Thursday 30 April 2015

Message/Illustration: A Diamond In The Rough

"A Diamond In The Rough"

I Love This Little Metaphor "A Diamond In The Rough" I Wrote A Poetry To One Of My Girl Mates 5 Years Ago.. But Was Never Released I Called It.. "She Is A Diamond In The Rough" I Painted In Australia On Canvas What I Feel "A Diamond In The Rough" Is.. I Believe Im A Diamond In The Rough, YOU ARE A Diamond In The Rough, Despite The Pain, Brokenness, Past You Been Through In Life.. And Still Have The Ability To Shine Over Your Circumstances Is a "Diamond In The Rough" "can't get enough of your diamond in the rough, A girl/guy who is fine as hell, but lives in the ghetto or has ghetto tendencies due in part because they lived and were raised in the ghetto, Someone that falls into unfortunate circumstances but works to better themselves, whether it be the homeless, imprisoned etc. The person that is the equivalent to a diamond in the middle of all the bad things.a person who appears dubious at first but turns out to be exceptional"
How Amazing Is This.. Just Some Definitions Of a Diamond In The Rough, Someone Who Stands Out From The Crowd, Not Stand In.. Someone Who's Different From The Rest, But Gives Everything Their Best.."someone or something whose good qualities are hidden This film is one of those diamonds in the rough, a wonderful gem that almost no one has noticed.
Etymology: based on the idea that you cannot see the beauty of a diamond (jewel) when it is rough (not yet cut and filled with brightness)"
YOU ARE A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH, THE JEWELS AND BEAUTY YOU CARRY.. From The Dirt You Been Through.. You Can Still Shine..
Stay Blessed "A Diamond In The Rough"

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Quote: Nothing But The Best

Inspired By: @spiritualworld
"Every Single Thing That Has Ever Happened To You, Uo Until Now Was Preparing You For A Moment That Is Yet To Come. Don't Go Back To Less Because You Are Impatient To Wait For "GODS BEST!"

Woorrdd Up#Embrace Your Hard Times :) Only Make You Stronger #YOUR WORST DAYS ARE BEHIND YOU, YOUR BEST DAYS ARE STILL AHEAD OF YOU#Words Of Encouragement Something To Think About #The Waiting Game Sucks! Yes I Know. But The Blessing That Comes With It.. Is More Worth It :) #Just Some Thought For The Mind. #Everything That Has Ever Happened To You, Good Or Bad Let It Be a Testimony To See What God Has.. To Explore And In Store For You And Your Life :) #Gotta Love The Waiting Game.. I Tell You Its Worth It! #Speaking From The Heart & Soul & Experience..
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 
Trevor Young Babyy #Trevor The Young Inspiar #Inspiar Babyy 2015
Stay Blessed

Monday 27 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Sinking Ships

"Surviving A Sinking Ship"

"When the storm came, he stepped up. You’re going to go through storms; you can’t get away from them. It’s how you handle them, and what our team got a chance to see is how our leader handled the storm. He handled it well and steadied the ship."

"How Beautiful It Is To Stay Silent, When Someone Expects You To Be Enraged" These Sinking Ships Will Damage You If Not Prevented. (Suicidal Thoughts, Comparison, Loneliness, Etc) Heres a Word Placed On My Heart.. I Was Reading In A Article Sometime Ago..And In That Article They Were Saying 'New Zealand Is In A Sinking Ship' I Couldn't Agree With It Anymore.. And Times We Do Get Blind To See What Is Around Us.. Our Beloved Country, Slowly Going Down Hill.. The Government Selling Our Inheritance To Other Countries, We Are Loosing Things.. Prices For Basic Things Are Going Up, Wages And Going Low, Parents Working 2 Jobs To Provide, People Running Off To Australia.. Thats Algood and All.. And I Take My Hat Off To Parents For Starting Something New! Keep Doing What You Do :) But Statistically For The People Still Here :) How Do We Survive This So Called "Sinking Ship"
ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things.

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting. Our ship of fate, which recent storms have threatened to destroy, has come safely to harbor at last

So In Saying That We Will Always Have Rocky Ships, Our Ship Will Always Rock But Through The Storm And Pain Is How You Handle It.. And Keep Moving Forward, Think Of It As A Season In Your Life But These So Called "Sinking Ships Will Soon Float And Come To Shore"

#Words Of Encouragement #Wise Words #Something To Think About #These Sinking Ships Will Come To Pass #We Cannot Direct The Winds & Storms In Life, But We Can Re Direct Our Steering To Ride Them :) #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired :)

Stay Blessed


Saturday 25 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Called To Make a Difference

Message/Illustration: "Called To Make A Difference"

"I Wanna Be That Person Where Someone Says.. Because Of You.. I Was Inspired... :) #Change Your Mind, Change Your Life.. "Turning Your Mess To A Message" :)
Heres a Lil Illustration/Words Of Encouragement To Brighten Up Your Night Here On How Anzac Night :) I Salute & Will Always Honour This Day. Its a Special Day, Speaking About Making A Difference Heres Soldiers Who Gave Their Lives Up So We Can Live To See Another Day, Yet There Physical Has Been Gone.. But Their Legacy & Affect On Our Country Will Always Be Remembered & My They Live On! God Bless The Fallen #Lest We Forget.. 
We All Gotta Know That.. Theres Always Eyes Watching Our Every Step! Gotta Know That.. "You Are Born To Make A Difference" Born To Make a Impact Not Just "Exist For The Sake Of Existing, But "Live For The Sake Of Leaving A Legacy"
We Are Called To Be The Change #Make The Change #Make a Impact #You Were Born Original Don't Die A Copy! Booom Thats Straight To The Heart.. #But On The Real Tho! You Were Born Of Originality,  Not Comparison #You Are Unique, & Significant & Only One Of You #Its Good To Be Different :) But Its Not Good To Be The Same #"Don't Stand In The Crowd, But Stand Out" #A Leader Goes One Way, But The Crowd Goes The Other "SO WHO ARE YOU?? "A Leader Or A Follower?" #Whos Life You Gonna Change Today? #Whos Life Are You Gonna Make a Impact On..
#Words Of Encouragement #Something To Think About #Wise Words #"DONT STAND IN BUT STAND OUT" Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Don't Look Down, But Look Up

Message/Illustration: Don't Look Down, But Look Up

"Never Look Down On Someone, Unless Your Helping Them Up" Booom!! That Hit Me.. Felt Encouraged.. 
"Don't Look Down And Be "Depressed" But Look Up And Know That You Are "Blessed" 
I Just Wanna Encourage You Here, Is.. When Things Do Get Tough, When Things Seem Overwhelming And You Feel Like You Don't Know What To Do, But To Have Your Head Down Instead Of Up, I Wanna Encourage You Is. Lift Your Head Up High.. And Hold It Up! Many People Want To Try Break Your Spirit Down, Try Steal Your Smile.. Situations In Life Try Take Your Happiness.. But Let Me Encourage You Its Just A Season.. Rise Up! And Take Hold. Never Let Nothing Steal That Smile Away
Stop looking down and start looking up…..look up and see where the real problems are, look up at that millionaire oligarchy cabinet spending billions on illegal wars, look up at the disgusting Royal Family and everything it stands for, look up at the bankers and all the tax avoidance…..don’t look down on immigrants, don’t look down on those on welfare, don’t look down on those less fortunate than yourself….that’s exactly what ‘they’ ‘UP’ there want !!
#Say No To Depression #Say Yes To Happiness #Change Your Mentality #Unnecessary Thoughts #Look Up To The Skies #Don't Look Down But Look Up! #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 
Stay Blessed

Sunday 19 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Life Can Be A Roller Coaster Ride

Life Can Be A Rollercoaster Ride

Life Is One Big Roller Coaster Ride :) Enjoy The Ride

Life Can Be One Hell Of A Roller Coaster Ride Or Bumpy Road But Then Again Despite Everything You Been Through, Your Learn To Rise Up..We Learn Through The Hard Times To Pick Our Self Up And Rise Above It.

Giving up is conceding that things will never get better, and that is just not true. Ups and downs are a constant in life, and I've been belted into that roller coaster a thousand times. My life has been a roller coaster ride, but somehow I've always been able to land on my feet and still play the guitar.

It's been quite a roller coaster ride, but I've grown and learned a lot about myself. The greatest thing is being able to interact with fans and touch people's lives... for that I give thanks.

#Lets Not Give Uo #Keep On Rising #When You Fall Get Back Up #Life Is One Crazy Roller Coaster But Enjoy The Ride It Builds Your Character :)

Wise Words #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired 

Stay Blessed


Sunday 12 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Ride These Waves

Message/Illustration: These Waves In Life'

Bit Of A Late & Long Post.. But Let Me Tell You Something :) In Life We Go Through So Much, Overwhelmed And Influence By So Much We Have Our Fair Shares Of Getting Hit Or Bombarded By Massive Waves, That Seems To Rock Or Drown Our Boat..
But Let Me Tell You This, Faith is about going through hell, coming out with some scars, and becoming a wiser person from the lessons you’ve learned along the way. You must take the scars of your past and appreciate them for what they have taught you. You also have to take the scars, the lessons of your past and not let them control your future….
Just for today, smile a little more. Just for today, ask someone how he or she is really doing. Just for today, remember, while some may have it better than you do, there are others whom definitely have it worse than you! Just for today, just let go, just for today….
"Heros Just Go Further Than Ordinary People" Don't let What People Say About You Define You. When the unexpected comes our true character shows
In line Your Giftings with Gods Calling. #We cannot direct the wind nor predict the wavesbut we can adjust our sails to ride the storm
#Rock The Boat #Sail or Sink #Float Or Fly #Ride The Waves Surf The Waves #Its Rocky But You Can Ride :) #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Quote: The Heart Of A Lion

"You Will Never Know How Strong You Are, Until Being Strong Is Your Only Choice..." - Bob Marley

#Wise Words From Uncle Bob #This Is A Strong Statement #A Good Quote #Growing Up Thats All I Got Taught Is Being Strong #Through All The Pain #The Good Times & Bad #Being Strong In Spirit Is A Powerful Thing Any Human Can Have #Is Knowing Who You Are #The Heart Of A Lion #The Spirit Of A Lion #A Lions Characteristics #The Roar Of A Lion #A Lion Is My Favourite Animal #A Lion Represents Boldness Strength & Courage #If You Wanna Roar Like A Lion Dont Hang Around With Cubs
Stay Blessed

Quote: look Up

Inspired By: @spiritualword 
"You Cant Get Mad When Life Does Not Turn Out How You Planned, God Has The Right To Interrupt Your Plans To Give You BETTER"

#Old Quote Goes "Your Worst Days Are Behind You, But Your Best Days Are Still Ahead Of You #The Best Is Yet To Come #His Thoughts Are Higher Than Yours #His Ways Are Higher #Hes Got Nothing But The Best For Your Life #Stay Open To New Things #Dont Look Down But Look Up
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Message/Illustration: One Step Forward 10 Steps Back

"One Step Forward, 10 Steps Back"

In Life We Seem To Go One Step Forward, And 10 Steps Back.. Life's Going Good Everything Seems To Work Out Then All Of A Sudden A Massive Bomb Hits Us And We Fall On Our Face. We Become Isolated Trapped Back In Our Comfort Zone Back To Square One. Can I Encourage You No Matter How Hard You Do Fall In Life, Don't Be So Hard On Yourself The Greatest Thing Is 'Not That You Fell' But The Amount Of Times You Do 'Get Back Up' And Go Again. A Champ Is Not Knocked Down, Till He Gives Up & Knocks His Own Self Down.. #Life Aint Easy We Just Become Stronger #Life Is A Roller Coaster & Bumpy Road #Its A Journey To The Destination
#The Fights In The Heart & Eyes Of The Fighter. #When You Fall Down, You Can Always Get Back up #Fall 7 Times Get Back Up 8 #Its Not About The Size Of The Dog In The Fight, But By The Fight In The Size Of The Dog
Message/Illustration: One Step Forward 10 Steps Back 
Stay Blessed

Sunday 5 April 2015

Quote: Let Your Faith Be Bigger

"Let Your "Faith" Be BIGGER Than Your "Fear"

This Lil Statement Spoke To Me, Its So Real Faith As Small As A Mustard Seed You Can Move Mountains.
Let The Spirit Of Faith Rule Your Heart. The Cloud Of Fear Can Be Big But Your 'FAITH IS BIGGER' Block Out Fear With Faith. #I Walk This Earth By Faith & Not By Sight
Speak To Your Mountains Not About Your Mountains #Your Mountains Will Tell You In Fear How Big They Are, Tell Your Mountains With Faith How Big Your God Is..
Worrrddd Up #Om Point #Happy Easter #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Saturday 4 April 2015

Message/Illustration: Producing Fruit

Message/Illustration: What Fruit You Producing (Producing Fruits)

What Fruits Are You Producing, What Kind Of Life You Living? What Kind Of Legacy Are You Leaving Behind? "Existing Or Living" ? Existing Day By Day, Just Another Number That Makes Up The Population Of This World Or Living To Leave A Legacy Behind? 
#What kind Of Influence Do You Hold Around Your Life, And The Peers Around You? Producing Positive or Negative Fruits? What Affect Are You Leaving On This Earth?
Fig trees are an excellent fruit tree to grow in your garden. But when your fig tree does not produce figs, it can be frustrating. There are many reasons for a fig tree not fruiting. Understanding the reasons for a fig tree not producing fruit can make this a little less frustrating.
#Theres Power In Your Words For Life & Death Over Your Life Or Someone Else's #Power In Your Tongue #Power In Your Actions & Words #Producing Negative or Positive Fruits How Would This World Remember You By?
"Message/Illustration: Producing Fruits" Stay Blessed

Friday 3 April 2015

Message/Illustration: These Amazes'

Message/Illustration: These Amazes'

In Life We Seem To Know Where We Are Going, (For Some) We Have Our Heads Screwed On, And Know Where To Go And What To Do To Succeed In That Area For Our Life & Careers. We Got Our Sights On Completing A Task And Accomplish All Dreams.. But Down The Line We Get Bombarded. Our Vision Takes A Blur All These Unnecessary Thoughts Start Entering, We Get Confused And Lose Ourselves In A Amaze (Lost Of Direction, Lost Of Sight) Get So Side Tracked, Loosing Ourselves Finding Our Way Out Of These Pits & Amazes We Trap Ourselves In.
#Keep Going When You Hit A Dead End #Theres Always A Light At The End Of Every Tunnel #Life Is Ups & Downs #Put Your Right Hand On The Right Wall & Walk Through It #Complete The Amaze #Go Through It & Come Out On The Other Side #Dead Ends Are Where You Will Be Tempted, To Bring You Down #But Keep Going #Stay Focused & Be Patient #When It Gets Hard Tie Another Knot & Hang On, Remember Why You Hanged On For So Long..
Message/Illustration: These Amazes'
Stay Blessed