Monday 30 March 2015

Quote: That One Person

"A Person Who Truly Loves You, Is Someone Who Sees The Pain Your Eyes, While Everyone Else Believes In The Smile On Your Face"

#Wooord Up #Word On The Street  #Thats A Mean Quote #Someone Who Could Read You Inside Out #Vice Versa #Your Ride Or Die #Only That One Person Who Can Read You Like A Book When Peps Only See The Cover Of The Book :) #Worrrrddd! #Keeper #That One Person Who Knows Your More Than Your Girls/Hommies (Both Perspectives) Behind Every Good Man Theres A Good Woman Holding It Down For Him #Look Past The Bright Layers Of A Smile To The Deep Surface Of The Eyes #The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul #A Picture Can Tell A Million Words #A Person Who Hides Behind A Smile #That God Given Gift That Can See Right Through The Fake Ness #Word Up #Like If You Can Relate #Be Inspired Trevor The Youngin 

Quote: Your Emotions

"Don't Let Your Emotions Distract You From Doing What Needs To Be Done, Control Your Emotions So Your Emotions Don't Control You"

#Dont Let Your Circumstances Dictate Your Pathway To Your Destination #Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired Trevor Young Trevor The Youngin Trevor The Young Inspiar

Friday 27 March 2015

Quote: Wait On Goodness

Inspired By: @spiritualword 
"Enjoy The Wait, Enjoy The NOT Knowing. Enjoy The Beauty Of Becoming. When Nothing Is Certain, Anything Is Possible"

#As Humans We Get Inpatient We Want It Now for Me I Hate Waiting At Times But Waiting Can Be Good For Us It Teaches Us Humbleness As Well As Patience :) 
#Take Hold #Take Fast #Always Good To Know The Unknown Coz It Keeps You Excited To See What Next :)
Theres Two Things That Will Define You In Life Your "Patience" When You Have Nothing, And Your "Attitude" When You Have Everything :) 
Have a Good Day
Stay Blessed

Monday 23 March 2015

Message/Illustration: 'Broken Down, To Be Rebuilt Again'

"Have To Be Broken Down, To Be Rebuilt Again" (Must Read)

"Sometimes In Life We Have To Be Broken Down, So That We Can Be Rebuilt Into What Were Actually Meant To Be"

"When You've Been Broken For A While, You Dont Know What Your Made Of It Gives You The Ability To Rebuild Yourself Stronger Than Ever Before, How God Transforms Broken Places..
I Know In My Heart That This Post Will Hit And Pierce Someone That Whoever Relates To, Just Know When You Hit Rock Bottom, God Is Always Your 'Rock' At Your 'Bottom' Theres Some State Of Truth Right There. In That Statement I Pray That This Message Wont Be Just a 'Another Post' But A Post That Will Pierce The Human Hearts, And Spark The Human Minds' In Life We Will Come To Tribulations, Break Ups, Broken Relationships, Neglect Ion, Rejection, Abandonment, Rebellious, Trials That Will Be OverWhelming And Consuming.. And Break Every Piece Of Your Heart, Just Know You 'Gotta Be Broken, In Order To Be Rebuild Again'
#Mess To A Message Test To A Testimony #Look At It As A New Beginning :) #What Don't Kill You Will Make You Stronger #Remould, Reshape, Reused Into Something Great :) #When You Hit Rock Bottom, 'GOD IS YOUR ROCK AT YOUR BOTTOM #You Don't Needa Be A Christian To Believe This Post #But You Gotta Know Whats Real When I Speak The Real #I Speak The Truth #New Journey #Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination #Shattered To Be Rebuilt Again #God Fulfil Your 'Greatness' In Something That Seems 'Emptiness' 
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired #Something To Think About #Im On Fire #Lord Let Your Light Shine
Stay Blessed

Saturday 21 March 2015

Message/Illustration: What Is Influence

"Whats Influence"

The Power Of Influence
Dont Stand In The Crowd, Stand Outside The Crowd, You Were Born Original Dont Die A Copy..
Dictionary Definition:
"The Capacity Or Power Of Persons Or Things To Be Compelling Force On Or Produce Effects On The Actions, Behaviour, Opinions, 
Joyce Meyer Writes.
"What Kind Of Influence Are You Having On The People In Your Life? What Kind Of Influence Are You Having On Your Self?
We Live In A Society Where Influences Surrounds Us. From Music, To People, Our Everyday Living, Social Media And Many More..
'You Will Never Know The Influence You Leave On Lives, But Guarantee You, You Will Make A Difference In Someones Life..
'You Will Never Influence The World Tryna Be Like It, Be Different, Be The Change.. Make A Impact'
#The Influence You Have To Make A Impact In Someones Life, Is The Same Attitude You Should Have To Make A Difference In Your Own Life.
*We Can All Become World Changers, From Nothing To Something, Making A Difference 
#Words Of Encouragement #Wise Words #Something To Think About #The Power Of Influence You Have..
Trevor The Young Inspiar, Inspiar Babyy -Be Encouraged -Be Inspired
Have a Great Day
Stay Blessed

Friday 20 March 2015

Quote: A Man With A Vision

"A Man Without A Vision For His Future, Always Return To His Past."

Old Quote Goes..
"A Man Who Fails To Plan, Plans To Fail"
What Are You Leaving Behind? What Would You Want Your Kids To Remember You By?
#A Father/Mother Inspiration #You Living Or Just Existing.. How You Living Your Life? #A Man With A Vision #A Woman With Independence #Mean Combination & Partnership 
Stay Blessed

Monday 16 March 2015

Quote: To My Mama

"All That I Am, Or Hope To Be, I Owe To My Angel Mother" - Abraham Lincoln 

#Im A Mummy's Boy! Brought Up With A Solo Mother.. I Understand And Feel The Emotions Of A Woman, By Seeing What My Mummy Went Through.. And Still Made It Out On The Other Side..
My Mama Is The Strongest, Most Pure And Amazing Big Hearted In A Woman.. 
#My Mama Is My First Love, She Taught Me How To Love & Appreciate A Woman By Seeing What She Had To Do To Make Ins Meet.. And Provide The Struggle Was Real Growing Up..
Without Struggle Theres No Success So I Owe My Life To My Mama, What Ever Or Who I Ever Become In The Near Future To Come I Owe It To My Mama..
#A Boy Raised By A Woman #Who Said A Woman Cant Raise A Boy To Become A Man #My Mama The Queen Of Cook Island In My Eyes #Word To Every Mother Out There.. Keep Going Your Doing Great #To Every Young Mother Out There, Mother To Be dont Care About What Society Says.. Keep Raising A King or Queen To Be
#Like Pac Said "Youll Appreciated" No Woman In This World Can Take My Mamas Place..
Appreciate Your Mama, You Only Got One Mother.. My Mama Knows Me Inside Out..Knows When Im Pissed or When Im Algoods..
Stay Blessed

Quote: Make Your Grind Louder than Words

"Make Your Hustle Louder Than Your Mouth"

#Word To Self Be Careful Who You Share Your Dreams Too.. 
#Dont Spit Out Your Dreams Visions To Anyone! Protect Your Purpose! Guard It With Your Heart.. In Saying That Guard Your Heart..Pay Close Attention To Those Who Wont Cheer For You When You Get Your Break, Pay Close Attention To Those Who Will Critize You When You Make It..
#Peps Dont See The Struggle And Ground Work You Had To Go Through They Only See The Height..
#Keep Doing You #Roar Like A Lion #Stay True To The Grind #Keep Going Till You Make It..
#I Will Only Eat With Those I Starved With, I Will Only Ride With Those Who I Walked With..
#Keep Your Circle Small, But Your Vision BIG.. #DREAM BIG :) #BE A VISIONARY #BE A PIONEER #The HEART OF A LION..
Stay True To The Hustle Of Your Grind..
#Words Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Words Of Wisdom #Wise Guy #Something To Think About
Stay Blessed

Sunday 15 March 2015

Quote: Make Your Grind Louder than Words

"Make Your Hustle Louder Than Your Mouth"

#Word To Self Be Careful Who You Share Your Dreams Too.. 
#Dont Spit Out Your Dreams Visions To Anyone! Protect Your Purpose! Guard It With Your Heart.. In Saying That Guard Your Heart..Pay Close Attention To Those Who Wont Cheer For You When You Get Your Break, Pay Close Attention To Those Who Will Critize You When You Make It..
#Peps Dont See The Struggle And Ground Work You Had To Go Through They Only See The Height..
#Keep Doing You #Roar Like A Lion #Stay True To The Grind #Keep Going Till You Make It..
#I Will Only Eat With Those I Starved With, I Will Only Ride With Those Who I Walked With..
#Keep Your Circle Small, But Your Vision BIG.. #DREAM BIG :) #BE A VISIONARY #BE A PIONEER #The HEART OF A LION..
Stay True To The Hustle Of Your Grind..
#Words Of Encouragement #Words For The Mind Body & Soul #Words Of Wisdom #Wise Guy #Something To Think About
Stay Blessed

Thursday 12 March 2015

Quote: Every Eyes

"Every Person You Look At, You Can See The Universe In Their Eyes, If You're Really Looking" - George Carlin 

#The Most Prettiest Eyes Have Cried The Most Tears, The Most Beautiful Smile Have Been Through The Worst, The Most Amazing Heart Have Experienced The Most Pain.."
#Worrdd Up! When You Met Someone Dont Judge Them #Get To Know Them Better.. #Old Saying Goes..Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.. #Girls Who Cry Themselves To Sleep Every Night, No One Sees Their Pain.. But Its There Pillows That Absorb All The Tears.. Worrd I Hear You.. 
#They Say The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul, Look Hard Enough You Can See Their Journey Through The Persons Eyes.. #I See The Story When I Look Into Someones Eyes.. I Make Eye Contact No Matter What.. #Getting To Know Someone, Interviews, Meeting People, Conflicts, Confrontation.. When I Have To Be.. Other Than That.. But Im Always Making Eye Contact #Never Take Your Eyes Off The Ball (The Prize, Vision, Dream You Have In You) Im A Cool As Laid Back Guy.. No Trouble Or Beef.. Just Keep It Real. #You Cool To Me Il Be Cool To You..
#Dont Let Your Circumstances Dictate The Pathway To Your Future, Your Past Is A Experience To Teach You, To Grow You.. And Prepare Yourself What Lies Ahead Of You..
#Without A Broken Past, There Will Never Be A Brighter Future
#Every Saint Has A Past, And Every Sinner Has A Future..
#Wise Words #Words Of Wisdom #Something To Think About #Words For The Thought #Have a Good Weekend Stay Safe #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Message/Illustration: He's Bigger Than Our Problems

Message/Illustration: "He's Bigger Than All Our Problems"

I Wanna Let You Know Something, Heres A Late Post By Me But I Do Believe This Will Have The Potential To Touch Someone, I May Not Know What You're Going Through At This Moment Of Time.. But I Guarantee You, You Will Start To Build Up A New Faith A New Shift Will Move Inside You're Spirit..
 We Intend In Life To Think We Know It All, We Can Take On The World.. Nothing Will Harm Us.. But When Reality Hits.. It Brings Us Back To Nature But To Earth. Then We Realise We Ain't 'Un Touchable' Situations In Life, Thats When You Needa Push Harder And Stronger For God..
#Dont Let Your Circumstances In Life Define Who You Are As A Person, Dont Let Your Circumstances Define Your Characteristics..
#Its Only A Mountain Tell It To Move..
#Change Your Focus From The Problem To The Promises #The Promises Of God
#Dont Tell God How Big Your Storm Is, Look The Storm Right In The Eye And Tell It How Big Your God Is..
#Changing Your Perspective & Attitude How You See Things, Can Change Your Living Of Life.. 
#Hes Bigger Than All Our Situations, Struggles, Addictions, Problems 
#Hes The Solution To Our Situation.. 
#Talk To Your Mountains, Not About Your Mountains..
#Word Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Quote: Embrace Your Past

Inspired By: @ludacris 
"Every Struggle You Had In Your Life Shaped You Into The Person You Are Today, Be Thankful For The Hard times They Can Only Make You Stronger"

#Word Of Advice & Word Of Encouragement: Embrace Your Struggle And Hard Times But Don't Let It Define You, See Your Struggles And Hardtimes More As A 'Season' Then a 'Destination' Embrace The Brokenness Of Your Past, Without A Broken Past There Wouldn't Be A Brighter Future Right? 
#The Most Successful People In The World Know How To adjust With The Hardtimes Thats There Motivation To Achieve For Big And Greater Things For Their Future And Life..
#The Struggles Real But The Most Realest People Out There Have Felt The Most Pain #Ive Met Some Real Down To Earth People With The Most Amazing Personalities Despite Their Past Thats There Ambition To Have A Great Future.. 
#Without Your Broken Past It Wouldn't Have Shaped And Mould The Person You Are Today
#Be Thankful #What Dont Kill You Will Make You Stronger #Worrrdddd Up!
Stay Blessed

Quote: Mature Woman And Man

Inspired By: @gentlemenhood 

"It Takes A Mature Man To Find Value In A Good Woman, And It Takes A Strong Woman To Appreciate A Man Of Quality"

#Worrrddd Up #Every Soldier Needs His Girl #Every King Needs His Queen #Behind Every Good Man Out There, Theres A Good Woman Holding It Down For Him..." #Appreciate What Quality Is #No Ones Perfect #We Humans Make Mistakes #But It Takes Communication To Heal Relation #A Relationship With Less Drama, Is A Relationship Filled With The Most Secrets #Dont Get It Twisted #Poetry Love 
Stay Blessed

Sunday 8 March 2015

Quote: Prepare A Table For Me

Inspired By: @spiritualword 
Requested By: @bee_niuafe 

"God Said: I'm About To Put You In A Place Where They Will Be Able To See You But Won't Be Able To Reach You"

Good Morning All :) Monday Morning Here In NZ. This Aint No Ordinary Monday This Is A Monday Where God Will Take You From One Place To Another.. 
Believe That.. If You're Getting Hit Spiritually And Your Getting Hit Hard.. "You're In The aright Place, At The Right Time" The Enemy Is Working Long Hours To Get You Off The path God Called You To Do Or Be.. When The Enemy Moves, We Move One Step Forward.. Simple.
In Saying This, I Believe This World Is Saying God Will Put You In A Place Where Peps Who Doubted You, Back Stabbed You, Try To Break Your Spirit Pull You Down, He Will Put You In A Place Where They Cant Stop But Get Blinded By Your Shine, The New Glow In You.. 
They Can See You They Will Talk About You Back Stab You, But They Cant Reach You.. Nothing They Say or Do Will Harm You..
#If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? 
#Psalm 23:5
'You Prepare A Table Before Me In The Presence Of My Enemies' 
Happy Monday Have a Great Day All.
Stay Blessed

Message/Illustration: Battle Grounds

"Battle Grounds"

We are in Battle Field Mode At The Moment. And I Strongly Do Believe That.. I Stand On My Word On That. We Need To Be More Alert More Aware And Have Our Eyes Opened And Ears inlined.. We Gotta Be Armoured Up, Prepare For Battle. Physically, Emotionally & Spiritually..
Things Will Hit Us Left Right And Centre. I Feel We Will Lose People On The Way.. The Ones Who Been Wit Us. But At The Same Time We Gotta Shake Things Off Thats Not Working For Us.. Its Like a Weight That Drains Us And Pulls Us Down. Gotta Be Light. Protect Our Hearts, Guard And Protect Our Minds.. Its The Battle Of The Minds, gotta Prep And Armour Yourself Up. Be Prepared For What Tries To Hit You.. What Tries To Hinder You, Small Things That Steal Your Joy And Your Happiness.. 
#Battle Scars #Battle Fields #Were In The battle Grounds Now. #Stay Alert #Have Each Others Back #Pray For Unity #Hold On To The Promises of God 


The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith,with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Friday 6 March 2015

Quote: Keep Moving Forward

"If You Can't 'FLY' Then Run, If You Can't 'Run' Then 'Walk' If You Can't Walk Then 'Crawl' But Whatever You Do, You Have To Keep 'Moving Forward'

#Morning Post #Word For Today #"Keep Moving Forward" #Keep Walking #Keep Flying #Keep Running #Keep Crawling #How Ever You Do It.. Most Importantly Keep Moving Forward #Whatever Is Going on In Your World #Stay Calm And Keep Going Forward #Despite Everything That's Happened Over Your Life Keep Moving Forward 
Stay Blessed

Quote: Start To Be Great

Inspired By: @_nc95 
"You Don't Have To Be Great To Start, But You Have To Start To Be Great"

#Remember In Life 'Respect' Is Not Forced But Its 'Earned' You Gotta Give Or Show Respect To Receive Respect #Whatever You Want Me To Do To You, Do Unto Them Also :) #Lil Values And Principles I Show #It All Starts Now #Starts Now Or Never #You Wanna Leave Legacy Of Tomorrow, Start Planting The Seed Today #Its Not How You Start Its How You Finish #As Humans We Are Sooo Good At Starting Something But Not Finishing It.. So Lets Start Today To Be Great #Be Great In Whatever You Do Work Wise, Social Life, Study Wise Or Just A Normal Individual #Be Good and Be Great In What YOU DO! Give You All :) All Or Nothing #Be A History Maker Today :) Be The Change Leave A Legacy Of "'GREATNESS' BY 'STARTING' TODAY"
Have A Good Night 
#Be Encouraged #Be Uplifted #Be Inspired #IT INSPIARS ME TO INSPIRE YOU
Stay Blessed

Thursday 5 March 2015

Quote: Be A Motivation To Others

Inspired By: @losangelesconfidential 
"Be Someones MOTIVATION Today"
#Be Someone Who People Will Never Forget, Be Someone Who Is Admirable Keep Doing YOU! #Keep Being The Example Build Your Vision And They Will Come 
#We All Have a Dark Past, But Then Again We All Have a Bright Future #Be Inspiring #Leave a Influence #Make A Impact #You Cant Change The World Unless You Change Yourself #Changing Your Thinkings From Negative To Positive Can Be The Most Powerful Thing :) #Leave A Legacy #Make A Mark #Be Inspiring #Be A Motivation To Others Around #Change Your Life Around :)
Stay Blessed

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Message/Illustration: "Roll On With The Punches"

Message/Illustration: "Roll On With The Punches"

Keep Calm And Roll On With The Punches
Life Can Be Difficult At Times, Things Change In Life.. At Times We Gotta Learn To Not Just 'Roll With The Punches' But Also Bob And Weave Till You Make It To The Top..
Roll With The Punches Today, As Tomorrow Is Another Day To Fight..
We Gotta Learn As People Is That. "Life Aint Easy" Its Not Meant To Be Fair.. We Gotta Learn To Take It On The Chin, Keep Your Feet Planted And Roll On With The Punches..
When Life Gives You The Jabs, Bob And Weave And Hit It With The Uppercut or Hook :) When Life Knocks You Down, People Try Take Your Joy, Try Steal Your Smile Kick Your Spirit Down.. Come Back Stronger.. You Can Only Come Up! From A Hard Fall..
#Life isn't Perfect, Sometimes You Have To Roll On With The Punches And Sometimes You Gotta Stand Up For Yourself And Fight Back :)
#Keep Doing You #Build Confidence In Yourself Despite Your Circumstances And Situations.. #Be A Boxer And Fight Back When Life Hits You Hard #Hit It With A Right Left Right Left :) Roll On With The Punches..
#Words Of Encouragement #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

Sunday 1 March 2015

Message/Illustration: Hurdles In Life

"Jumping Over Hurdles And Obstacles In Life"
Theres Different Types Of Hurdles..
1.Track & Field Hurdles 
2. A Traditional Wattle Hurdle 
3. A Horse Fence, Jumping A Steeplechase type Hurdle 

One Thing I Learnt And Seen In Life, Is That There Will Always Be "Hurdles" Or Challenges In Life..
If Thats Reaching Your Dreams, Relationship Wise, Finance, And Other Things In Life.. You Are Always 'Running & Jumping Over One After The Other' Thats Apart Of Life.. Without These Challenges.. We Wouldn't Be Able To Find Our Potential And Strength During The Hard Times.. Can I Encourage You.. Whatever You Are Going Through Today.. You Are More Than A Overcomer More Than A Conquerer 
#All These Obstacles & Hurdles In Life Are Put In Front Of You #Hurdles Are Stepping Stone or 'Fence Of Section' To Your Greatness #Its A Must To Jump Over These Hurdles #So Much More Ahead Of You #To Jump Over And Seeing What God Has For You On The Other Side :) #Keep Going #Keep On Going.. 
'The Best Is Still Yet To Come, Your Worst Days Are Behind You, Your Best Days Are Still In Front Of You'
#Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed