Tuesday 7 April 2015

Message/Illustration: One Step Forward 10 Steps Back

"One Step Forward, 10 Steps Back"

In Life We Seem To Go One Step Forward, And 10 Steps Back.. Life's Going Good Everything Seems To Work Out Then All Of A Sudden A Massive Bomb Hits Us And We Fall On Our Face. We Become Isolated Trapped Back In Our Comfort Zone Back To Square One. Can I Encourage You No Matter How Hard You Do Fall In Life, Don't Be So Hard On Yourself The Greatest Thing Is 'Not That You Fell' But The Amount Of Times You Do 'Get Back Up' And Go Again. A Champ Is Not Knocked Down, Till He Gives Up & Knocks His Own Self Down.. #Life Aint Easy We Just Become Stronger #Life Is A Roller Coaster & Bumpy Road #Its A Journey To The Destination
#The Fights In The Heart & Eyes Of The Fighter. #When You Fall Down, You Can Always Get Back up #Fall 7 Times Get Back Up 8 #Its Not About The Size Of The Dog In The Fight, But By The Fight In The Size Of The Dog
Message/Illustration: One Step Forward 10 Steps Back 
Stay Blessed

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