Friday 6 March 2015

Quote: Start To Be Great

Inspired By: @_nc95 
"You Don't Have To Be Great To Start, But You Have To Start To Be Great"

#Remember In Life 'Respect' Is Not Forced But Its 'Earned' You Gotta Give Or Show Respect To Receive Respect #Whatever You Want Me To Do To You, Do Unto Them Also :) #Lil Values And Principles I Show #It All Starts Now #Starts Now Or Never #You Wanna Leave Legacy Of Tomorrow, Start Planting The Seed Today #Its Not How You Start Its How You Finish #As Humans We Are Sooo Good At Starting Something But Not Finishing It.. So Lets Start Today To Be Great #Be Great In Whatever You Do Work Wise, Social Life, Study Wise Or Just A Normal Individual #Be Good and Be Great In What YOU DO! Give You All :) All Or Nothing #Be A History Maker Today :) Be The Change Leave A Legacy Of "'GREATNESS' BY 'STARTING' TODAY"
Have A Good Night 
#Be Encouraged #Be Uplifted #Be Inspired #IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU
Stay Blessed

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