Saturday 4 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Producing Fruit

Message/Illustration: What Fruit You Producing (Producing Fruits)

What Fruits Are You Producing, What Kind Of Life You Living? What Kind Of Legacy Are You Leaving Behind? "Existing Or Living" ? Existing Day By Day, Just Another Number That Makes Up The Population Of This World Or Living To Leave A Legacy Behind? 
#What kind Of Influence Do You Hold Around Your Life, And The Peers Around You? Producing Positive or Negative Fruits? What Affect Are You Leaving On This Earth?
Fig trees are an excellent fruit tree to grow in your garden. But when your fig tree does not produce figs, it can be frustrating. There are many reasons for a fig tree not fruiting. Understanding the reasons for a fig tree not producing fruit can make this a little less frustrating.
#Theres Power In Your Words For Life & Death Over Your Life Or Someone Else's #Power In Your Tongue #Power In Your Actions & Words #Producing Negative or Positive Fruits How Would This World Remember You By?
"Message/Illustration: Producing Fruits" Stay Blessed

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