Monday 23 March 2015

Message/Illustration: 'Broken Down, To Be Rebuilt Again'

"Have To Be Broken Down, To Be Rebuilt Again" (Must Read)

"Sometimes In Life We Have To Be Broken Down, So That We Can Be Rebuilt Into What Were Actually Meant To Be"

"When You've Been Broken For A While, You Dont Know What Your Made Of It Gives You The Ability To Rebuild Yourself Stronger Than Ever Before, How God Transforms Broken Places..
I Know In My Heart That This Post Will Hit And Pierce Someone That Whoever Relates To, Just Know When You Hit Rock Bottom, God Is Always Your 'Rock' At Your 'Bottom' Theres Some State Of Truth Right There. In That Statement I Pray That This Message Wont Be Just a 'Another Post' But A Post That Will Pierce The Human Hearts, And Spark The Human Minds' In Life We Will Come To Tribulations, Break Ups, Broken Relationships, Neglect Ion, Rejection, Abandonment, Rebellious, Trials That Will Be OverWhelming And Consuming.. And Break Every Piece Of Your Heart, Just Know You 'Gotta Be Broken, In Order To Be Rebuild Again'
#Mess To A Message Test To A Testimony #Look At It As A New Beginning :) #What Don't Kill You Will Make You Stronger #Remould, Reshape, Reused Into Something Great :) #When You Hit Rock Bottom, 'GOD IS YOUR ROCK AT YOUR BOTTOM #You Don't Needa Be A Christian To Believe This Post #But You Gotta Know Whats Real When I Speak The Real #I Speak The Truth #New Journey #Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination #Shattered To Be Rebuilt Again #God Fulfil Your 'Greatness' In Something That Seems 'Emptiness' 
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Something To Think About #Im On Fire #Lord Let Your Light Shine
Stay Blessed

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