grease Just The Chemistry Is So Beautiful Between The Co Stars 😍 #LifeGoals #Chemistry #OneDay 😬 #IBelieve 💕 #Affection #PuttingItOutThere #SpeakingInFaith #Visionary 🤘🏽

Twitter Post: She Aint Down

When Shes Posting Up Publicly, Saying She Got A "Boyfriend" How Hes The One, How She Loves Em' But Hitting Me Up In The DM 🤔 Like "Hey Trev 😍" ? #GodBlessYouChild 🤘🏽#YoGottiDownInTheDm 🙄 #ChrisBrownTheseGirlsAintLoyal 😜#NotDownAnymore #ChangeWays 😊 #NoneofMyBusiness ☕️🐸 #OldWaysGone 💅🏽 😎

Sunday 3 July 2016

Twitter Post: Push and Believe

"If You Wanna SUCCEED As Much as You Wanna BREATHE, Then You'll Be SUCCESSFUL" - @Ericthomasbtc #SoTrue #Positive #PushandBelieveInYourself 

Twitter Post: Relationship Goals

#RelationshipGoals 💕

"Someone Who Continues To Bring The Very BEST Outer YOU, Not Just The WORSE In YOU, 💞
Someone Who Looks Past Your FLAWS and Still Thinks Your PERFECT 💜
Someone Who's Seen You At Your BEST, But Is Still There During Your WORSE" ❣
#HoldOnToThatRuby 🔶🔷 #RareInThisGeneration #Unity #HappyMonday 💘 #RideorDie 💯

Saturday 2 July 2016

Twitter Post: God Given Callings

"Imah Inherit The Gifting's God Has Placed On My Life, And Not Waste The Talent He Invested Me With, But Use It To Its Full Potential To INSPIRE The Lives of So Many" 🙏🏽
"Inline Your God Given GIFTING With Your God Given CALLINGS" #ComingBackToTheHeartofWorship 💜 #WalkAlone 
#ForGodBeTheGloryNotMe #NothingIsImpossible #Visionary #Inspiar2Inspire ❤️

Twitter Post: Make Things Happen

Inspired By: @foundrmagazine "The Best Thing I Ever Did Was BELIEVE IN ME" ❤️ Be Your FIRST SUPPORTER Be The First Person To BELIEVE IN YOURSELF When Everyone Else Doubts You.. Bring Out The Lion In Yourself #BeingTheBeast #UnleashTheBeast #Believe #BelieveInYourself #Champion #EnouragingPost #WordsofEncouragement "If You Want To SUCCEED As Much as You Wanna BREATHE Then You Will Be SUCCESSFUL" #OnTheRise #WatchThisSpace #Success #Lion #LionKing 

Twitter Post: God Given

"I Gotta Opportunity To Make a Dream a Reality" ❤️ #SoulSearching #FindingWhoIAm #InliningMyGodGivenGIFTINGSWithMyGodGivenCALLINGS #MakeaDreamAReality 

Twitter Post: She The Baddest

Behind That Million Dollar Smile Of Hers, Theres Million Ways To Hide These Millions Tears, But She Shows Million Ways To Still Show That Million Dollar Smile of Hers ❤️ #YupSheTheBaddest #MillionDollarSmile #OneDayAtTime x 💕

Friday 1 July 2016

Twitter Post: Tangible

I Crave For Something Tangible And Special But Easily Mistaken... 💕
#ScaredToDropaSeedInThisColdWorld #LilFamilyofMyOwn #LetterToMyUnborn❤️ 

Instagram: A Lion At Heart

Inspired By: @millionaire_mentor 

"The Lion On The Hill, Is Not As Hungry As The Lion Climbing The Hill"

I Like To Think Im as Courageous, Bold As a Lion, Who Doesn't Give To Hoots What Anyone Thinks or Says About Me 😎 #thickskin 

Keep Grinding! Keep Staying Hungry and Keep Climbing, A Leader Walks Alone 💯 #lionsaremyfavouriteanimal 

A Lion Who Shows #Leadership #Boldness #Heart #Pride #Strength #Courage #Strong ❤️ #WordsofEncouragement #Positive #Inspiar2Inspire 💜💜

Twitter Post: Something I May Do

A Lil Tip For Ya 😉😂
When You Apply For Another Job, And The Boss May (Will) Check Your Fb Profile Fo More Info About Ya, Change Your Name Till Your Hired Then Change It Back Lol 😊 #ThoseChangesOnes 👍🏽

#Stealth 🕵🏽 
#FakeItTillYouMakeIt ✔️ #SomethingIMayDo 😎 JOKES Eah 😏 #HurtFeelings #ThankMeLater 🐸☕️☕️ 😂