Saturday 28 November 2015

Message | The Heart Beat Of a Lion

Message: The Heart Beat Of a Lion...

Poetry | "A Lion Roars With A Fierce Growl,The King Of The Jungle With A Story To Tell, Been Through Hell And Back.. But The Beast Never Fell, A Gentle Spirit With A Roaring Yell..."

I Love Lions.. Thats Why I Post Alot About A Lion 💯💯💯
I Live My Life As a Spirit Of a Lion, The Heart Of a Lion.. Gives It My All To Everything I Do.. #Perfectionist #110% #AllOrNothing #RideorDie #OneWayInOneWayOut #InorOut I Love Lions.. I Love How In Wilderness They Fear Nothing.. The Leader Charge Of Their Family #ALionsProtection 
#KeepYourHeadUp #ILoveLions #SpiritOfALion #Courageous #Boldness #Strength #Humility #UnleashTheBeast #HeartofaLion #Lion #LionsJungle #KingofTheJungle #LionKing #FearTheBeast #BeastLockedInTheDark #FavouriteAnimalLion #HeadupHigh #HoldYourHead #BestIsYetToCome #WordsofEncouragement 
Stay Blessed

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