Saturday 25 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Called To Make a Difference

Message/Illustration: "Called To Make A Difference"

"I Wanna Be That Person Where Someone Says.. Because Of You.. I Was Inspired... :) #Change Your Mind, Change Your Life.. "Turning Your Mess To A Message" :)
Heres a Lil Illustration/Words Of Encouragement To Brighten Up Your Night Here On How Anzac Night :) I Salute & Will Always Honour This Day. Its a Special Day, Speaking About Making A Difference Heres Soldiers Who Gave Their Lives Up So We Can Live To See Another Day, Yet There Physical Has Been Gone.. But Their Legacy & Affect On Our Country Will Always Be Remembered & My They Live On! God Bless The Fallen #Lest We Forget.. 
We All Gotta Know That.. Theres Always Eyes Watching Our Every Step! Gotta Know That.. "You Are Born To Make A Difference" Born To Make a Impact Not Just "Exist For The Sake Of Existing, But "Live For The Sake Of Leaving A Legacy"
We Are Called To Be The Change #Make The Change #Make a Impact #You Were Born Original Don't Die A Copy! Booom Thats Straight To The Heart.. #But On The Real Tho! You Were Born Of Originality,  Not Comparison #You Are Unique, & Significant & Only One Of You #Its Good To Be Different :) But Its Not Good To Be The Same #"Don't Stand In The Crowd, But Stand Out" #A Leader Goes One Way, But The Crowd Goes The Other "SO WHO ARE YOU?? "A Leader Or A Follower?" #Whos Life You Gonna Change Today? #Whos Life Are You Gonna Make a Impact On..
#Words Of Encouragement #Something To Think About #Wise Words #"DONT STAND IN BUT STAND OUT" Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 
Stay Blessed

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