Saturday 21 March 2015

Message/Illustration: What Is Influence

"Whats Influence"

The Power Of Influence
Dont Stand In The Crowd, Stand Outside The Crowd, You Were Born Original Dont Die A Copy..
Dictionary Definition:
"The Capacity Or Power Of Persons Or Things To Be Compelling Force On Or Produce Effects On The Actions, Behaviour, Opinions, 
Joyce Meyer Writes.
"What Kind Of Influence Are You Having On The People In Your Life? What Kind Of Influence Are You Having On Your Self?
We Live In A Society Where Influences Surrounds Us. From Music, To People, Our Everyday Living, Social Media And Many More..
'You Will Never Know The Influence You Leave On Lives, But Guarantee You, You Will Make A Difference In Someones Life..
'You Will Never Influence The World Tryna Be Like It, Be Different, Be The Change.. Make A Impact'
#The Influence You Have To Make A Impact In Someones Life, Is The Same Attitude You Should Have To Make A Difference In Your Own Life.
*We Can All Become World Changers, From Nothing To Something, Making A Difference 
#Words Of Encouragement #Wise Words #Something To Think About #The Power Of Influence You Have..
Trevor The Young Inspiar, Inspiar Babyy -Be Encouraged -Be Inspired
Have a Great Day
Stay Blessed

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