Sunday 12 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Ride These Waves

Message/Illustration: These Waves In Life'

Bit Of A Late & Long Post.. But Let Me Tell You Something :) In Life We Go Through So Much, Overwhelmed And Influence By So Much We Have Our Fair Shares Of Getting Hit Or Bombarded By Massive Waves, That Seems To Rock Or Drown Our Boat..
But Let Me Tell You This, Faith is about going through hell, coming out with some scars, and becoming a wiser person from the lessons you’ve learned along the way. You must take the scars of your past and appreciate them for what they have taught you. You also have to take the scars, the lessons of your past and not let them control your future….
Just for today, smile a little more. Just for today, ask someone how he or she is really doing. Just for today, remember, while some may have it better than you do, there are others whom definitely have it worse than you! Just for today, just let go, just for today….
"Heros Just Go Further Than Ordinary People" Don't let What People Say About You Define You. When the unexpected comes our true character shows
In line Your Giftings with Gods Calling. #We cannot direct the wind nor predict the wavesbut we can adjust our sails to ride the storm
#Rock The Boat #Sail or Sink #Float Or Fly #Ride The Waves Surf The Waves #Its Rocky But You Can Ride :) #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

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